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Close the cycle: an alternative approach for used nuclear fuel : Comments
By Ben Heard, published 1/2/2017Even calling used nuclear fuel 'waste' is an appalling misnomer. It is more like an ore that requires processing and conditioning.
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Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 1 February 2017 11:24:03 PM
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"I almost agreed with everything you said..." Please don't say you agree with me - it makes me think I must be wrong. "Please provide evidence?" Evidence for what? That an unresolved problem might be unresolvable? Logic 101 my boy. Yes China is building more nuclear reactors. I can't imagine why when they only need to watch a few UTube vids to see how making a thorium reactor is child's play. What dills, eh? Here they are building nukes and putting enormous resources into researching thorium in the hope that one day they might get it to work, and all the time the answer was right there if only they'd looked. Sheesh Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 2 February 2017 12:22:42 PM
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So Mhaze,
you don't have any source material or paragraph quotes from relevant news even to back your claim that the Chinese said there were potentially unresolvable problems? The way you're getting your knickers in a knot right now only adds to the impression that you just made that up. Posted by Max Green, Thursday, 2 February 2017 12:39:32 PM
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Oh I thought you'd been following the conversation but apparently not. I'll repeat for the slow: I wrote this to Alan B earlier and have repeated it several times in the expectation that he'd address it: "Here is what the gentleman in charge of the Chinese thorium research team (Professor Li) says about the development of a viable commercial thorium reactor: "We are still in the dark about the physical and chemical nature of thorium in many ways. There are so many problems to deal with but so little time". The Chinese hope (and its just a hope) to have a demonstration plant running by 2024, if the myriad problems can be resolved. The head of the Bureau of Major Research and Development Programmes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has also opined: * that one of the technical difficulties is that the molten salt produces highly corrosive chemicals such as fluoride that could damage the reactor * that the power plant would also have to operate at extremely high temperatures, raising concerns about safety * that researchers have limited knowledge of how to use thorium Since the Chinese are a the forefront of thorium reactor research, I'm guessing they know a little about the subject. But they clearly don't have your extensive YouTube based research to fall back on. Thorium might work and it might be the go-to technology in a generation or two. But shouting that the only thing holding it back is venal pollies is the most naive of notions." There's plenty about this out there if you care to look. This link is but one example... Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 2 February 2017 2:05:27 PM
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Thank you Mhaze for sharing the source. I can see know why you didn't want to share it.
MHAZE WROTE: "They also say there are still significant unresolved problems that may not be resolvable. So they only hope to meet the dates, but don't guarantee it." MAY NOT BE RESOLVABLE. Really? That's not what I read! The article is about how RUSHED all the engineers feel, given the immense pressure to develop these reactors. So what does it say? "Researchers working on the project said they were under unprecedented "war-like" pressure to succeed and some of the technical challenges they faced were difficult, if not impossible to solve in such a short period." I read that as MAY NOT BE RESOLVED IN THE TIME ALLOWED, not your rather final MAY NOT BE RESOLVABLE! Do you see why I like to check the sources, and don't really believe a lot of what you say? You don't quote honestly! The article was NOT saying that the challenges of working with thorium may not be resolved EVER, as you tried to twist it to. Personally, I think they should mass produce AP1000's and just take their time with thorium, until they can get it right. Posted by Max Green, Thursday, 2 February 2017 2:57:17 PM
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Again, its obvious that you've walked into the middle of the conversation and have, as usual, rather misunderstood. Go back and read all the related posts. I certainly can't be bothered to bring you up to speed since in the end you really aren't interested in evidence but instead the defence of a prejudged attitude. By definition if a problem is unresolved despite years of work on it, there is a finite chance that it can't be resolved. Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 2 February 2017 3:40:02 PM
What is it that you do not understand about "Doctors warned."? British Medical Association, doctors: members-of. You seem so anxious to discredit anything I say, that you are coming up with rubbish. You recently said that you are are "too emotional" - I can't remember what you were responding to - but you seem to be getting back to the stage where your doctor warned you that your online activities were affecting your health (remember telling us that?). Give it a rest. You are not required to try take terrible, right-wing people like me to task all the time. You seem to be getting obsessed again. And I am much too thick-skinned to and 'mean' to be moved by your gentle nagging. Do yourself a favour. Don't take any notice of anything you don't like hearing.