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Insider blows whistle on Fair Work Commission : Comments

By Peter Costello, published 16/2/2017

The second is the Government knows the system is not working well but since it has no intention of changing it, it sees no point in admitting it.

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Come back, Peter, and tell us what you really think.

Distilling what PC has written leaves little of substance, apart from the vague criticism that Kevin Rudd the First oversaw a period of low productivity improvement. I imagine that the backdrop to that included a collapsing world financial system and consequent emergency expenditure in order to keep Ship Australia afloat... but this is a digression.

We have not a word about the real shape of Graeme Watsons' criticism. No hint of a special Costello insight, no recommendations for future action. Perhaps repetition of John Howard's poisonous industrial policies, a.k.a.Work Choices, which only ever saw the light of day because of a temporary majority in both the House of Reps and the Senate. Plus a swipe at the current government's silence.

Of course they are silent, Peter. The Libs are scared by the possibility of yet another split in their ranks. They are terminally timid on more than one policy issue.

But please do return with your true opinion. I need a good laugh.

I guess that I will have to wait, perhaps for Graeme Watson himself, to put some flesh on the very bare bones of this as-yet unstarted discussion.
Posted by JohnBennetts, Thursday, 16 February 2017 9:43:50 AM
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Spoken like a true advocate of the Master in the Master servant relationship!

And exactly what the problem is in our so called egalitarian workplace?

Fair work?

In my view that's a fair day's pay for and fair day's work, or what you'd charge to personally do it for another?

When your much vaunted workchoices was all the rage inside your coalition or band or like minded brothers. It failed because it failed the no disadvantage test!

If the workers of this nation had the exact same commercial and legal right as the employer, we wouldn't need a fair work commission?

Me, I'd have the lot of you out at first light in the middle of summer, during the height of a murderous heatwave, chasing a truck and throwing still green bales of lucerne hay up over your head for a full 12 hours on the run, with just two short breaks! And just to give some perspective, all while wiping the smug superior smile of that, born to rule, face?

You Peter, would likely last about five minutes before collapsing on the ground, completely exhausted?

And we still pay you WHAT? For WHAT? Being a good reader? The destiny of demography perhaps?

You need to stop trying to referee from the sidelines, get out and do something of real use or real value for a change!

Leave the opinion making until you're old, grey, crippled and good for little else! That way, some folks might even concede, you've earned the right!?

As a former politician you had enumerable chances to change the place for something better, fairer, more equal. And given we, the nation was notionally, worse off? Failed!(F)

Workers ought all be contractors bidding for lawful work contracts and entitled to the same tax treatment/expenses accorded proprietary firms and corporations! And if a tax cut is envisaged, then they should also share it!

After all, they and they alone create all the wealth we share; and not plunder, as essentially totally unproductive parasites!

Just horsing around, don't get offended .
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 16 February 2017 11:54:38 AM
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another reason to drain the swamp. Let the deplorables speak. The Liberal party has shown it has no appetite to weed out union corruption, live within the countries means or stand up the the Islam promoting abc. Many of their members know these things but don't want to be labelled by a very corrupt leftist media.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 16 February 2017 12:16:54 PM
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Yeah, let's drain the swamp. The Turkish Tyrant has done that by shutting down the free press and comment he doesn't like or agree with? Ditto stalin Fidel castro, mussolini and President for life, Putin!

President Trump, Putin's old mate, is easily offended when his empathy free edicts are challenged as unconstitutional, in the courts. And because they fail the freedom and liberty/human rights test, when he sought to make folk holding particular passports, illegal aliens?

Even exemplary permenant residents returning to their US homes and families, after a short holiday with overseas relatives.

And in so doing, threatening their lawful livelihoods, (bought and paid for) property rights, and family income! (swamp draining par excellence)

I dare say if runner where on the end of his recommended swamp draining, he squark the longest and loudest about fair and equal treatment before the law, or with his express right to hold or express any divergent opinion? Swamp draining par excellance reach dizzying new heigh in Herr Hitler's Germany, with the round up and extermination of six million Jews! Jawohl, Let's drain ze swamp mine leader.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 16 February 2017 12:55:30 PM
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"You give more information. But you do not repeat your disclosure - because you have already “disclosed” to them twice. And this third letter triggers a response. A “Briefing Note for the Premier” is prepared by a senior public servant."

"The Premier is advised that you keep on writing pesky letters. But no mention is made of the disclosure in your first two letters. And the Premier is advised not to reply to your pesky letters."

"And the Premier agrees not to reply to your letters. He signs the “Briefing Note” with a big, swirly signature. And all of his senior public servants also agree not to respond to your pesky letters."

"And so all of your letters to the Premier from that date onwards are simply filed by a machine, without being read."

"And no public servant “knows”.

"And eventually you realise that you are whistling into an empty room."

I think the above says it all Peter. Systems get put into place, to create an never ending circle, where the only winners are those who maintain the never ending circle.
Posted by Wolly B, Thursday, 16 February 2017 1:22:21 PM
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As a retiree, I side neither with workers nor business. All I know is that the current tom foolery with industrial relations is costing business $10 billion a year. Who in their right mind would employ any more people than necessity dictated?
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 16 February 2017 4:16:05 PM
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