The Forum > Article Comments > Did Adam Smith's 'invisible hand' rescue Somali drought victims? > Comments
Did Adam Smith's 'invisible hand' rescue Somali drought victims? : Comments
By Bashir Goth, published 11/4/2017Somali Diaspora remittance and modern mobile money transfer technology provided urgently needed relief aid to tens of thousands of nomadic people.
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None more wonderful than molten salt walk away safe thorium reactor technology, which if coupled to more modern technology as in new space age (deionization) flow sheet desalination, could drought proof most of sub saharan africa!
Because real not imaginary, nor confected, climate change needs vastly more robust and more permanent solutions than sending a few hundred dollars to friends and family!
Then spruik it as something special, when in reality it's what any decent human being would do! At least until the credit card and the bank account was maxed out! What then?
Back to extending the international begging bowl and resenting the hell out of the donors for their charity?
Climate change guarantees there will be vastly worse more severe and enduring droughts! Only those countries with the wisdom to stop listening to vested interest coal and oil lobbyists, will be able to so position themselves to affordably drought proof their communities, as we should here in Australia!
Arguably the only thing preventing it are recalcitrant intransigent politicians obsessed with power and wielding it for a select sector! And almost tribalism! With just the chosen few looked after, and usually at the expense of everyone else?
Like a cash cow captive market chained like virtual slaves to a highly flawed economic mantra and unaffordable energy; and even more unaffordable housing?
While we try to borrow our way to prosperity? From foreign landlords and or debt laden speculators? Sound familiar?
Alan B.