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The insanity of political correctness : Comments
By Warwick Marsh, published 17/3/2017Sadly, Bill Leake died of a heart attack two days after his final speech.
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Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 18 March 2017 9:49:12 PM
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The issues underlying political correctness are not 'insane'. It's only when they are used to silence debate and discussion that they become sinister. On that point, I agree with many of the arguments here.
However, the Right also has its own arsenal of political correctness - try criticising Anzac Day and the sacredness of the soldier, or US exceptionalism, or the West's wars on Islamic countries, or Israel's treatment of the Palestinians (or Israel in general), or global free trade, or the war on terror, or the rights of the unborn, or domestic and gender violence, or that 'there's no alternative' to austerity ... and so on. Try defending feminism, or Putin, or welfare, or Aboriginal self-determination (as opposed to white benevolence), or socialism, or the anti-war movement ... If you do, you get thumped and bashed with every 'stupid lefty bigot' pejorative that a right-winger can throw at you. Posted by Killarney, Saturday, 18 March 2017 10:21:16 PM
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Hey AJ Phillips,
Though I support your free speech, I also support Bill Leaks. I myself probably wouldn't be speaking ill of the dead unless they had done something really bad to me personally, however if news came out today that George Soros was no longer with us, I just might be celebrating. I wanted to respond to your earlier comment: "Either way, there’s plenty of evidence to suggest that homosexuality is a naturally evolved trait" I watched a video today that shows a different side of that argument; homosexuality in nature which is not natural, but caused by humans. I really suggest you all watch it, especially the 'Sargon of Akkad' segment around 13:00 I've mentioned before that Mercury causes birds to act homosexual, but I wasn't aware of Atrizine and the frogs. "After being exposed in a laboratory environment to EPA approved levels of atrazine – the second most commonly used herbicide in the U.S., as well as a fairly common endocrine disruptor found in water supplies – these male frogs underwent a significant change in behavior. The frogs exposed to the atrazine, as opposed to the control group who weren’t, started exhibiting distinct homosexual behavior. Not only did they engage in homosexual sex with one another, as the attending scientist, Tyrone Hayes PHD, said of the frogs, their behavior became “feminized.” To be clear, they didn’t just behave like females, but they actually started producing eggs, which when fertilized by “normal” male frogs produced male offspring." Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 18 March 2017 11:47:36 PM
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Hey Killarney,
Well I've criticised all of those issues you mentioned right here on the forum at one time or another. I've criticised our leaders ingratiating themselves on Anzac Day, criticised soldiers in the modern era as paid mercenaries the second they step off our continent, I've certainly criticised Zibignew Brzezinski's 'American Exceptionalism' and the Neoconservative regime change foreign policies of the US as well as the 'War on Terror'. I've opposed unjust US wars on M/E countries, criticised Israel's treatment of the Palestinians; and Israel in general. As well, I've argued the Pro's and Con's of Global Free Trade and the rights of the unborn, domestic and gender violence and the idea that we will yet have a dictator in Australia named 'Austerity'. I won't defend feminism, though I consider some of their arguments 'at base level, not exaggerated levels' to have 'some' merit. Until such a time as they get real and stop misrepresenting issues, I will continue to treat theirs and other George Soros co-opted causes with disdain. I will defend Putin, over the craziness of US foreign policy. I criticise and argue for changes within much of Australia's welfare policies. And I will also certainly stand up for the indigenous, though I accept some of the criticism is not unreasonable. Socialism, again Pro's and Con's but I prefer Capitalism and to live by your own choices (but must accept these choices), but do have respect for the socialist base levels of education and healthcare we have. "If you do, you get thumped and bashed with every 'stupid lefty bigot' pejorative that a right-winger can throw at you." My feet are planted more firmly on the conservative side of things rather than the progressive side (as you may be aware), but this does not mean I'm against liberty or freedom. All I can suggest is try to stay away from the gang mentality, and just try to stick to arguing the merits of any individual argument, in the hope that truth and reason will win out in the end. Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 19 March 2017 12:34:57 AM
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Now, I'm no Bill Leakes, but think he would have had a field day with these salient facts? We are set to become the largest LNG exporter in the world? Yet we don't seem to have enough gas to keep the lights on here at home?
We export lots of this gas to Japan who impose an import tax, yet pay less as domestic consumers of our gas than we do? Some of the petroleum exporting nations of the world earn far more in actual LNG royalties than we do? Something connected to the natural price, no doubt? The PM has rolled out a "reinflated" pumped up snowy scheme and is pumping it up, blowing big on it, for all the political capital he can get from it? And now owns it? Bill would likely present him as an over inflated balloon going into a coal fired orbit when just let go and deflating with ejectile force and depictions of loud raspberry flavoured raucous noise? Others have noted many of our coal fired power stations are drawing near the end of their fifty year life cycle. While others want them replaced with renewables coupled to pump up hydro. And use wind power blowing big at night to pump water uphill, then run it back down when peak demand forces prices higher? And absolutely dependant, as are also profitable, high gas prices in our domestic market, on avoiding peaceful safer clean CHEAP nuclear energy rolled out as molten salt thorium. Which if it ever gets a foothold, able to make the 70 billions invested in LNG facilities at Port Curtis, virtually worthless! And for sure and certain foreign investors interests are much much more important than a resuscitated manufacturing sector or affordable energy here at home? Now if you want to know what real insanity looks like? Take a butchers at our energy policy and our management of it? And don't worry if your understandable WTF reaction (#@&%) isn't "politically correct"! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 19 March 2017 9:39:01 AM
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I consider it political correctness insanity that genuine coral scientists fear losing their livelihood if they speak out about government-dumped sewage nutrient overload carried by the Australian sediment transport system into GBR waters.
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park associated science is not acknowledging any southern city point source sewage nutrient entering GBR waters. Political correctness is destroying GBR coral and associated fisheries and tourism, including national tourism associated with the GBR international tourism icon drawcard. More here: Posted by JF Aus, Sunday, 19 March 2017 10:40:07 AM
So you’re just going to offer more insults then? Nothing of any real substance, perchance? Just a quick hit and run, eh?
Why am I not surprised?
By the way, going by the timestamps on our last two posts, it appears that there may have been a little overlap there. So, in case you missed it, I’m pretty much done here now. However, thank you for your contribution.
I suggest you read up on narcissism. You don’t seem to have a very good grasp of what it is.
Narcissists predominantly feed of the admiration of others (there is one person here who suffers from a classic and extreme case of NPD, and he can’t stop talking about just how much he thinks others are admiring him), and given just how overwhelmingly conservative this forum is, I’d be in the wrong place if admiration is what I was after. I’d also be a mental and emotional wreck.
No, most people here hate me, but I’m not here for their love or admiration. I’m here because I enjoy debating, and because having so many people here to disagree with me helps me to better refine my opinions.
On a final note, may I suggest you do something about that anger of yours? That’s not healthy.
Thanks for your kinds, but I’m just an ordinary person like anyone else. I think you’d do a lot better, though, if you actually addressed what others said instead of being obtuse in order to extract meaning from the words of others that simply isn’t there. That’s your biggest problem, in my opinion. Stop doing that, and communication with you may actually become really enjoyable.