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Speak English youse bastards : Comments
By John Tomlinson, published 27/4/2017We have many platitudes to disguise the fact that this country was seized from the original owners at gun point.
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Posted by VK3AUU, Thursday, 27 April 2017 5:46:09 PM
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Dr Tomlinson's article certainly seems to have
had quite an impact on some readers here on this forum. He's certainly made his position clear - unfortunately, I suspect that he did not want to get the reaction that he's currently getting from his readers. Not only has he succeeded in turning his readers off, he's made them mad as well. Which is not good because he could have achieved far more had he taken a different approach, one with a more balanced point of view perhaps? He needed to think more about his audience if he wanted to persuade them to think about what he was trying to say. But the way he did it - was doomed to fail. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 27 April 2017 7:33:43 PM
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Foxy you are never going to get any balance from an opinionated pseudo communist academic. It no longer matters much, as no one pays the slightest attention to their yabberings.
That academia continue to have these clowns involved is going to cost them dearly in the long run. Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 27 April 2017 8:09:49 PM
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//as long as they are not calling out 'allah akbar' in any language//
So we're not allowed to say that 'God is great', or words to that effect, in English? Are you sure you don't want to think a bit more about that? Because most of your posts seem to be devoted chastising those who fail to recognise the greatness of your god. Or maybe you don't think it's great? Which raises the question: why are you worshipping it? I'm pretty sure you don't really mean that nobody should ever be allowed to sing praises to their chosen deity, because you'd be first up against the wall come the revolution. I think what you probably mean is that people shouldn't be allowed to use the phrase 'Allah Akbar', because you find it offensive. To which I say: what on Earth is offensive about an English cricket team made up of the great figures of English literature, even if they had a very poor grasp of Arabic? Do you realise that if you try and paint A.A. Milne as an Islamist, atheist or failed Christian that you will do me a physical injury? There is only so far a man can suspend his disbelief; if you try to push it past that point my head might explode: either that or I'll break something important in my throes of laughter. Posted by Toni Lavis, Thursday, 27 April 2017 8:33:44 PM
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one day both Cobber and Toni will overcome their Christophobic natures and allow the truth to penetrate their skulls. allah is not Jehovah God. What don't you understand about that?
Posted by runner, Thursday, 27 April 2017 10:15:18 PM
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There is nothing wrong with saying that Australia was invaded. It is a statement of fact.
However, discussing the negative things a group did and ignoring the positive is racist. Australia's history is more than the collection of massacres mentioned here. Similarly, discussing one group's use of violence while ignoring other violence is also racist. The biggest threat to the safety of aboriginal people has always been other aboriginal people. Use of the phrase "first people" also ignores evidence of earlier invasions. Posted by benk, Thursday, 27 April 2017 10:19:09 PM