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Defending the earth: surveying our options : Comments

By Mark Manolopoulos, published 25/5/2017

The Earth is under attack, and we're its attackers. How can we defend it?

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I think runne has a point, worship the creator of the earth and the creator is going to take care of the earth, enough of this teaching that says no creator for the earth.
Posted by rollyczar, Sunday, 28 May 2017 4:40:32 AM
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Hi Graham,

Yes, what you advocate, depends on the story you tell: one could start out with a hypothetical yarn about a gang of left-handed women, picking on lone men in dark alleys, identifying them as right-handers and then brutally beating and castrating them, leaving them naked and near death - until a group of RH male defenders heroically fights them off.

The story that you choose justifies your story's solution: in this case, someone who organises men to - equally brutally - combat and exterminate those evil women. A hypothetical story's premises and the solution to its dilemmas go together.

So what does this author mean by system-directed 'ecological violence' ? After confecting some grave dangers for the planet, and identifying the culprits, who is he suggesting are its champions ? Who are they supposed to exterminate - for the good of the planet of course ?

Paranoia seems to breed psychotic responses. I've always been uneasy about most of Clint Eastwood's film story-lines, which seem to follow this pattern: of an innocent village brutally attacked by thugs, left defenceless until a strange but good man rides in, witnesses what dreadful atrocities have been done, rides back out and exterminates the thugs, equally brutally, to the eternal gratitude of the villagers and their most beautiful daughter, and rides off into the sunset. That scenario has always struck me as something a psychotic would concoct. Maybe I'm wrong.

So who is the hero in this bloke's scenario ? Obviously, we, the consumers and craven supporters of neo-liberalism, are the villains, brutally and uncaringly raping the earth. Who will save it ? Can there be a way for the Protectors of the Earth to save it besides extreme brutality ? Clearly not, according to the author. Well, I suppose it's his story, he can end it any way he likes, just so long as he stays up that ivory tower.

Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 28 May 2017 8:44:17 AM
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Can someone explain to me please?

1. What is a neo-liberal?
2. Who are those neo-liberals?
3. How big are they that they can threaten planet earth (are they perhaps related to the sons of God that are mentioned in Genesis 6)?
4. Has Earth been complaining of the pain they cause and asked for help?
5. If those neo-liberals are indeed that big, how can we possibly punish them?
6. Is one born with this condition of neo-liberalism, or does it develop later in life? Does the author intend to also kill neo-liberal children?
7. Joe has suggested that neo-liberalism is somehow connected with consumption: I live within my budget, but I admit that I do occasionally consume - what are my risks of becoming a neo-liberal?
8. If the author catches me and wants to slit my throat, is there a way to convince him that I am not on of them? Perhaps some verse I could recite?
9. Any remedy for children screaming in fear at night, dreaming that the author is out to eat them?

Thank you all!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 28 May 2017 11:56:41 AM
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Graham Y
You are right in your assessment of this, "save the earth",by the Greens
As being basically an ideology designed as a tool to bash and blame Western countries
as being an evil force destroying the world. They never include the 7billion people destroying and polluting the land and waterways in obscenely overpopulated countries.
Because to do so would take away what global warming ideology is all about. A political weapon of hate and envy designed to punish people living in countries, the world envies.
Or envious inhabitants like this academic, who is envious of others in his own society. Or else is guilty of self flagulation and guilt that leads them to try and tear down their own societies.
These overpopulated societies, strip the land of trees and animals as they expand.
Timber for fuel and makeshift homes. The result, ever spreading deserts.
No trees, no rain. But people like this academic would rather blame the lack of rain
on global warming and thus prove beautiful Europe and the Western world are evil and must be stopped.

It's no co-incidence that the Muslims vote the Greens into power in Melborne.
They like the idea that the West, the infidel, is an evil force destroying the earth.
Global warming, is indeed a fundamentalist, fanatical, ideology. The awful part is the so called intelligent academics who run around like hippies, espousing this stuff.
Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 28 May 2017 7:54:24 PM
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Hi Cheerful,

The author condemns what he calls neo-liberalism, by which I presume he means contemporary capitalism. There isn't much of that in Africa just yet, but Chinese capital may start to make huge differences, both to the local economies and to the revolutionised use of land.

We forget that Africa is larger than three Australias, and is not all that crowded (except insofar as inefficient use of land supports far fewer people per than efficient use). It has some of the biggest rivers in the world by volume of water, currently barely harnessed for power and irrigation, and millions of sq. km of relatively flat land, ideal for large-scale mechanised farming - funded by capitalism.

I'm certainly not suggesting tomorrow, but if the people in African countries could force their governments away from corruption and cronyism, there may be a chance for the continent to be the food-basket for the world, later this century.

Many African countries have tried socialism, in different forms, and none of it has worked. Traditional social and economic organisation doesn't seem to be working too well either.

So perhaps, very cautiously, we should watch to see if Chinese investment makes a significant difference. They seem to be focussing currently on Kenya, as part of their One Belt, One Road strategy.

Of course, the Chinese will be exploiting this initiative as part of a neo-imperialist policy, while the US is going down the tubes, but imperialism has had surprising and unexpected consequences elsewhere.

IF, in his use of the term neo-LIBERALISM, the author means something to do with what we recognise as Western values, that too may be a major project to keep an eye on - IF he means by '-liberalism', the development of Enlightenment values, freedoms of expression and belief, equality for women, a focus on the development of democracy and growing international economic co-operation.


Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 28 May 2017 8:26:27 PM
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When this twit gives up his iphone, macbook etc then he might have a point.

Typically these greenies want everyone else to make the sacrifices.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 29 May 2017 10:50:57 AM
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