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How to redesign a faulty system : Comments
By Kasy Chambers, published 24/3/2017Minister Alan Tudge has repeatedly defended the system, using phrases such as 'there is nothing wrong with Centrelink's automated debt recovery system'.
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We hear about how efficient the government is at recovering money from folk they've overpaid? And the rules they've very carely thought out and applied, ensures everybody pays their fair tax share. Right?
But if they owe you money? Never happens because they don't make mistakes? If they do? you're the last to know if ever? Right?
The problem here lies in a point blank refusal to incorporate means testing into all forms of welfare; and a stubborn resistance to the implementation of genuine equity and fairness?
Thus we have single mums trying to raise a couple of kids told to find four hours work, or volunteer? To keep their entitlement?
And issued as a directive by folk that have never had to singlehandedly do anything remotely self sufficient, let alone raise a couple of kids?
They seem to think that once the kids are at school, mum can put her feet up and watch soaps?
As opposed to the real world where there's washing, ironing, scrubbing, vacuuming, preparing meals by hand, with a vegetable peelers etc. Then mowing the lawns weeding the garden, pruning the runaway vegetation, then change the oil and do routine maintainence on the family jalopy?
And if she doesn't do it? You'd be forgiven for believing the minister thought it was all beer and skittles and on the public purse?
There are far too many latch key kids in today's society and here we have troglodytes doing their best to make it worse? And if a woman is forced to turn tricks (4 4 hours a week) to make ends met? There'll be many many more of them! And the obvious EM pun (><) was unintended.
Yes, the government budget is tight and growing tighter? But not so tight that we can't keep negative gearing and capital gains exclusions etc/etc! Equity, fairness? What a load of old codswallop!
Inasmuch as you do to the least among you, you also do unto me! Quote, unquote.
Alan B.