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Zombies and the senate : Comments

By David Leyonhjelm, published 9/6/2017

The problem with the Government's claim of Senate obstruction is that most of the abandoned zombie measures were never debated or voted on in the Senate.

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The only thing we need to do about the Senate is get rid of it.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 9 June 2017 10:10:43 AM
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Well, one can see in this commentary a man plainly obsessed with minutiae? The size of the deficit is immaterial, when all that matters is how do we get back into surplus, without unfairly targeting the shrinking cadre of taxpayers or the most vulnerable? And that other way is indutably coupled to robust economic growth!

Now you came up with a fairer tax plan, which might help?

A bolder more imaginative one might help further?

However, central to robust economic growth is truly affordable power! And if those who control what we pay have as their central tenet, protecting prices! Not doable?

And not helped by a back bench implacably resolved to protect the coal industry!

Instead of a policy paradigm to lower energy prices, we seem to be surrounded on all sides by fools who have no other idea than to raise prices further! This is not how one fosters improved economic growth!

Suggest you cease trying to get the cross benches (divided rabble) agreeing with you and your (moving target) position and take enough time out to read, Super Fuel, sub titled green energy.

And no, not emanating from green politics, given it argues a case for nuclear energy, specifically thorium energy, which according to Professor Hargreaves, can still make handsome profits at 3 cents PKH.

Lower prices and vastly improved economic prospects/activity just the start of what could be an economic renascence, without which we face more of the same hollowing out of our economy, with our economic sovereignty in play!

Not even the diabolically daft could possibly want that, or downright dumb politics that favours some states against the others, where the only real result, is we are all harmed to a greater or lesser extent!

No real winners just losers, when a more cooperative model would see the rest of the world as our real competition, rather than our fellow Australians!

Super Fuel subtitled green energy. It should be required reading for all pollies, regardless of political persuasion, but only if they genuinely and want to actually make a real, positively constructive difference!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 9 June 2017 11:18:31 AM
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I've always thought; the least a politician can achieve, the safer we all are!
Things look pretty cruisy at the moment...Britain has seen the light too!
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 9 June 2017 11:02:30 PM
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ttbn, how would we stop the politicians inflicting bad legislation on us if we got rid of the senate?
Posted by Aidan, Saturday, 10 June 2017 1:04:31 AM
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The worst mistake Queensland made, was to get rid of the upper house! Meaning no real review of laughable lunatic legislation and criminal waste of never able to be recovered, taxpayer funds! e.g., the Traveston travesty. And the par for the course verbiage about "natural" energy/gas prices, even as we pay three times more for our (privatized) gas than our customers?

I wonder how many he who must be Obied types, would be outed by a proper in depth search of the pecuniary register, as being conflicted coal, gas or power company shareholders? Arguably far more significant for sane economic outcomes, than undoable pigeonholed legislation!

Of note is highly autocratic Anna Bligh's transition to a post politics position, as a principal spokesperson for the private banking sector!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 10 June 2017 11:37:29 AM
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I don't mind getting rid of the senate so long as we also get rid of the lower house!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 10 June 2017 10:15:33 PM
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According to Josh Frydenberg, the reason for high energy prices is the regulatory framework

And who controls the regulatory framework?

You guessed it, this nation's politicians, with a "little help" from their friends in the fossil fuel industry?

Loose political canon, Tony abbott wants to have, a great big fight, with labor over coal! Quote unquote.

Labor, will sign off on a new market based energy policy if the government rules out any new coal fired power stations!

Think, it is not zombie legislation holding back the country and essential economic development! Just the divided rabble in charge, ruling our most prosperous (3 cents PKH or less) Super fuel, future out!

One way to resolve some of this, would be the disendorsement as a liberal candidate and Pretender, Tony Abbott? Who got the top job on the back of knifing his then leader, with a majority vote of just one! And hardly a ringing endorsement!

Of current note, his spirited advocation for a coal fired future, reminiscent of the candle manufacturing worker's revolt against electric light bulbs!

And yes we still have candles, which come in handy, when the lights go out! Thanks to inevitable brown outs, black outs, due to the increasing overloads on an antiquated, 19th century system! Unable to affordably cope with the loads inherent a climate changed world!

In a market controlled system, one just doesn't rule our best most affordable options out, and try and blame Zombie legislation for a predictable or "manufactured" result?

Sterling coal advocate, Tony Abbott, could reapply for election as the elected member? As the newest member of (climate change denialist) Cory Bernardi's conservatives? And a far more natural fit for someone that far right of centre!?

Cory understandably reluctant to add a (leaky) troublemaker/loose cannon to his potential senior representatives? Lest he become the newest cannon fodder in this recalcitrant, negativity personified, coal advocate's (power addicted?) political aspirations?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 11 June 2017 11:19:50 AM
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There are plenty of examples of précis writing among OLO posters.
As entertaining as your long handed compositions invariably are, on inspection, these are generally spiteful squalls. Sad really.
Anyway, cheer-up: Tony Abbott happily lives on regardless.
Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 11 June 2017 12:33:46 PM
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Well, now we know your long held opinion of me D.D? But little of note or worth as a positive contribution to the topic/subject matter?

Could it be, you're an economic illiterate as well? Or just a knocker or spoiler, like your recalcitrant mate?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 11 June 2017 6:35:38 PM
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