The Forum > Article Comments > Why won't politicians stop lying about 'reliable renewables'? > Comments
Why won't politicians stop lying about 'reliable renewables'? : Comments
By Geoff Carmody, published 27/4/2017What happens if politicians dont stop lying? Houston, we have a problem.
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Look, if I were to step outside my door and fill a cubic metre box with dirt. From tha dirt, using ultra simple gravity separation, I'd be able to extract around 8 grams of ready to use as is, abundant thorium, and at an approximate cost of $100.00! Then power my home, car and produce all my material wants for the next 100 year with that 8 grams of carbon free thorium. And that my friends is just a dollar a year!
We have enough in the dirt to power the planet for 1,000 years and thousands more if we mine igneous rock.
Abundant and arguably the most energy dense material on the planet; and carbon free power with huge side issue benefits.
Finally in summation, These reactors work at normal atmospheric pressure, so, will never produce a pressure related explosion! Moreover, thorium is less radioactive than a banana!
The only reason we don't already have it is, I believe, prevaricating politicians serving self interest, rather than the real national interest? 40 MW reactors can be mass produced in a factory, and contained ready to use in a stock standard shipping container, then shipped and used anywhere, given the coolant and heat transfer medium is liquid salt!
So, for the first time we have two cheapest ever options than are as reliable as we can ever want, safe clean and CHEAP! And not reliant on a gold plated and unreliable national grid!
And the very sovereign risk reason we don't have truly affordable, nation building, drought proofing power!?
Alan B.