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Hide couture : Comments

By Russell Grenning, published 3/1/2018

Until this incident I was unaware that jewellery could be racist but how woefully mistaken I was.

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I never fail to be amazed at the lack of insight shown by these activists and their cries of cultural appropriation.
Are they truly blind to the sight of black people wearing western design clothes, such as jeans, tshirts, Doc Martin boots etc? Or the black girls who spend a major part of their time straightening their hair to have a more western or eastern look, or wear wigs to cover their crinkly hair?
And as far as I know, underwear is a totally western idea, so how about all these black girls start going commando?
Posted by Big Nana, Wednesday, 3 January 2018 11:29:46 AM
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Oh dear what r we going to be offended by today? Get a life.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 3 January 2018 12:51:51 PM
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What? So you can depict white people, but not black people? Is it now 'racist' to recognise that there are white people, black people and lots of shades in between? And the Nazi reference is bizarre.

The British press are not just bedwetters like ours – they walk around cocking their legs everywhere and barking. And Princess Michael badly let the side down by apologising for doing absolutely nothing wrong. She should have said 'up yours', and 'I'm pleased to have upset the lunatics of the press', or the Royal equivalent of such language.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 3 January 2018 2:28:48 PM
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The snowflakes are melting again.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 3 January 2018 2:58:30 PM
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There's a lot one could say but what would be the point....

so there you are in the water about to drown and someone throws you a bouy....are you going to look at their colour?

'bout time some learned to live and let live
Posted by ilmessaggio, Wednesday, 3 January 2018 3:04:50 PM
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As usual Russel , you are a mine of information. I didn't know about the background of Hugo Boss.I shall have to have a closer look at their lines even if it is only to annoy Snowflakes.Cheers , Laurie
Posted by Aspley, Wednesday, 3 January 2018 3:56:30 PM
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WTF! Some symbols may be offensive, but are surely far and few between! Like the hated swastika or the silver SS emblem that adorned the collars of Nazi sturm troopers?

What's next, withdrawing those old money boxes that had a black man lifting an arm to swallow a coin or removing golliwog soft toys from kids, because some, too precious by half, activist decides to take, clearly confected offence?

As one endlessly complaining victim has over the name coon applied to a cheese pioneered by, Dr Coon. Of our early colonial history.

These same folk often have no problem using genuinely offensive profanity or invective as their every second word!

And need to stop the BS and save the outrage for when it's warranted. i.e., when folks wearing white hoods decide to become the rent a crowd that empowers racist behaviour by some authorities? And confrontational issues like that?

Plus apartheid and all it's sometimes reversed examples! Real racism and actual issues that matter!

Aggressive professional activists can be offended by what you wear, what you look at and by compliments!

If they don't want to assimilate, with the dominant culture replete with antique ornamentation created long long ago! They remain free to return from whence they came!

I'm so over foreign whingers who forever complain about the country, the guvment, our culture or attire, she was looking for it , etc/etc!

I mean what's next? Our fault that a few thugs decided they had a right to smash their way through a jewellery shop helping themselves to whatever took their eye or fancy?

Shape up or ship out!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 3 January 2018 4:20:44 PM
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"Hated Swastika"? well go to Asia and see how many Swastikas there are and they are certainly not hated there. They of course were taken on by the Nazi's from Asia.
Perhaps we have to tell little diddums to harden up as Uncle Chop Chop advises and just to rub it in remark how stylish the SS uniforms were lol!
Posted by JBowyer, Wednesday, 3 January 2018 9:05:40 PM
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Tis a fluff article, worthy of the Silly Season, I think.
Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 3 January 2018 11:05:17 PM
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Seriously?! This is yet further proof of the manifest insanity that's spreading across the globe. When ignorance is put on a pedestal, and every slight or offense is somehow raised to the level of being a form of cultural genocide, then what you have are bedwetting lunatics with their clammy fearful fists on the wheel of life. There can be no "good" ending to this.

As an American I can only hang my head and weep for what once was. Today there are simply pudding-headed fools running loose and given attention when a good back hand to the jaw is required to shake their noggins and set them straight. That the world coddles these idiots tells me that fellow travellers and malcontents are helping them along instead of shaming them into the void.

No! These sirens of mental mediocrity may have a voice, and they can rant all they want, but that doesn't mean anyone has a forced obligation to pay any attention to these morons.

And if they don't like someone "appropriating" something then they sure as hell should stop appropriating letters, numbers or even the very language they've hijacked in making their gibbering demands. Lets see how far that'll go then, eh?
Posted by DoctorFix, Sunday, 7 January 2018 9:38:39 PM
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