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The Forum > Article Comments > UN, EU and Trump should heed 1989 Balfour Declaration > Comments

UN, EU and Trump should heed 1989 Balfour Declaration : Comments

By David Singer, published 12/9/2017

The demand by the PLO to establish that third state – in addition to Jordan and Israel – in the territory comprised in the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine – remains unrealised in 2017.

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Yes the Balfour declaration? And like the illegal annexation of the Crimea? The act of a powerful SState annexing the sovereign territory of a foreign state which they fought on, because as a SSelf declared right, they could!

What the SState of Israel ought heed, is the already agreed and ratified road map and the consequent two state solution.

No amount of tricky, weasel words from the pen of a SSlippery, puffed up popinjay, highly presumptuous suburban lawyer, who excels in mediocrity, is able to make that go away!

Just to justify the unjustifiable, excuse the inexcusable or defend the indefensible! As exemplified by the ongoing expansion of the illegal SSettlements!

One would have thought by now, even someone as ideologically constrained/motivated as a blatantly blinkered SSinger, would understand, you can't polish a turd.

Least not a brand new one that SStinks to high heaven!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 12 September 2017 9:18:16 AM
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Dear Alan,

«What the SState of Israel ought heed, is the already agreed and ratified road map and the consequent two state solution.»

What do you want from the poor state of Israel, Alan?

Just like Iran and many Arab states which were hijacked by the interests of Muslim extremists, Israel was hijacked by Jewish extremists who care only for their own interests. They have a term for the state of Israel: "Messiah's donkey"!

The stupid donkey is supposed to shed blood, sweat and tears so that their rider can have a comfortable and easy ride.

So next time, Alan, please blame the rider, not the helpless donkey.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 12 September 2017 9:58:37 AM
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Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
Give it a rest singer.
Its the same propaganda and fatuous arguments over and over and over.
You are not convincing anyone.
Posted by mikk, Wednesday, 13 September 2017 7:07:24 AM
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#Alan B

1. Israel offered to cede its claims in 95% of the territory of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) in 2008 and disengaged from all of Gaza in 2004. The Arabs however want 100%. They will not get it and indeed will probably get considerably less now in any future negotiation. They have missed the bus yet once again - just as they did in 1923, 1937, 1947, between 1948 and 1967 and in 2000. At least they are consistent in their ability to always say "No".

2. The ratified road map (with 14 Israeli reservations) has failed to materialise for the reasons in 1 above. It could have been all over red rover in 2008 but the PLO rejected Israel's offer as set out in 1 above. That offer will not return - given what has happened since to Syria,Iraq,Lebanon,Libya,Yemen,Gaza,Egypt and Qatar.

3. Love your ad hominem attack on myself. Always signifies the insulter has no argument to the article's content.

4. The settlements are not illegal. They are legally sanctioned by the territory-specific legislation contained in article 6 of the Mandate for Palestine and article 80 of the United Nations Charter.

Interestingly I note you are always the first to post a comment to my articles. Usually it has little to do with the content and more to do with your extreme Jew-hatred. No wonder you hide under a nom-de plume.
I am flattered that you must stay awake all night to get in first when my articles are published. If you tell me your full name and address I will send you an autographed photo that you can keep by your bedside.


You owe me an apology before I will respond to your comments again. Remember?


Why do you keep reading my articles if they are the same over and over again?

Care to enumerate in this article what you regard as:

1. propaganda?
2. fatuous arguments?

Enough of your unsubstantiated blah,blah,blah.
Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 13 September 2017 7:12:38 PM
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Dear David,

«You owe me an apology before I will respond to your comments again. Remember?»

I will apologise if and only if my earlier claim about your motive was incorrect.

My claim was:

"While you avoided saying so explicitly, what other outcome could there possibly be from such "negotiations", except for Israel to take the full responsibility/sovereignty for that cursed territory?

And this is just the outcome you want"

I must therefore ask you directly:

Is it not the case that your purpose in presenting this whole series of articles, is to promote an outcome whereby Israel and/or the Jewish people, will end up in control of the West Bank, or at least as much of it as possible?

If this was not your intention, then I apologise.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 13 September 2017 8:02:54 PM
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No No No Yuyutsu .. the claim to which I took exception was not your following claim:
"While you avoided saying so explicitly, what other outcome could there possibly be from such "negotiations", except for Israel to take the full responsibility/sovereignty for that cursed territory?"

What makes you want to engage in such lying and deception? What the hell makes you tick?

The two claims of yours to which I specifically took exception were:

1."But the author is not committed to peace either, nor cares about Israel's welfare. His sole aim is to bring those cursed territories under Jewish control; and he wants Israel to do that dirty work for him."

2. "And this is just the outcome you want, as you believe that Israel sits in your little pocket to serve your Jewish ambitions with its blood, sweat and tears."

I asked you to withdraw these false and misleading remarks.

I further made it clear that if you were not man or woman enough to do so, then have the guts to give me your full name and address so I can take legal action against you.

I will not accept any belated apology from you now. You have just dug your own grave. Good riddance.

So far as I am concerned you are from now on persona non grata when posting comments to my articles. They will not receive the courtesy of a reply other than to repeat this comment so that readers can judge what a totally dishonest and conniving person you are.
Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 13 September 2017 9:11:38 PM
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Dear David,

So by diverting my direct question you seem to concede that it is indeed your aim through all this series of articles to promote Israel's sovereignty over the West Bank. You can still tell us if this is not the case, then I will apologise - including for my previous remarks, which are merely conclusions from the above.

The logic is simple: as this continued occupation obviously hurts the Israeli people, it is implied that you are happy to sacrifice them for your Jewish ambitions. This is not the behaviour of someone who cares!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 14 September 2017 1:04:33 AM
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I repeat:

The two claims of yours to which I specifically took exception were:

1."But the author is not committed to peace either, nor cares about Israel's welfare. His sole aim is to bring those cursed territories under Jewish control; and he wants Israel to do that dirty work for him."

2. "And this is just the outcome you want, as you believe that Israel sits in your little pocket to serve your Jewish ambitions with its blood, sweat and tears."

I asked you to withdraw these false and misleading remarks.

I further made it clear that if you were not man or woman enough to do so, then have the guts to give me your full name and address so I can take legal action against you.

I will not accept any belated apology from you now. You have just dug your own grave. Good riddance.

So far as I am concerned you are from now on persona non grata when posting comments to my articles. They will not receive the courtesy of a reply other than to repeat this comment so that readers can judge what a totally dishonest and conniving person you are.
Posted by david singer, Thursday, 14 September 2017 5:43:05 AM
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In my view , Yuyutsu's opinion about Singer's opinion is a gratis legal action digging a deeper hole into obscurity of the 4th Lord Balfour, county councillor for East Lothian. He failed to get any action in Google for 1989 Balfour Declaration and is suing D Singer Spam for half the West Bank with interest.
Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 14 September 2017 6:41:17 AM
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All I know is the Arabs continually deflect their own wrong doings and aggression onto others. Israel occupied the land around Israel as a buffer zone against constant attacks from the Arab side.
Then there was the six day war, where four Arab states raced over and attacked Israel and got their butts kicked in six days, by the Israelies. It was called the “6 day war”. The Arabs of course never mention it.

The way the Arabs carry on about the Jews occupying territory is ironic to say the least, considering, the millions of Arab populations, coming to Western countries and taking over big areas that are a no- go zone for the original inhabitants.

Another thing is,the Jews are a hardworking, capable, people. Israel is a well run State, a shining Jewel compared to their Arab neighbours who seem incapable of running a prosperous society. I read somewhere that 60% of
Palestinians are unemployed and they are in danger of running out of food in 20years. Could that be caused by the Muslim habit of overpopulating, or is it caused by the shutting down of creative, scientific thinking, so the Imams can hold onto power.

So the Palestinians, look across to the shining, beckoning Jewel of Israel, the well run hospitals, schools, parks and gardens, and they think, that should be- long to them. After all, they are Allah’s chosen ones. It never occurs to them
that if they managed to overrun Israel, it would end up as just another poorly run slum that they are not capable of running. A society, that doesn’t oppress and subjugate its people so it leaves the whole of society to move forward.

They say actions speak louder than words. There were 15 tunnels trying to break into Israel, found and shut down by the Israelie soldiers in the last attack. It looks like the Arabs are voting with their shovels to get into Israel,

Whereas there are no Israelies building tunnels to get into Palestine. That says a lot.
Posted by CHERFUL, Thursday, 14 September 2017 7:30:56 PM
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