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The Forum > Article Comments > Politics is still a man’s game > Comments

Politics is still a man’s game : Comments

By Jo Coghlan and Angelika Heurich, published 17/1/2017

In 2016, the US presidential election and Australian federal election confirmed it was not the year for political women.

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Last time I looked anybody could join any political party. If politics is important to women then I suggest they join political parties in enough numbers so that good candidates can be found. the token women is far more damaging to women being treated as equals in all fields then any attitude men have these days.
The authors have also picked up on the fact that it more often then not other women who are undermining women in politics.

I do offer a note of caution though, identifying physical features in order to ridicule or satirise think Abbott's cosi, or Trumps hair is quite normal and should not be labeled sexist when it done to a women.

If the current rough and tumble of politics is keeping people away then they are most likely not right for the job anyway.

If the author wish to change the world then I think they should start by asking Geer why she made the comments she made before casting the usual blame net over all of Mandoom
Posted by Cobber the hound, Tuesday, 17 January 2017 8:32:23 AM
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oh BTW quoting Julia Baird is always going to do more harm then good.

and you must for better of worst consider One nation.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Tuesday, 17 January 2017 8:42:18 AM
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Most women do not want to be politicians anymore than most men do. Politics is something that nice people simply do not do. No qualifications are needed; you don't even need a personality. Just join a clan, snivel and comply; suck up to the right people and you can get yourself nominated for a cushy job without once fronting your real employers, the voters. How easy is that? The only restriction is that the limits imposed on snouts-in-troughs restricts the number of bludgers required. But once you in,you are there for life, just a long as you toe the party line.

No self-respecting woman should want to be in politics. Certainly no woman worthy of the respect we blokes naturally feel towards women. I don't like any politicians; but women politicians? Just too revolting!
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 17 January 2017 9:33:50 AM
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One Nation is led by a woman.

As you come from a School of Arts and Social Sciences at a University, I can understand who you overlooked this !.
Posted by Aspley, Tuesday, 17 January 2017 10:02:33 AM
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Radical feminism could never accept that women have the right to choose and to be responsible for their own choices.

There will always be those who presume to always know what is best for others, in this case women and if given the chance would likely force their ideology, their way, on others. -All for the good of women who are apparently too timid, too ignorant, or too something else to realise what is best for themselves.

Time to move on from the bashed-out and de-bunked mantras of Marxist student politics of the Sixties, recycled as original ideas by feminists of the Seventies.
Posted by leoj, Tuesday, 17 January 2017 10:07:38 AM
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If the former democrat female speaker had been nominated and ran on Bernie Sander's platform, we'd be welcoming the first female President! Always providing she was a native born American?

We have had the first female P.M. And given her lack of conviction, saw her wimp out and chain herself to the two bob each way, greens!

Teresa May is the new British Prime Minister and won her position on merit!

Put up enough quality candidates, with good ideas, a popular platform and the courage of conviction to back them all the way; and see what happens.

The two "Ladies" are so busy lusting after unearned power? They can't see that they are at the heart of their problem! As are their antidemocratic quotas!

When you look at the population and the voting demographic, the numbers seem to suggest, there more female voters than male? Most of who, are equally turned off by control freak feminists lusting after power for power's sake?

And not because they'd necessarily improve anything or be more resolute or intelligent, just more butch than the rabble rubbish they'd replace?

If you've ever worked under one control freak butch female? (minus the obvious sexual connotations ["heaven"]) You know it's not something you'd ever chose again and a good enough reason to reject quotas!

The preferential voting system that makes a virtual mockery of democracy (de mock, crass, see?) is enough already, without control freak females lusting after power for power's, sake added to it!

What we don't need are examples that stand out as being more, we know best elitist candidates, than the born to rule examples they'd replace!?

Stay with merit and candidates that can cut the mustard! Their success or failure dependent on the quality of their character, their ideas, and the courage of conviction to stay the course and back them to the hilt, with convincing passion. To at the very least, win over the female voter demographic!

Find folk who can literally put the nation ahead of the party, party politics and self? Then take your chances!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 17 January 2017 10:51:03 AM
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