The Forum > Article Comments > What’s to be gained by an Australian republic? > Comments
What’s to be gained by an Australian republic? : Comments
By Nicola Wright, published 16/1/2018The idea of a reigning monarch who attains their rank by dint of birth sticks in the craw of many. And yet this is one of the greatest benefits of our constitutional monarchy.
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Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 9:29:25 AM
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Let us not forget Camilla Puke-her Bowels!
A central risk for the Monarchy over Australia will be the death of QE II and the onset of Charles III. Prince Charles, on royal inspection, is a dorky wimp, under the thumb of head royal ex-concubine, Camilla Parker "I wear the most his jewelry" Bowels. Camilla Puke-her Bowels, who rules OK? drove admittedly airhead, Diana, to death. In terms of intellect and legitimacy Charlie fails to be a potentially respected Monarch or Head of Australia. For Australia it is essential that a President does Not become a publically elected rival to the Prime Minister. Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 9:45:22 AM
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The Police state 2018, where are we going?
Remembering Eureka, 1854 and the reasons for that event in our history. Responsible government, the primacy of the House of Representatives and even the office of the Prime Minister, are nowhere mentioned in the Australian Constitution, yet these constitutional conventions play a very important role in the successful functioning or process of the Australian Constitution.” "Australia remains one of the few countries in the world without a constitutional charter of rights. This means that rights in Australia are neither inalienable nor inviolable. Rights are granted, protected, limited and potentially removed by acts of government.” …………………………………………………………………………………………………..................................................... Before an almost empty House, the Member for Denison cited the following ten characteristics which – he believes – determine a pre police state: 1 Surveillance of all electronic devices including phone calls SMS Email, SM and metadata would be stored and accessed without warrant from October [2015]. 2 Media manipulation [of the] A.B.C. and S.B.S. cuts, bullying techniques used by ministers against media. 3 Manipulation of the judiciary; example: a Royal Commissioner agrees to go to a party political event. 4 Ludicrous level of secrecy especially in regard to irregular immigration or asylum seekers and ‘on water operations’. 5 Arrests on suspicion of thinking you may do something in the future. 6 People in [Australia] can be incarcerated indefinitely without trial. 7 Disregard to international agreements and international laws that Australian Governments including ignoring their own statutes have signed off on – e.g. The Rights of the Child and The Refugee Convention. 8 Parliament are forbidden to debate upon important decisions such as the government secretly deciding to declare war on Syria. No debate, no vote by [Australian] representatives. 9 Government safeguard mechanisms bullied and disregarded if they get in the governments way – e.g. the mistreatment on the Human Rights Commission [President] recently. 10 Security agencies acting beyond their legal power. Border Patrol going beyond legal powers, [yet] no-one lost her/his jobs, no-one was held to account. (‘Andrew Wilkie warns Parliament that Australia is becoming a police state’, 9 September 2015). Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 10:10:19 AM
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Spurious argument! From the opening sentence to the last!!
Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 16 January 2018 10:59:06 AM
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Albie Manton...
I really think you are suffering from hyper-ventilation. For at least fifty years, I've been hearing a cry that the “police State” is expanding. You know what? The problem is, we don't have enough of them on the streets. Pointless making laws without the manpower to back them up! You are safe, providing this country continues on the path of “defunding” the entire household of its furniture! Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 11:06:45 AM
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There is one huge advantage of having a President with democratic base.
That advantage is that such a President has undoubted democratic authority to bring a government in chaos back to face the people. Twice last century, in Australia, the "Royal" reserve powers were used to resolve chaos in government. The first was in 1932 when Sir Phillip Game as Governor of NSW sacked Jack Lang as Premier of NSW and called on Bertram Stevens to call an election at which Lang was soundly defeated. The send was in 1975 when Governor- General Kerr sacked Whitlam and called on Fraser to call an election, resulting in the greatest landslide against a sitting government in our history.. Lang had refused to pay interest on Government Bonds. The Federal Government passed legislation requiring payment of State revenues into the Commonwealth Bank from which it intended to pay that interest. Lang directed all State revenues to be paid in cash to a NSW Department and directed his public servants to deliver that cash money to his treasury, in defiance of the Commonwealth legislation. Most people understand how a similar chaotic situation arose in 1975. We need unquestioned democratic authority vested in someone to resolve chaos which can arise in any democracy the way Game and Kerr resolved did. We were lucky enough to have two men of remarkable courage and judgment holding the offices of Governor and Governor- General at the relevant times. Next time we may not have that luck. We need a clear democratic base for chaos resolution in times of crisis. \ A person of no political affiliation, appointed by a joint sitting of all houses of all Australian Parliaments would be best. An elected President would be a second choice but would likely lead to politicisation of the office. Posted by Old Man, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 11:25:00 AM
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Diver Dan, do you feel safe in your own neighbourhood ? I do in mine & as you say there are not enough plods on the beat at any given time (a bit like taxis when you need one). There have been instances when I lived in inner Darwin that gave me cause for fear, likewise when I lived in Geraldton, WA... It can happen anywhere I suppose.
What I fear today though is the way the ALP/LNP governments erode at personal freedoms and liberties with the likes of Anti Terrorism laws, the formation of agencies like Border Farce (black uniforms) and the more recent formation of Mr Potato Heads new Homeland Security portfolio. Their powers have not been challenged in court, so it will be interesting to see where this does end up in the scheme of things. It does though have precedent in history with the likes of Mosley, Hitler, Mussolini, Pinochet and Mugabe. Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 11:36:25 AM
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I don't know how anyone can be jealous of the "rank & privilege" of the British royalty.
To my mind, being born into British royalty is more a life sentence than a privilege, all responsibility & not too much care. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 11:41:55 AM
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PS. It appears to me that those who most want a republic are the very ones with the irrational hate of Trump.
Have a care lefties, you may get what you wish for, & hate the result more than you could imagine. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 11:45:11 AM
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The Governor General, an Australian citizen since 1965, already fills the role of Old Man's president and, Pete, while Charles is a tree-hugging, Muslim loving idiot, his presence on the throne will not make any difference to Australia. Things will be just like they are now: stable, dignified and part of our heritage.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 12:28:56 PM
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Yep!...part of our heritage....whatever that may be
Posted by Special Delivery, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 8:31:53 PM
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I believe the advantages to us of the Monachy is greater than the disadvantage.
However if we are foolish enough to go for a republic an elected president would be a disaster. Elect a President and you get a politician. You make a new power base. It cannot be any other way. Fancy President Malcolm, Pres Bill, Pres Kevin, Pres Julia ? Appointed Presidents are where you push unwanted politicians. Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 16 January 2018 10:13:21 PM
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The Republic of Ireland has a directly elected President and the system seems to work well.
But as a solid Irish Republican and an Australian Monarchist, I'm in favour of the status quo. Those who disparage Prince Charles know little about him. Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 17 January 2018 8:06:23 PM
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We Australians have no choice, do we Is Mise?
Behold Dorky Charles playing at Scottie dog laird with his boss Camilla. After so many years as Charles III-to-be dull Charlie still doesn't get it Charles is more likely to organise a Kerr. Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 18 January 2018 11:23:41 AM
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I don't mind showing my hand. Even though being the son of migrants but born here, I am expected to favour a republic.
Quite not so. In fact quite staunchly the opposite. Surprised? I here you say. I have always recognised that England 'OWNS' Australia. I'm very comfortable with that fact. Again you say, why? Well as many have mentioned already, we will end up with a politician. Unlike what we have now. We have another level of guardianship and I like that. We don't need more laws, or police. We need more 'honest' pollies and cops. The reason we don't get any response when we are under physical attack is because the cop scum are out there busilly raising revenue for the polly scum. Stop looking without, start looking within. Stop the pollies from wasting billions on vote seeking popularity agenda. Stop them from siphoning millions into their own back pockets, and their mates. Stop finding new ways to waste money on pathetic minority demands. Stop creating new and useless projects that waste money. All this goes a long way to why they are always seeking more and more money. We would not have the inflation rates we have had if not for this stupid philosophy. Stop these major drains on our budget and we can re-direct funds where they should go. As for the police we have too many as it stands. When the govt stops stealing money and re-directing it to their own ends we won't need the police out there chasing motorists, but back where they were always meant to be; PROTECTING THE PUBLIC FROM IMMEDIATE HARM! So NO we do not need a republic or bill of wrongs or any other trendy idea some morons come up with so they can steal money unchecked. Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 21 January 2018 1:52:31 PM
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You have what you have because you're not entitled to any better.
Them's the facts! Posted by Special Delivery, Sunday, 21 January 2018 3:22:53 PM
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Special Delivery, what do you mean?
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 21 January 2018 4:09:19 PM
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It was not meant as a personal response.....
Perhaps I should have said,' the country has what it has because it deserves no better' Posted by Special Delivery, Sunday, 21 January 2018 8:24:14 PM
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Special Delivery, now I get it and I am not only 110% behind you, I'd like to suggest I am ahead of you.
You are on the right side of the tracks. If only we could convince the ones who 'will not see', then we might start to get some real leadership and justice. Right now it's a joke, and PC is at the forefront of it all promoted by the morons, the greens, the latte sipping crions and a lot more who should be ignored if we are to move forward towards a better future. Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 21 January 2018 9:10:48 PM
Remember, also, that people who come to settle in Australia for obvious reasons are not fleeing monarchies. They are fleeing republics. So piddlers, do not assume support from the increasing number of non-Anglo immigrants you are also fond of.