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The Forum > Article Comments > Our Reef is still Great, but the research isn't > Comments

Our Reef is still Great, but the research isn't : Comments

By Graham Young, published 8/1/2018

This week an infestation of starfish on Swain Reefs heralds the return of more 'reef in crisis' stories, as predictable as summer thunderstorms.

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Shadow Minister

The HELE coal powered stations are a joke, their cost is prohibitive and they are not particularly efficient in reducing CO2.
Likewise, standard nuclear power stations would require huge capital to build. I'm not sure how expensive a thorium reactor would be.

Meanwhile, the cost of renewals is coming down, economies of scale would suggest many people will be able to go off grid once batteries become more affordable.

The IPA promotes HELE power stations which is a clear indication they are not believers in anthropogenic climate change.
Posted by ant, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 3:36:15 PM
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Hi Ant

An even less Christian thing to do is to ruin Australias power supply based on lies causing pensiors to freeze in winter and fry in summer. The lies of the gw movement is evident to anyone wanting yo use 100th of their brains.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 5:58:45 PM
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OK Dan lets deal with a couple of those.

I built 30 jetties on coral atolls & high island fringing reefs. To do this I used old 44 gallon drums welded together to form poor in place cement piles. These had to be hand grafted into the coral. I spent a lot of time up close & personal with coral. I learnt quite a bit about the 35 or so predominant corals in those latitudes.

These were all with in 450 miles of the equator, where the water temperature is 2 to 3 degrees C higher than any area of our reef south of Thursday Island. Amazingly the coral grew, & did not bleach.
Bleaching is caused by more than temperature, or the Red sea, 4 C hotter would not have coral, a discussion for another time if you wish.

That acidification is another furphy put out by the academics, looking for grants, to try to support the global warming myth. Just look at the story logically for a moment.

No amount of CO2 bubbling through the water can effect the PH at all. If it did those big fish tanks at AIMS that have had large volumes bubbling through them for years would by now be so strongly acidic, they would have dissolved the buildings. Noticed there is no evidence to support the story, they have tried very hard, & failed to produce any.

So any CO2 gas given off by a warmer ocean actually reduces the level dissolved in the water, which is of course, the only way it can effect the PH of the water.

If there were any permanent warming, it would result in a less acid ocean.

These stories are put out to fool those who can't be bothered trying to understand the facts, or do some research themselves & of course for fools like Ant, who want to believe them, no matter how bazar.

As I said, I am surprised to think of you in either category.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 9 January 2018 10:15:24 PM
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"The Guardian recently had an article about how contrarian scientists articles when tried to be replicated were found to be wrong."

Struth, a paper by Cook (of the faked 97% consensus fame. and Nazi admirer), Lewandowsky (the fool who did a survey of 1145 people, found 3 who denied both climate change and the moon landing and decided that ths proved that all climate deniers denied all science - quite possible the worst and funniest paper this millennium) and Dana Nuccitelli (4 Hiroshima propaganda). And what do they breathlessly discover. That some papers they don't like use data they don't like. Wow, hold the presses.

Meanwhile, in 2017 alone, over 120 papers were presented that examined the relationship between solar activity, cosmic rays and climate finding various strong correlations back into the 17th century. Hilariously these papers would form part of Cook's 97% because they don't explicitly reject 'the consensus' and the scientist would be excluded from Doran 97% because all Solar scientists were excluded.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 7:16:08 AM
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Hi runner

You say "... The lies of the gw movement is evident to anyone wanting yo use 100th of their brains."

How does your comment fit in with:

. permafrost thawing
. rain bombs
. fish moving North and South of Equator as waters warm
. sunny day flooding
. glaciers melting

Without global warming these matters would not be happening, the points are based on empirical data, not opinion.

It is possible to show through expermentation that CO2 traps warmth. I've seen such an experiment 3 times with the same result each time.

Without greenhouse gases, none of us would be alive, Earth would be too cold.

It would be totally heroic and wrong to suggest any of those points above are lies.

Burning fossil fuels creates greenhouse gases; there is nothing controversial about that statement. Greater amounts of water vapour can be held in the atmosphere as it warms; hence, rain bombs. There should not be anything controversial about water vapour increasing with a warmer atmosphere.

Scientists tell us what is happening in relation to climate change; it is up to policy makers to use the information to create policies beneficial to citizens. Ensuring pensioners live in safe circumstances is part of the role of policy makers. Turnbull keeps saying that it is the role of government to ensure the safety of citizens in relation to terrorism. Surely, that should be a universal view encompassing the well being of pensioners and other citizens.

There are large corporations which utilise infra-structure built by governments such as roads, schools, and hospitals etc, but they pay no tax.

The costs of climate change is increasing; views being presented by the LNP will ensure those costs increase.
Posted by ant, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 8:43:44 AM
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Oceans are acidifying. That is an undisputed scientific fact. The chemistry behind this change, involves CO2 uptake from the atmosphere by ocean water.

All the rest is hollow debate!
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 11:43:26 AM
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