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The Forum > Article Comments > Who can remember what 'ministerial responsibility' meant? > Comments

Who can remember what 'ministerial responsibility' meant? : Comments

By Russell Grenning, published 7/9/2017

'I, as Minister, must accept full responsibility for any mistakes and inefficiency of officials of my department, just as, when my officials bring off any success on my behalf, I take full credit for them.'

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Responsible politician??
Yet another political oxymoron.
All our lot can do is blame someone else. Responsibility Whazzat??
Posted by ateday, Thursday, 7 September 2017 8:41:03 AM
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Also interesting, there are over one million owner households in Australia with tax payer subsidised solar panels taking advantage of cheap electricity, while the majority of Australians not owning a home are plundered mercilessly by private providers.

That is a stark reality of responsible politics.
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 7 September 2017 9:52:07 AM
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Sir Thomas sounded like your average corporate psychotic, being brutally honest!?

Ministerial responsibility? Like being responsible for unaffordable housing, unaffordable energy, stagnant wages growth etc/etc? WE call it, duck shoving!

As always, when politician are quarantined from the consequences of their decisions. We see these and worse outcomes!

Complete lack of future vision and the best long term options set aside in favor of electoral opportunism!

And not enough real difference in either of the major parties, to make very much difference that really counts! Except when dictatorial Autocrats, con the mugs out there in mugsville, to hand them the reins of power?

Thus we had the ubiquitous, cascading GST rammed down our collective necks and popular social justice/equality resisted, with equal equanimity?

Slightly off topic, but related to lack of real accountability?

The cost of the cracking of the water molecule to produce hydrogen, is as costly as the energy deployed!

i.e., Energy that could cost as little as 1 cent PKH, makes as much as a couple of tons of hydrogen for that one cents worth of energy!

A very long time ago a visionary national leader proposed a national gas grid, but was howled down by the usual detractors! As being far too costly!?

Today, if we rolled out a national gas grid, and we still need one! we'd pay four times as much for it!

This is what is wrong with our decision makers!

No real vision or foresight and a crippling inability to walk in other folks shoes, yet purport to make decisions for them!

One of which, simply has to be, nuclear energy! And needs to be started now! Even where that causes various ministerial/pollies personal fossil fuel investment portfolios to lose value!

They govern for us, not themselves, nor he who must be Obied! ALLEGEDLY!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 7 September 2017 11:10:39 AM
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Yes DD,
All it takes to make solar responsible is to legislate that EVERY new building has rooftop solar panels fitted.
And every existing building has them retrofitted.
Posted by ateday, Thursday, 7 September 2017 3:54:34 PM
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Absolutely ateday! And legislate that those who can't afford them and never ever will, must be able to afford them! Ditto housing and energy!

It's amazing what you can change with sane rational legislation?

Why aren't you running the country?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 7 September 2017 5:52:10 PM
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Hullo Alan
"ThorCon requires less resources than a coal plant. Assuming efficient, evidence based regulation, ThorCon can produce reliable, carbon free, electricity at between 3 and 5 cents per kWh depending on scale."
"Hydrogen has 39Kwh /kg. At 75c kg that's 2 cents kwh fuel cost".
How do you get 1 cent?
Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 7 September 2017 6:10:55 PM
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