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A special relationship? Addressing misogyny is not just about being prime minister : Comments
By Jocelynne Scutt, published 28/2/2017The Prime Minister is reported to have said that the 'biggest statement' made when she 'sits down' with the President is she 'will be there as female prime minister.'
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This is a sexist article that is universally repugnant to all those who be man and wife.
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 28 February 2017 12:13:25 PM
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Jocelynne, the tripe fed to us goes way back. Who foists this ideology upon us ? No surprise, it's the Feminazi's: See: and
From a 1995 article titled: 'Pornography, academia, homosexuality and the promotion of paedophilia in Australia.' "Australian columnist Beatrice Faust, writing in the Weekend Australian of 18-19 December 1993, indicates that advances have been made in Australia of what has become known as the International Academic Paedophile Movement. This term refers to professionals in Academia, the Media, Science, Government and other fields who are actively promoting adult/child sex by lobbying to remove age of consent laws, promoting the idea of early childhood sexual freedom and giving their imprimatur to the false notion that children are not harmed by sexual encounters, either homosexual or heterosexual, with adults." "Former Director of Research for the Australian Institute of Criminology, Paul Wilson, in the Courier-Mail of 25 August 1990, had this to say about Clarence Osborne ..."His collection of material included hundreds of photos" and Wilson says "he had come to see me because of my reputation as a civil libertarian and because he was sure I would respect his rights to privacy." Paul Wilson says sure, Osborne "was guilty of having homosexual relations with minors. But was he a monster...?" (Remember, sexually molesting over 2500 adolescent boys for 20 years and Wilson asks was he a monster?) [In] Another book by Wilson, 'The Man They Called a Monster' , [he]says that children should have the "right to sexual freedom" and advocates abolishing "any age of consent in sexual relations" and insists that given proper instruction "children should have the right to conduct their sexual lives with no more restrictions than adults...". From: "There’s a lot of gender gap research that goes into just how women are different from men and how you can appeal to women and, in contrast, how you can get women to vote for particular politicians. Emily’s List, which is the ALP Women’s political support group, has a specific area where they do gender gap research." Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Tuesday, 28 February 2017 1:57:04 PM
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I'm starting to worry about Graham.
Where the hell do you go to dig up this garbage? Where ever you find it, that is a place to be avoided. It is obviously contaminated by something ugly. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 28 February 2017 2:02:33 PM
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A comment on the "gender gap" if I may? The only 'gap' evident is the long standing gap between the ears of academics, politicians and their sycophants - the gap in which used to reside common sense and common decency...irrespective of gender, sexual orientation or political persuasion.
The management term, turned catch cry, of: "what ever it takes" seems to abrogate any one else's rights - implied, legal or perceived over everything else in order to achieve the [stated] mission. From: "Australia’s culture wars are like a garden of rhizomatous weeds. Every incident is connected underground to other events, to ideas, to people, to institutions, to processes, as if by tendrils. ...From here the tendrils lead to Rupert Murdoch’s NewsCorp empire, with its deep connections to conservative politics in Britain and the United States, and its mastery of divisive populism via its British and Australian tabloids, and in the United States, Foxnews. ...Like the stories before it, whatever fleeting and sensationalist coverage that story attracts, it almost certainly won’t speak directly to how Australia’s long-running culture wars have distorted our politics and all the related processes of law, governance and journalism beyond all recognition. You say asylum seeker, I say queue jumper; you say Indigenous rights, I say special privileges; you say global warming, I say conspiracy; you say gay marriage, I say unnatural; you say feminism, I say misandry; you say immigration, I say invasion; you say Islamophobia, I say terrorism." What say you Jocelynne ...? Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Tuesday, 28 February 2017 4:02:51 PM