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Discovering the real history of our peoples : Comments

By Graham Young, published 1/9/2017

The uproar over the use of the word 'discover' is the latest skirmish in a war over two equally mythical views of Australian history.

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Perhaps the real history, will remain forever clouded thanks to reviews and revision of oral history, replete with regular updating and amending? To suit a current professional victim narrative?

We give extreme credence to stolen generation claims, but gloss over absolutely abysmal treatment of fatherless light skinned folk by their tribal cousins. MAKING LIGHT SKINNED KIDS PAY FOR THE SINS OF DEADBEAT ABSENT FATHERS! Or tribal wars, color coded infanticide, child brides, forced marriage and polygamy.

Yes let's get the real history down in black and white so as it becomes just a little more difficult to edit for (black armband) political convenience?

And let's get the radicalizing strangers with their hidden agendas gone and back where they came from!

They're not interested in recognition or reconciliation just stirring, fomenting unrest and worse! Without recognition and reconcilliation, it'll become, history repeating itself, a dastardly crime to be born white!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 2 September 2017 10:58:01 AM
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Capt Cook discovered his forced marriage to colour coded gin and tonic and Lt Banks the absent father stole his kids. He wasn't the first European to have cabin boys over a barrel.
Posted by nicknamenick, Saturday, 2 September 2017 11:05:35 AM
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Oh Diver Dan, you are so cruel.

You surely don't expect any of the ABC lovies to have learnt anything in their short lives.

They ingest all their knowledge by FEEL, not learning. They can feel what is right, or where the coastline was 12000 years ago, just like they know it is hotter today, they feel the global warming they waffle on about.

It would destroy their Friday night dinner parties, if any of them actually has even a vague idea of what they were talking about.

Facts, my god, you can't be serious.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 2 September 2017 11:47:36 AM
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Well hasbeen, I have a cynical view of land claims. Sea claims to me appear to be an added and new twist which matches my conspiratorial scheming mind. How easy is it to fob off vast tracts of public land for foreign investment when it is controlled by a handful of government appointed Elders.

And likewise, how simple for Governments to become the God of the Cargo Cult by offering tokens to Aboriginal communities, as they assist their corrupt Chinese mates to take Control of Aboriginal land and offer it to Chinese land developers.

Sea claims will make these tracts of land even more attractive by including what was once public beaches.
Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 2 September 2017 1:27:40 PM
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Very well done Graham. As a nation, we need to acknowledge that white Australians used violence to move Indigenous Australians out of the way. However, the tone of much of the conversation reeks of moral superiority and implied collective guilt for events which occurred several generations ago.

We are all descended from a bunch of men who ran over a hill, somewhere in the world, bludgeoned another bunch of men to death, raped, looted and pillaged. There is no reason to believe that Australian's history differs from the known history of almost every other part of the world. In addition, we are all descended from people who have had something taken from them.

Use of the phrase "invasion" is fine. Saying "we invaded" is not. Neither is use of the phrase "first Australians", as noted by Divergence and Leo. Acknowledging the violence committed by some groups, but not that of some not that done by others looks racist to me.
Posted by benk, Saturday, 2 September 2017 1:54:45 PM
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Discovering the real history of our peoples ...

That is something that should be taught in our schools.
As the following link explains and is well worth a read.
I will quote directly from it:

We're told that the history many of us carry into our adult lives
is that which we are taught at school.If the stereotypes around
Australia's human past PRIOR to the British settlement in 1788
can be deconstructed and the archaeological history of
Australia placed into its global context, then we will move
towards a greater respect for the significant achievements of
the First Australians.

History should be deeper and responsible education needs to
encourage broader appreciation for the diversity of history
and culture. The rewards will be far deeper for future
generations of Australians.

Of course Western Civilisation is an important part of our history.
But Australia's history is more than this and the grand story of
the First Australians is an important starting point for a truly
Australian narrative.

The most insidious myth perpetuated about Aboriginal society
is the idea it was "primitive," "stone-age," "nomadic," or
"unevolved." The archaeology of our continent directly refutes
this type of thinking, but until recently the monuments and
achievements of ancient Australia remain largely invisible
to the mainstream public.

This type of thinking feeds racist stereotypes and
discriminatory attitudes which continue to marginalise and
disassociate Aboriginal Australians from the National Identity.

This needs to be corrected.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 2 September 2017 2:47:19 PM
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