The Forum > Article Comments > No party winners in this Queensland election > Comments
No party winners in this Queensland election : Comments
By Graham Young, published 15/11/2017It's a product of leaders past and present, an incompetent Labor campaign and an effective Greens one, and macro themes running through politics around the globe.
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And wanted a new referendum when the will of the people narrowly represented a view not held by the dismissive abstainers!
Hillary Clinton won the popular vote but lost the college vote, due to the interference of Putin's Russia!
Working class people in the US are often denied a vote by ballots traditionally held on Thursday, a working day where time off is hard to get!
If it were held at the weekend, I believe there would have been a larger turnout of working class voters and less ability of the college vote to simply ignore the patently expressed will of the people!
At the end of the day all we the people have to effect change we can all believe in is at the ballot box! And as shown in Britain and the US, not rolling up to vote can have some unexpected, unwelcome circumstances!
Even so, some disgruntled minorities will always claim that voting is a waste of time!
Yes it clearly is, but only for those whose views don't reflect the wider majority! Or want to conflate something with something else!?
As those in Britain and the US found out, not turning up to vote can result in an outcome they never ever wanted! And wouldn't have got if they only bothered to vote!
It's the only time we the people have power! Use it and argue your case, to effect change we can all believe in! Like say, power for 2-3 cents PKH!
Alan B.