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The Shorten bogeyman : Comments

By Tim O'Hare, published 29/12/2017

If Turnbull is willing to dismantle the Liberal brand for his own ego, how then is he any better than Bill Shorten?

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and here we are responding to an article beginning with 'if' puleeze

if I were Superman, how would the world be different?
Posted by ilmessaggio, Sunday, 31 December 2017 2:37:03 PM
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If! If the sky should fall we'd all be runed. If the rains stopped we'd all be runed. If it don't stop raining we'll all be runed.

If those people who ask us to elect them to led don't! Then we will all be toast!

Simply denying climate change and record breaking heat waves while our alleged leaders deny the science that tells us during a normal waning phase of the sun, we ought to be experiencing something very, very different!

Tells us the worst thing that could happen is allowing the current right wing conservative controlled leadership or a shorten led Labor government to replace them? Tountermont to economic suicide and climate change that has to go beyond a tipping point beyond which there's no return.

The demand for electricity simply has to increase with our population numbers and a demand that aircon remains on almost full time!

Don't be fooled by colder winters either, given all that proves is increased global convection due to climate change, that sees one hemisphere getting hotter, while the other experiences unusual cold snaps!

And evidence of increased mixing of higher colder air as are hailstorms with golf ball/cricket ball sized hailstones!

It's time to take the blinkers of and tell foreign investors to take a hike or change our surrendered power generating model to a non carbon producing variety even the third world could afford, giving the way our manufacturing sector is being disassembled before our very eyes we'll soon be joining them!? TBC.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 1 January 2018 8:32:34 AM
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Frog in a slowing heating bowl stuff!

The demonstrable solution FORBIDDEN by the US! And it would seem, here?

We're not just addicted to coal, but chained and fastened to it!


Because, were thorium allowed, it could decimate the worlds most powerful vested interest, fossil fuel business model, a 3-4 trillion dollar PA industry and big nuclear, both would be completely decimated by its inclusion!

That is why!


Why, just a handful of Mumbai beach sand contains enough CARBON FREE thorium to power a populous nation as large as India for a whole year.

Yes I am talking about a nuclear reaction! As I would be if we'd successfully achieved, possibly unachievable, cold fusion.

And in the former case as walk away safe molten salt thorium reactors!


Because just a handful of beach sand could power a nation as populous as India for a whole year!

And not as hypothorectical as some might have you believe, as they do intellectual handstands aimed at preventing the possibility of their investments being runed!

And to hell with climate change and our economic prospects going forward!

The problem with grinning like cheshire cats, con artists, is they believe every too good to be true story? Is more of the stuff they shovel often by the shipload!?

Just as long as they occupy the treasury benches and protect the status quo/vested protected interest!?

CO2 in uncharted territory, and the sun in a waning (cooling) phase!

Yes sure, the climate is changing, has changed! But how is that connected to hypothetical climate change, which believe it or not, is just not happening? is it?

And our economic prospects not disappearing before our very eyes are they? And in one of the allegedly wealthiest countries in the developed world?

A car building industry, affordable power, affordable water affordable housing, affordable life preserving aircon, affordable health insurance, affordable proper nutrition, affordable motoring, affordable/profitable freight forwarding etc/etc..

I rest my case.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 1 January 2018 9:39:04 AM
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Just finished reading a report on thorium, submitted to the Australian parliament. According to NASA scientist/nuclear technologist, Kirk Sorensen, the problems seemingly identified?

Don't occur in LFTR. Because thorium is blended with molten fluoride salt, FLIBE. And treated in another part of the plant, with electrolysis, hydrogen quenching, to hive off xenon gas?

So, can be used in neutron absorbing blanket/continually preparing median for use inside core!

Where criticality/reaction becomes self regulating, walk away safe, cycle or wave.

Moreover, given the built in, adjacent, immediate reprocessing, uses up almost all the fuel, one ton of which, would theoretically power a 350 MW reactor, for 100 years?

We with known 452 tons of it? Around 18% of the world's entire inventory? Very well placed for 1,000 years?

Much, much more if we reprocess nuclear waste, as "unspent fuel" and or more again, if we mine granite, where thorium is also found in sufficient quantity to be commercial?

Moreover, easily recovered via conventional crushing/gravity separation/concentration.

Yes one should burn uranium in a liquid fuel reactor, so as to burn much more of it, but only as waste from a conventional reactor, where it becomes just so much spent fuel for molten salt thorium reactor.

Finding commercial deposits only requires aerial survey, with side looking radar!

I commend the report, although would also venture, Kirk Sorensen would arguably find it a little misleading/marginally incomplete?

Just enough to prevent any serious study being undertaken?

If Labor should win the next election and the one that follows? Any such research with a R+D reactor, would likely be disastrously stalled for full term of their office?

Nuclear energy is not labor policy! Why not? Well because, nuclear energy is not part of labor policy! End of story!

Then we wonder why we have an energy crisis? Why the planet is heating up, even though we should be getter cooler, if natural cycles were still operating as normal!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 1 January 2018 6:24:16 PM
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Posted by ilmessaggio, Wednesday, 3 January 2018 3:27:25 PM
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