The Forum > Article Comments > Why won't politicians stop lying about 'reliable renewables'? > Comments
Why won't politicians stop lying about 'reliable renewables'? : Comments
By Geoff Carmody, published 27/4/2017What happens if politicians dont stop lying? Houston, we have a problem.
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I'd make two points. I hope you will respond.
First, there is a lack of valid evidence to support the contention that 2C to 3C increase in global mean surface temperature this century would negatively impact the global economy or human well-being - refer: IPCC AR5 WG1 Chapter 3, NAS review of "damage function" used in IAMs, Tol (2013) Figure 3 (free access to Working Paper here: ). Ignore the energy line on the chart for now. I expect it is probably incorrect. We can discuss why if interested.
Second, carbon pricing almost certainly will not succeed, for reasons I explain here:
For the similar reasons no policies that will damage economies will be politically and economically sustainable over the time they would be required.