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No party winners in this Queensland election : Comments

By Graham Young, published 15/11/2017

It's a product of leaders past and present, an incompetent Labor campaign and an effective Greens one, and macro themes running through politics around the globe.

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Looks like a mess. Voters are clearly fed up with party hacks and people looking for a job for life, but long complacency has left them thrashing about ineffectively.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 15 November 2017 7:39:37 AM
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A close run thing or a hung parliament? And as likely as not Graham? That said one or other of the majors has a chance to break through with something, both bold and doable! As opposed to just lambasting the other side AGAIN and AGAIN!

Folk are over, what the other side did or didn't do, and desperately want to hear some positive messages. That disregards/eliminates Putin's web!

Like the LNP is prepared to trial molten salt thorium power and rolled out under the banner of cooperative capitalism and then couple that to similar deionization dialysis desalination.

Malcolm wants innovation, the becalmed in the 19th century country is screaming for it and the industrial Renaissance it alone will bring.

The government/contesting parties need to reevaluate, stop thinking like always squabbling, local council bean counters and start thinking like CEO's of a, Corporate Queensland!

What Queensland and Qeenslanders need and don't have, unless government gets it for them is, affordable reliable power and affordable reliable water!

Promise those two and show how it's possible! Along with a miracle cancer cure! And quite massive medical tourism!

Is any of it possible? Clearly, all of it is! Via cooperative capitalism that absolutely, brings everyone along for the ride!

Then, my fellow Queenslanders, [to put a few words in a real (visionary) leaders mouth,] capture the imagination and the landslide victory it could produce this time, the next and next etc/etc, if fully and comprehensively followed through!

If that's too hard? Vacate the field and the contest! Putin's puppets are waiting!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 15 November 2017 7:56:51 AM
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Major polls are notorious for only conducting their work where it doesn't require an STD Call... ie a few main cities and nearby surrounding Areas.....

I suspect that the countryside has heavily turned off The LNP , the ALP and they have never liked The Greens.... So what does that leave.....?

It is going to be very messy and will guarantee a hung Parliament..
Posted by Aspley, Wednesday, 15 November 2017 8:18:13 AM
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A hung parliament? Unless?

The two majors preference each other, to effectively, sideline the tail waging the dog, minors? Then just let the contest of ideas decide who wins what!

And by remaining true to your own values, rather than imposed from without by disruptive dividers and the usual idiots!

Cooperative capitalism is the way forward! It sidelines the unions and debt laden, tax avoiding, profit repatriating foreigners looking for a captive market and a free ride, e.g., Adani?

One need look no further than our own Maleny to see how remarkably successful cooperative capitalism is! And that it is, above all else, free market private enterprise at its very best.

Moreover allows our money to stay far longer in the community working in it and for it, as opposed to greed driven, debt laden tax avoiding profit repatriating foreign investors!

Finally and to reiterate, cooperative capitalism also sidelines unions, which it renders, both redundant and irrelevant!
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 15 November 2017 8:38:31 AM
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Those who finance elections as private/opaque donors, must be told in no uncertain terms! They're not buying either influence or favourable outcomes!

Moreover, this is to be the last election anywhere where any of this democracy destroying rubbish is possible!

Crowd funding and or the electoral commission needs to alone, or in transparent combination, provide electoral funding and that ought to be L.A.W. law!

And Aunty ought be the only one giving prime time, and rationed time to any properly registered candidate and electoral debates!?

Further, the Labour party needs to fully embrace and include democracy, rather than union heavies to decide pre-selection outcomes!

Always providing, we have enforceable laws that prevent branch stacking and parachuted in, candidates!

In conclusion let me add this observation.

Co-ops stood almost alone as the only private enterprise business model, that mostly survived the Great Depression, largely intact!

We are not yet in the grip of a Great Depression nor even a recession?

But a economy harming stagnation of sorts and couldn't be harmed in any way whatsoever! By government facilitated and financed, our own Maleny style, cooperative capitalism, in (nuclear) energy (desalinated) water, (home made bio) gas and industrial manufacture, across the board!

As a snowballing and never before matched, economic Renaissance!
Alan B
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 15 November 2017 9:22:23 AM
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If Pauline Hanson could stop advertising how plain stupid she is; and that with her own mouth, she would be a more viable contender.

People are desperate for an alternative to the insulting two party system. It's past due time for non-compulsory voting, as in America. Voting is an increasingly pointless exercise!
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 15 November 2017 1:16:17 PM
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A bunch of inner city elitists thought that voting was pointless when the referendum to go or stay in the EU? Was conducted in Britain!

And wanted a new referendum when the will of the people narrowly represented a view not held by the dismissive abstainers!

Hillary Clinton won the popular vote but lost the college vote, due to the interference of Putin's Russia!

Working class people in the US are often denied a vote by ballots traditionally held on Thursday, a working day where time off is hard to get!

If it were held at the weekend, I believe there would have been a larger turnout of working class voters and less ability of the college vote to simply ignore the patently expressed will of the people!

At the end of the day all we the people have to effect change we can all believe in is at the ballot box! And as shown in Britain and the US, not rolling up to vote can have some unexpected, unwelcome circumstances!

Even so, some disgruntled minorities will always claim that voting is a waste of time!

Yes it clearly is, but only for those whose views don't reflect the wider majority! Or want to conflate something with something else!?

As those in Britain and the US found out, not turning up to vote can result in an outcome they never ever wanted! And wouldn't have got if they only bothered to vote!

It's the only time we the people have power! Use it and argue your case, to effect change we can all believe in! Like say, power for 2-3 cents PKH!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 15 November 2017 6:34:13 PM
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If politicians manipulate the electorate with such devices as compulsory voting, then it is reasonably safe to conclude, the benefits of the “dictate” will fall towards them!
In crude terms, it stinks like a dead rat!

Compulsory voting does not the educated make.

I would suggest, if compulsory voting was forced into redundancy, the uneducated electorate would be likewise forced into submission, by actually using democratic means, eg recent survey for ssm, with democratic outcomes!

As with the example of ssm survey, the stupid in the community, could be corralled with the usual politicians fibs, into believing “black was white”, giving democracy the edge over reason!
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 16 November 2017 5:20:09 AM
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At present I sense the result might be either a Labor majority or a LNP minority. That is, a majority LNP government is unlikely.

Trad evidences much that is dysfunctional about the Palaszczuk Labor government and Labor should be turfed. Governments get voted out rather than oppositions winning. But in this case it is the Opposition that is being cold shouldered.

That means that the LNP has been performing very poorly in opposition, not that it has not shed a previous alleged sad image of Newman. It is not Newman's fault. The work is done well before, where voters can be lost if individual members are not active enough in the community. It is LNP members individually who have squandered the chance of a fresh approach based on their community's needs and expectations.

There is usually too much emphasis put on the conduct of election campaigns.
Posted by leoj, Thursday, 16 November 2017 10:28:50 AM
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I agree in some part to your theory, but the theory does not stand up to scrutiny, when rusted-on voters are taken into account.

So how do we arrive at a figure to represent them?

But I may be an example that confirms your theory. I have already decided not to support my National Party rep. I contacted him about his public stand for pro Gay Marriage, and was met with stony silence. So I will now reciprocate in kind!
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 16 November 2017 3:14:46 PM
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diver dan,

It is a State election but where the Nats are concerned their members and prospective voters have long memories where the party puts electoral convenience ahead of principle. That is where national as in federal affects State election voting.

You mentioned SSM and many voters would go along with you, along with others who remember that clown Ted Fischer, who has stuck his head up recently to rekindle the embers of hatred for his treachery under Howard. It all rebounds on the Nats.

On the other hand, conservative Labor members and there are many, seem much more reluctant to remind their arrogant leadership who is the master. That could change in a State election, where for instance the present premier has had such blatant disregard for public safety regarding the drug trafficking bikie gangs.
Posted by leoj, Thursday, 16 November 2017 3:53:10 PM
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