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Religion, science denial, and our evolutionary roots! : Comments
By Brian Morris, published 24/10/2017Religion is a man-made construct, and its flawed origins are rooted in the primitive recesses of our limbic brain - and distorted by our innate survival mechanisms.
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Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 24 October 2017 8:34:03 PM
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AJ, where did I ever say homosexuality was a choice? What I said was it doesn't have a biological origin. And no, there is not any " gay gene". If you are talking about epigenetics then that is presumed environmental influence upon a portion of DNA, and is still a very controversial topic.
Many of our life compulsions and desires and drives have a psychological or psychiatric base, and that is another issue up for debate in this area. Posted by Big Nana, Tuesday, 24 October 2017 9:07:28 PM
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Big Nana,
Your second post addressed to me was actually AlanB, not me. <<Just because something is done doesn't mean it is normal.>> I know. A lot of what people do is not practiced by the majority. I don’t see what this has to do with anything I’ve said, though. <<People have sex with every imaginable living and dead and ininimate object possible, but our acceptance of those acts is purely based on our emotional response, not any scientific evidence.>> This is a false dilemma. There is a third possibility: that we come to a rational conclusions based on what is harmful and what is not. <<In fact various cultures have different ideas on what is acceptable and what is not.That's based on emotion, not biological fact.>> Or rational conclusions based on objective considerations. <<And there is absolutely no proof that transgenderism has a biological base.>> Yes, there is: <<It has a pyschiatric base, like anorexia, or body dysmorphic syndrome.>> What is the evidence for this? <<The very fact that 80% of children who believe they are transgender change their mind by the time they are adults shows this is an emotional response to external triggers …>> Ah, the infamous 80% statistic. You're a bibliography of flawed studies. No, this was based on a misleading study in 1995, which conflated transgenderism and a more general gender non-conformance. It’s no wonder it found that 80% of the subjects had changed by the time they were in high school. <<Gender theory is called that because that's all it is, a theory, not scientific fact.>> I believe Toni Lavis has already addressed this. Is the theory of gravity called a theory because it’s not a scientific fact? What about evolution? Posted by AJ Philips, Tuesday, 24 October 2017 10:24:23 PM
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Dear Spocky,
I thinks there's flaws in many of your arguments; I think you're full of your own bs and I take offense to your garbage, because I can find rational arguments in PRETTY MUCH ALL OF the things you casually discredited. Climate Science, who cares - none of us are going to live forever and humans have been dealing with climate change for thousands of years. - Which is why there is a accurate map of the coastline of Antarctica which currently sits under 1 mile of ice. The beach is still in virtually the same place it was when I was a kid 40yrs ago. Can you control the earths axis; and solar output? Did humans invent refridgeration and air conditioning in the last 100yrs? Have humans not shown their ability to adapt during the last million years? Anti Vaxxers - I get put in that category despite the fact I'm not against the science of innoculation. I'm against families being mandated to vaccinate and the lack of informed consent of the potential side effects of vaccines - marketed as safe and effective which are not. Tell me why is there a massive increase in autism / child cancer etc? Why don't you be fair and tell the whole story instead of cherry picking? Marriage Equality. I opposed SSM on the basis that I oppose the sexual indoctrination of children with a LGBT agenda, and the victimisation of other members of the community. Now personally I have no interest in what goes on in gays bedrooms, it's none of my business but I don't think men who decide to become women should be hanging round the female toilets, and I don't think taxpayers should subsidise their sex change operations / treatments either. Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 25 October 2017 12:25:29 AM
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Voluntary Assisted Dying, I think people should be able to choose their exit. But only until someone 'logical' thinks its rational to put a ramshot in the back of everyones heads because the cost of care is not economically viable to keep them alive any longer. How long from when it passes till you have death panels? Probably do now. Donalds Trumps 'Alternate facts' were actually factual. Protests on Inaugruation day were timed and located to deliberately prevent people from entering the inaugruation, and the image often used to discredit the turnout was taken at 9am hours before the event actually started... Don't try to put me in a box, selling your crappy narrative. I agree with some of your thinking, but in the bigger picture I think you've got more or less everything around the twist. Your just trying to sell your own ideas and beliefs and I'm not sure you've thought about it all as rationally as what you think you have. Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 25 October 2017 12:26:08 AM
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Runner writes Tuesday, 24 October 2017 10:38:39 AM P2: "....oh well anything to deny the obvious (design requires Designer, creation demands a Creator)."
And here we have exactly the phenomenon, in its pristine glory, that Brian Morris identifies. The only "obvious" element of which he speaks is fantasy. Where is the design? Where is the creation?" Reason in reverse is the process du jour for such intellectual perversion. From an uncountable number of universes, each one unique in its properties, one so far has had those properties that made life as we perceive it possible. There may be others. This "designed" Universe is fatally hostile to us outside of our planet. Clearly, this Universe was not "designed" with humans in mind. Our mouths were "designed" with too many teeth, hence many of us suffer the agony of wisdom teeth. "Wisdom"? Our spine is "deslgned" much more suitably for an animal that walks on four legs. Hence heavy manual labour and the prevalence of back pain and injuries. Just three examples of "design" As for "creation", scientific accomplishments make the mention of the word in this context an utterly risible proposition. Paleontology has evealed that there are thousands upon thousands of missing links within the Animal Kingdom, which includes humans. A refusal to admit it by you places you at the ratbag end of the intellectual spectrum with all creationist ilk. Science doesn't give a damn for your perversity and closed mind. It ignores you and that pisses you off, doesn't it? Posted by Pogi, Wednesday, 25 October 2017 12:49:04 AM
What matters is how you live life and how you respond to it…it's that simple in the end. That's how the great preacher Christ described it too, in his own words. Keep it simple stupid, KISS theory, Christ invented it!