The Forum > Article Comments > Weight of history supports Jerusalem as the capital of Israel > Comments
Weight of history supports Jerusalem as the capital of Israel : Comments
By Kate Ashmor, published 8/12/2017Jerusalem has been at the centre of Jewish life, culturally and spiritually, since long before Jesus Christ walked its streets and long before the advent of Islam.
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Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 8 December 2017 9:43:57 AM
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Eh sorry but Jerusalem is an international city under a UN protectorate.
Neither the Israeli govt nor anyone else can declare this city as the capital of Israel. More Zionist craziness Geoff Posted by Geoff of Perth, Friday, 8 December 2017 10:31:58 AM
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Praise be to the God of Israel and His Son Jesus Christ. Despite the rejoicing of evil in Parliament yesterday we see God has not left His throne. Israel will welcome their Messiah.
Posted by runner, Friday, 8 December 2017 10:37:04 AM
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"Kemetic Orthodoxy derives a spiritual lineage from the Ancient Egyptian religion . It was founded in 1988 by Tamara Siuda, who remains its current Nisut or Pharaoh.
Five basic tenets guide the faith of members: Belief in upholding ma'at, Belief in Netjer (the supreme being), Akhu (Ancestor) Veneration, Participation in and Respect for the Community, and Acknowledgment of Siuda as the Nisut Pharaoh." The main temple is in Illinois US, but "next year in Thebes" is the call to the faithful . Christianity spread across Egypt, and in the third and fourth centuries AD, edicts by Christian emperors eroded traditional beliefs. While it persisted among the populace for some time, it took 1500 years for visions of an Egyptian Homeland to boost the faith . Pharaoh Siuda has asked for a US embassy and 67 trillion in star-wars stealth chariots , 3D graphics for pyramid design and 5 tons of gold . Hebrew slavery is an option with Obama defeated and temple-building will need most of Israel to return to their roots. Posted by nicknamenick, Friday, 8 December 2017 10:37:17 AM
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Hmmm, well it does not matter where embassys are located the
Palestinians cannot agree to any recognition of Israel. If Abbas were to make any sort of compromise agreement with Israel he would be dead the next day. The most fanatic of the Arabs such as those in charge in Gaza are quite adamant that there can be no Jews in the Middle East. It is absurd to call the Israelis occupiers when it was the Arab invasion of Mesopotamia that included Judea that made the Arabs the occupiers. The UN's blindness is a result of an agreement made to restart oil supplies after the 1973 embargo. Posted by Bazz, Friday, 8 December 2017 10:38:30 AM
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Keep looking for those title deeds.
Guess they are buried in the sand somewhere. Just very hard to find. Posted by ateday, Friday, 8 December 2017 11:06:27 AM
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Dead right . The Gorsedd Beirdd Ynys Prydain meaning "The Gorsedd of Bards of the Island of Britain" who were invaded by pagan natives from Germany will re-take their capital London , a gift from the eternal city Rome . Welsh people weep with sorrow when they sing of lost glory , and we shall build Jerusalem in this our green
and pleasant land . No Saxons , Arabs or Vikings need apply. Posted by nicknamenick, Friday, 8 December 2017 11:10:47 AM
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Based on a completely false premise and subjectively gathered risible rubbish? That in essence says, God gave this land to me? After the great exodus?
An exodus which may be just as fictional as Jewish claims to Jerusalem? What's next on their shopping list? The great wall of China? Given Kublai Khan was the head honcho of the alleged missing tribe? Must we precipitate WW111? And the Middle East a sea of glass, before there's an end to this nauseating nonsense? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 8 December 2017 11:17:02 AM
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The dullards and anti-Semites don't know anything about history; they are unlikely to remember what they had for breakfast this morning. And, of course, this young lady admitted to a connection with a non-Green/Labor political party. You only have to mention the word 'Israel' to ensure all the anti-Semites come crawling out of the woodwork.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 8 December 2017 11:33:10 AM
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Giday ttbn
However no touché for you. The average OLO commenting punter, still in his jarmies and slippers, has "breakfast this" AFTERNOON. All except for Alan B. who rushes to make the first comment like a seagull to a chip. We of the Pre-Israelite Natufian People's Front correct you and runner. This be our Youtube So there. Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 8 December 2017 11:54:13 AM
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Australia should:
1) Recognise Western-Jerusalem as Israel's capital. 2) Keep its embassy in Tel-Aviv, because it is difficult to travel to Jerusalem without inadvertently crossing through the occupied West-Bank. Both Australian diplomats and innocent Australian visitors, who either aren't too familiar with Israel's local/secondary roads or depend on public transport, should not be required to travel to Jerusalem through the West-Bank for their consular needs. Also, when it snows, Jerusalem and the embassies there would be practically inaccessible, other than by trains which will pass through the occupied West Bank. Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 8 December 2017 12:48:45 PM
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The usual specious Zionist arguments in defence of the indefensible. Israel is a colonial enterprise added and abetted by the US.
Posted by mac, Friday, 8 December 2017 2:51:09 PM
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Vic Liberals with Kate voted this way :" That is until AD70, when all but one wall of the Second Temple was destroyed and the Jews were expelled by the Romans ."
This weight of history and Sabra tanks at 59 tons is wobbly. In AD1770 the Botany Bay defences were destroyed by Royal Navy muskets. That's 1700 years too much weight of history to remove Aboriginal control of Vic and NSW. Arnhem Land expansion into Melbourne will put Liberals in a defensive position. Posted by nicknamenick, Saturday, 9 December 2017 6:13:21 AM
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Looks to me that with the widespread opposition expressed to proposals by Zionist supporters to move the capital of the settler state to Jerusalem, they are probably doing a good job of "shooting themselves in the foot". Is helping draw attention to sordid aspects of the state of Israel, which it seems the more many people find out about, the less they support it. Especially mistreatment of rightful owners of the country ie Palestinians.
Posted by mox, Saturday, 9 December 2017 8:45:52 AM
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Seagull to a chip Pete?
I have to beat you first! And then, when I don't suffer the ignominy of that stuff coming from above that eats the paint off of the car! You create quite a lot of it from time to time. And can render the unwary blind, if it finds the eye of the upward gazer. Lofty statement/squawking, from the writer spruiking from the very top of this thread! Keep on keeping on, I often find your educated erudite work informative and interesting! And do try and keep those tail feathers tucked in, there's a good bloke. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 9 December 2017 10:00:19 AM
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If a lie is repeated often enough, i.e., this land is mine, God gave this land to me, it becomes the truth?
And the best most believable lies are always the biggest! I speak with the absolute authority, given God himself told me so, after he personally handed me 14 holy commandments carved in tablets of stone! And for a nation who almost to a literal generic man, could neither read nor write! An all knowing God, who didn't know that? Li, li, la, la, la, li, li, li, li, hey, hey, etc. There was an exodus that continues to this day. By Jews from around the world who come to claim their divine, (this land is mine, God gave this land to me) inheritance! And which they will defend against all comers, even the dispossessed, they first threw off it and with any and all means! Li, li, la, la, li, li, la,la, li, li! Even if that ushers in Armageddon!? [After all, a divine right remains a divine right! And given that is undeniable truth! God himself will defend it and the chosen people! So how's that going then?] Well might we say then, this land (where neither lizard scratches nor buzzard sours) is yours by divine right (glass topped, holy grave site) and welcome! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 9 December 2017 10:47:55 AM
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Hi Alan B.
[re your Saturday, 9 December 2017 10:00:19 AM comment] I'm glad you took my praise in good heart. Without you trailblazing pre-Noon comments through the year, we of the Still Wearing Jarmies/Slippers at Lunch Brigade would be gobsmacked for words, tapped away by our faltering fingers on our Puters. Which brings me to an observation. After the shocks that are Trump, Chinese influence, Dual Citizenship, and all those Same Sex Divorces to come. "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" Cheers Pete Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 9 December 2017 12:43:11 PM
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Yes Pete, and absolutely no percentage in looking at it any other way. The Irish and their Australian descendants have a saying.
Don't worry too much about life. After all none of us get out of it alive. Or, anyone who thinks he needs a psychiatrist, ought to have his head examined. Cheers, Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 10 December 2017 10:00:32 AM
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Do most of you support Isreal being in a constant civil war?
That's essentially what your position comes to if you support the Palistinians. There is no 2 state peace plan. There is no UN authority in Israel's borders that is helping peace take place. There are two governing bodies in civil war. One keeps it's people in poverty, the other is Israel. One actively makes terrorists, the other again is Israel. Years ago I felt for the Palistinians, because I saw them as the victims. Then I saw the fights. The bimbings, and so much more. The leaders of Palistine do not want peace and fair coexistence. They want Israel gone. Nor do the leaders of Palistine seem to care about their people. Poverty is fine. It fuels their anger and helps enlist fanatics. Support the actual side that will do good. On the other hand though. Does anyone question why Jerusalem is being faught for? It is a holy city in Jewish history, but is not favorably mentioned in the Quaran at all. The only logical reason to keep Jerusalem from being an Israeli city instead of a Palistinian city or a shared city is out of spite and hatred towards Israel. The capital of Israel should not be the issue that Palistine goes to war over. If it does for this reason it will for any other excuse too. Seriously why support them? There is no peace. Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Sunday, 10 December 2017 6:28:44 PM
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( hey google al quds al aqsa)
Posted by nicknamenick, Sunday, 10 December 2017 7:52:17 PM
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The capital of Israel has been Jerusalem since 1948, with the parliament, supreme court etc all based in west Jerusalem. By basing the embassies in Tel-Aviv, foreign embassy staff have to drive 60 km for any meetings with Israeli MPs etc.
That the USA has elected not to continue this farce in the face of Palestinian intransigence is to be applauded. Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 11 December 2017 10:10:50 AM
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On 21 March 2014 , Simferopol officially became the capital of Crimea a new federal subject of the Russian Federation. The referendum was not recognized internationally, and the event was viewed by many as an annexation of the Crimean land by the Russian Federation. Comrade Trump of the Swamp Bolsheviks has laid the foundation-stone of the US embassy and kissed Vladimir the Vulture a property developer with money laundries on the Dead Sea.
Posted by nicknamenick, Monday, 11 December 2017 11:12:16 AM
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Thank you for that information Nick. That helps me understand it a little better.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Monday, 11 December 2017 2:03:00 PM
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The history of the racist enclave of Israel goes back only to the violent foreign Nakba in 1948.
Speak for yourself, Ms Ashmor. Racism is alive in Australia, true, but not the blind, arrogant racism that would move us to follow your prescription for placement of our embassy. A much better idea would be to withdraw it altogether. Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 11 December 2017 8:41:17 PM
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Oh there are three monotheist religions connected to Jerusalem. That Mount Carmel is a strategic religious site, Islam, the crucifixion of Jesus,and the remains of the Temple, that the Roman's destroyed in approx 70 AD, and built the Colosseum out of the bootee, and took hundreds of slaves.
My parents visited the Holy Land before the Israelis dominated the Jordanian held Jerusalem. They had to pass with their passports etc., They make big money out of the tourists showing them alleged Christian historical sites. Even though Jesus Christ was a Jew, remained a Jew, and was not the Messiah as he was not born in Bethlehem but Nazareth that was not under Roman occupation. 'The Nazarene, remember? The golden mosque is out of bounds to Jews. There again religious belief is that this was the site where Mohammad rode his horse to and ascended to heaven. A bit of similarity between Jesus being resurrected and ascending to heaven too. Some Christian fundamentalists take the Hebrew bible literally, not realizing that how long do we know was a God's day. Evolution dictates the stages of evolution took billions of years not 24 hours. We did not walk with dinosaurs as some believe. So, with such a religious furor about who claims Jerusalem as their capital, including the Arab occupation and Crusades. The trouble with Jerusalem is that it is a hot bed of discontent especially between the Palestinians and Jewish occupation of the West Bank. No wonder the UN was wary of naming Jerusalem the capital of Israel, everyone and their dog, (sorry) knows it is traditionally regarded as so. But the on going unrest would not please everyone there if it is officially named the capital of Israel. Too me that is silly Posted by Bush bunny, Tuesday, 12 December 2017 3:17:26 PM
Its likely that animist cavemen were in Israel first.
The oldest evidence of early humans in the territory of modern Israel, dating to 1.5 million years ago, was found in Ubeidiya near the Sea of Galilee. Other notable Paleolithic sites include caves Tabun, Qesem and Manot. The oldest fossils of anatomically modern humans found outside Africa are the Skhul and Qafzeh hominins, who lived in the area that is now northern Israel 120,000 years ago. Around 10th millennium BCE, the Natufian culture existed in the area.
The rights of animists with essential Natufian habits predate the Jews.
And some will come forward, paying homage to their inner Natufian. Arise Natufians! Occupy Jerusalem condos - financed by Netanyahu's questionable submarine purchase earnings.
Read this and weep anti-Natufians
So there.