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Binging on racism : Comments
By Alice Aslan, published 28/8/2017So we should all give Hanson credit for it: she is very unique, not just a plain racist, but a 'creative performance racist'.
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Posted by ttbn, Monday, 28 August 2017 9:31:30 AM
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One may feel about others however they like so long as it does not translate into action. If you act against others, using the force of the law to dictate how they should live, then before you know it you also will find yourself at the receiving end of the stick.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 28 August 2017 9:40:56 AM
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Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Dave Rubin Discuss Her Life, Islam and the Regressive Left (Full Interview) Posted by leoj, Monday, 28 August 2017 10:07:09 AM
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Alice, It is you in my view who is out of touch with mainstream Australia. Maybe you have been watching the ABC too much. Pauline Hanson is not a racist - simply a realist who has accurately identified a major risk to the Australian culture and way of life. she is not "very unique" or even unique. Her views are rational and shared by many.
Posted by Pliny of Perth, Monday, 28 August 2017 10:52:12 AM
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To try to qualify your nationality is about the most racist thing any one can do.
There is no such thing as a "Turkish-Australian", you have to be one or the other. These racists who want to claim to be "Australian" but only partly Australian are the worst of the racist lot. If you want to be a Turk love, for god sake be a damn Turk, but for gods sake, don't claim to be part Australian while you are so Turkish. You want to live here, take advantage of our western civilisation, something currently being progressively withdrawn from Turks in Turkey, but don't want to be wholly Ozzie. My suggestion, go live in Turkey for a few years, then finally decide just want you want to be. Real Ozzies can't stand cheats, who want a foot in both camps. Make up your mind love, then try living the full life as one or the other. Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 28 August 2017 10:52:13 AM
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" a major risk to the Australian culture and way of life"
There are 600,000 Muslims in Oz , so 300,000 females where half are grown women :150,000 and half in burqa: 75,000. That's 1 in 300 . That's a threat to 75,000 alcoholic wife bashers and 2mill acts of violence yearly. Posted by nicknamenick, Monday, 28 August 2017 11:03:27 AM
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The clearly is one of those left wing types who think only white people are racist. If it wasn't for the fact that she is most likely an islamaphile I would ask her to actually ask the burka wearing Muslim women what they thought of bikini wearing westerners.
But she already knows they hate us. No in modern left wing Australian you can be proud of your heritage as long as your heritage isn't English if it is clear you are a racist and should start any conversation apologize profusely for any actions perceived or real that someone perceived as racist. Perhaps all white people should be made to wear signs apologizing for being alive and having had once been interested in making the world a better place. Lord knows now that the far left has completely taken over our Unis there is no hope for our future. Anyone thinking I'm over reacting just needs to do two things, read some story about China's cultural revolution in the 60's and then read a few articles and comments at the far left site "the conversation" and tell me they aren't using the same language. Posted by cornonacob, Monday, 28 August 2017 11:24:21 AM
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“ Activist” Alice Aslan, a “Turkish-Australian anthropologist”, has not improved on her last rant. She should at least try to read Women and Sharia Law by Dr Elham Manea who on the basis of serious research concludes that the burqa is not Islamic and is a symbol of a totalitarian ideology which suppresses women. She pointed out that the garment is part of a culture that treats women as objects, denies basic rights and tells them to be slaves to their husbands.
( This is a wasted effort. Alice Aslan never replies to posts) Posted by Leslie, Monday, 28 August 2017 11:26:20 AM
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Mz Hansen certainly opened a can of worms with her typical, appeal to a dark underbelly, I believe, of implicit racism.
And allowed Islamic scholars, to inform us that the burqa, far from being widely worn by passive (sexually subjugated) females, was very limited and the exclusive product of incredibly repressive Saudi (Wannabe) inspired bondage. Similarly, genital mutilation is not universal teaching/practice, but limited to medieval stone age custom among a few African cults. And synonymous with all cults! Are headed by absolutely infallible leaders, who alone speak for and knows the mind of God! Even when diametrically opposed by any other, who is equally infallible and also knows the mind of and speaks for God, with equally absolute certainty. Let the debate and information flow/enlightenment continue along with timely modernity/peaceful cohabitation! Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven within, learn to meditate! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Monday, 28 August 2017 11:27:40 AM
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Cool article. Its never made sense why locals apportion any blame at all to muslims themselves, people seem to forget they were invited to the west to repair the horrendous impact of 18th century philosophical modernism upon western civilisation.
Posted by progressive pat, Monday, 28 August 2017 11:36:57 AM
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'Alice Aslan is a Turkish-Australian anthropologist, writer and activist '
as an antropologist you surely know Islam is not a race so anti Islamist are not racist as an activist it shows that her ' science' is thrown out the window in favour of lies to back her narrative. Posted by runner, Monday, 28 August 2017 12:14:19 PM
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Perhaps Alice can throw some of her dazzling intellect to muslim countries like Pakistan where to offend them is to invite massive violent demonstrations and murder. Yes they have murdered over cartoons for goodness sake.
They murder if we offend them, really? Let's agree islam has no part in our country and they should be barred from immigration until they settle down. The muslims here can stay and civilise themselves or go to any country where islam holds sway. Posted by JBowyer, Monday, 28 August 2017 4:25:53 PM
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No argument about raising compassionate critical thinking children. (Or just kind rational kids if you want to say it easily). But I kind of assumed Islamaphobia was caused by horrific acts of terror done by terrorists in the Middle East and now European nations. The United States had a few tastes of such terror as well, so it's reasonable to see it there.
Alice Aslan's commentary on racism looks at a problem without caring to consider the causes. Unfair profiling or stereotyping Muslims due to drastic and horrific planned attacks against the public in various nations by Muslim terrorists. Don't ignore the issue and then be baffeled about why it's still there. We have to be more resonable then that. Also belittling those of the other view will not help. Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Monday, 28 August 2017 5:29:44 PM
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"Racist, charlatan politicians have nothing to offer society."
Head-in-the-sand, wishful thinking utopians, who basically call Australians stupid, while parasitically enjoying the benefits they built, have nothing to offer society. The wrong side of history awaits for *you* and your broken record clueless ilk. Posted by Shockadelic, Monday, 28 August 2017 5:59:34 PM
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A couple of Australians were killed by Germans in WWI and a few also 20 years later. Some Spanish, British and French were also awarded German bullets. In Australia , Muslims have killed 2 and Christians have killed around 10000 in thirty years. Christians took over Germany after a British priest cut down their holy oak tree which explains a lot.
Posted by nicknamenick, Monday, 28 August 2017 6:08:43 PM
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I am as entitled to feel offended by a seeing a woman wearing a burka as I am ay seeing a man wearing a swastika or giving a Nazi salute. To be a Muslim is to follow the teachings of a man who : 1.In AD622 "consummated" his "marriage" to his 9 year old "wife" who he "married" when she was six. 2. In 627 beheaded all the adult males of the Jewish Qurayzah tribe and enslaved the all women and children of that tribe. (The source of the above facts is the Arabic texts- the ahadith). 3. In the Koran expressly approved the killing of prisoners of war who will not convert to Islam. To be a Muslim, which is to follow the teachings of that man and therefore to follow the teachings of a paedophile war criminal. That means the moral standards of Muslims are set by that savage. There is no shame in protesting in our legislature against such a toxic, intolerant, savage creed, a creed no less savage that the Nazism which cost 50 million premature deaths, already responsible for countless premature deaths and no less capable of slaughter of the magnitude of the Nazi slaughter if given the right technology. Posted by Old Man, Monday, 28 August 2017 10:10:02 PM
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You have proved that Australia, the Western democracies generally, should be proactive, to nip it in the bud, before the scourge gets going. Posted by leoj, Monday, 28 August 2017 11:22:04 PM
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Why do people have these irrational, unfounded prejudices? Posted by Shockadelic, Tuesday, 29 August 2017 3:28:00 AM
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//Why do people have these irrational, unfounded prejudices?//
Same reason as this lot: Because some people are just dicks. Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 29 August 2017 5:18:38 AM
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Well this is the type of garbage you can expect out of Sydney from an art student that took up social justice.
Racist; Pauline; Islamaphobia; Trump; Climate Change, Ingdigenous; Neo-Nazi; Anti-Semite... You may have forgotten xenophobe... Don't talk about imported talking point's when the opinion piece I was just subjected to was like playing a damn violin or broken record of Soro's groups progressive talking points. You make me sick. And FYI, Pauline is an elected representative of the Australian people (just not the immigrant looking ones in the town you've from) and her actions are supported by those Australians. Attacking her is no different than attacking them, and they in turn will only end up attacking you for being ignorant and intolerant. So in my opinion you're no better than the crap you whinge about, and exactly what one might expect from a foreign looking art student turned SJW from Sydney. It occurs to me that the person (probably a man) who I've never met and empties my garbage bins every week and most likely never went to University at all makes a far greater contribution to the country than you Alice... Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 29 August 2017 5:22:38 AM
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"You have proved that Australia, the Western democracies generally, should be proactive, to nip it in the bud, before the scourge gets going."
With Iran , Iraq, Libya, Turkey and Jordan bombing IS it's not really a scourge . Not like the master race invading Russia.. .. now there's a thought.. Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 29 August 2017 8:40:02 AM
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people seem to have an obsession with Nazi genocide
The Muslim Ottomon Empire killed millions too, about 170years ago. Especially Christians and Europeans in the Middle East. Their record of genocide equals Hitlers. Therefore they could be accused of fascism also. Posted by CHERFUL, Wednesday, 30 August 2017 8:30:26 PM
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A lot to cover here.
First Pauline Hanson was castigated for stating 20 odd years ago in parliament that "we will be over run with Asians" We she was right wasn't she ! She is probably right about moslems. Alice misunderstands about Islamiphobia. Phobia means an unreasonable fear. Well we have a very reasonable fear of Islam, so Islamaphobia does not exist. Alice, would I suggest, think that the Spanish, French and German people suffer from Islamaphobia. Why don't you ask those people shot, blown up and run down with trucks if they have a fear of Islam ? We hear the same old refrain, "It is not all moslems !". Yes that is correct, but how are we to tell which ones it is ? Here is an analogy; Some air bags in most cars will kill you if you have a crash. There is no way to tell which ones will fail to operate safely, so we are changing ALL of them. Moslems murder many more than air bags kill so why should we not remove all the ones with the risk. Logically, that seems to be very reasonable. However people like Alice will scream the house down. Of course the reason why moslems are so unreasonable is their practise of marrying their cousins. It affects their inteligence and gives them a high incidence of children born with genetic defects. Alice are your parents cousins ? It would explain a lot. Do Turks have that custom or is it mainly an Arab custom ? I know it is not politically correct to discus this particular problem but it will not go away until some hundreds of years after cousin marriage is banned. Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 3 September 2017 11:06:04 AM
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CHERFUL, they were even worse in India, killed by the millions.
Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 3 September 2017 11:21:45 AM
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Alan B, you may be interested to know that genital mutilation is still practiced by some Aboriginal cultures in Australia. It gets no attention though for two reasons; one being it happens to Aboriginal males and the second being that it is labelled as 'cultural'.
As usual the majority of posters are the racist and bigoted white males all exposing their ignorance and angst. Posted by minotaur, Tuesday, 5 September 2017 10:15:48 AM
Alice, there is no such thing as Islamophobia. It was made up, only very recently by Muslims and their Lefty mates as a thought terminating cliché to shut people up – the same as the word 'racist' is used to shut people up, or try to shut them up. It doesn't work any more, lady.
Pauline Hanson is 'unique' alright; but only among politicians. Hanson is the only politician brave enough to stand up to you bullies; and bullies are what you and your kind are, Alice.
You say, “Fortunately, the wind of change is blowing”, but you don't know which way it's blowing. 57% of Australians want the burka banned, and I would say that at least 80% of Australians are fed up with people like you, the Left and Muslims in general. You will find yourself on the “wrong side of history” in good time when the people of Australia start replacing the current drongos in Canberra.
“By constantly promoting racism and prejudice ...” people like you, Alice, are doing the dividing. It is you who is harping on 'racism', 'Islamophobia' and division.
Let's be honest: there was no division in Australia until Muslims arrived with their dark-age culture and beliefs. You, Alice, have added nastiness and elitist snobbery by referring to “isolated white Australians with less formal education”. You should do a course on human relations and etiquette, and stop insulting people, particularly the people you chose to live amongst. That, or leave. After the insult, you then admit that your “well educated”, multi-culti cronies feel the same way about Muslims.
You are not getting the message about Islam, Alice.