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The Forum > Article Comments > Marriage and freedom: promises ring hollow until the states act > Comments

Marriage and freedom: promises ring hollow until the states act : Comments

By Bernard Gaynor, published 29/9/2017

The legal definition of what constitutes incitement to hatred, serious contempt, severe ridicule or even offence has changed radically as the legal system has recognised homosexual relationships.

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Why is it the increasingly apparent fact, homosexuals are tucking in behind the law and taking this country step by step into anarchy.

What is the Russian involvement? Historically, unionism, irrespective of its left and right internal leanings, has been groomed by Soviet communism.
Since the demise of worker participation through membership of a union in the workplace, unions have abandoned the working class to their own fate, and usurped the movement with a power grabbing union executive.

The well oiled machine is used entirely for political and personal purposes through the Labor Party in particular.

If we open our eyes even a little, the power base and field of influence of the nefarious group of homosexual social terrorists, is easy to plot. The damage they cause to society is more stark!

Their actions are a violent affront, not to free speech alone, but to survival itself, for its opponents. And if you call serving a jail sentence for opposing the dogma, as not a task of personal survival in a lonely and desperate neutral gear, then you are deluded.

[Deleted. Incitement to violence.]
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 29 September 2017 9:50:57 AM
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As always with this extreme recalcitrant, science and evidence fail to make a dent in his obviously brainwashed convictions. And therefore hardly surprising he has spent so much real time before various anti discrimination authorities, being brought to task for very real discrimination?

I can't see how one could say more, given it would just be pearls cast before swine. Quote unquote. Except I urge you to say NO to this blatant BS merely masquerading as civil thoughtful comment! YES?

I say this as a hetrosexual parent, rather than some banner waving, jack booted zealot, spewing verbal vomit?

Redemption awaits!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 29 September 2017 10:08:48 AM
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You are a national hero Bernard. Unfortunately regressives can't help but lie about most things. Whether it be Islam, perverting the marriage act or the gw scam. They have dumbed down the getup clowns and are professional tantrum throwers and easily embrace nastiness and violence. God help future generations.
Posted by runner, Friday, 29 September 2017 10:47:28 AM
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As always with runner his personal opinions on all matters. They carry far more weight than irrefutable evidence and centuries old science!

And for starters that science tells us, i.e., when the solar furnace in the sky goes into a cyclical waning phase, much like a nuclear reactor giving off neutron eating products, it slows everything down including the reaction.

And as a normal cyclical event, creates a cooler period, like say the last mini ice age that allowed Australia to be settled by the original inhabitants and or those who followed.

Over land bridges created by shrinking sea levels that instead became frozen collecting glacial or polar ice!

And given our sun has been in a waning phase and since the mid seventies. (NASA)

Ought now be creating the very opposite to measurable global warming, replete with record breaking heatwaves and hurricanes, melting permafrost and tundras!

Even when intellectual giants like runner assume and postulate, this is not so?

Let's not have the verifiable facts get in the way of a good story, or yet another gw conspiracy theory? Eh runner?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 29 September 2017 11:33:36 AM
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Some of the "ACTIVISTS" protesting herein just can't understand that homosexuality has already been decriminalized as has mixed race marriages. And without the expected floodtide of more of the same!

And that today, anybody who wants to, live in a same sex de facto relationship, has already done so, without destroying the neighborhood, having the horses bolt.

Or having the sky fall or the sun to be compelled to go dark, alongside storm, tempest, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that then destroy the known world?

So, a NO vote will make all that go away? Right?

THese bone pointing, dark age obsessed activists/control freaks are demonstrably confounded by fact filled education replacing indoctrinated falsehoods!? Their real objection to safe schools and less parental control/brainwashing!?

WE are being prevented from filling our fear created BS, into ours and their kids heads, they complain, by the marshaled evidence based factual data?

And just as daft as saying, when we finally accepted left handedness, as a naturally occurring aberration and allowed, born that way, lefties to just do their thing, it would/will create more lefties?

Or that mixing with colored folk will rub off and color the kids?

Let's not have the facts and verifiable evidence get in the way of dark age brainwashing? Go burn a few books. Jawohl?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 29 September 2017 12:17:00 PM
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Let me get this straight?

Discrimination is defined as:
'The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.'

However, the SS lobby say they are discriminated against? However I as a heterosexual male can't marry a man, nor can a heterosexual woman marry another woman (under current Australian law as it is defined). Therefore all Australian people are in the same boat. Therefore there is no discrimination full stop.

Therefore, the entire argument for SSM based on discrimination is no longer a valid argument, or am I missing something?

Additionally, how can we change a law if there is no basis for that law to be changed, maybe I am confused?

Posted by Geoff of Perth, Friday, 29 September 2017 12:53:17 PM
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