The Forum > Article Comments > Three shrewd options for climate change > Comments
Three shrewd options for climate change : Comments
By David Leyonhjelm, published 5/1/2017The first of the shrewd options is to withdraw from the Paris agreement and abandon the pledge to force Australian emissions in 2030 to be 26 to 28 per cent lower than emissions in 2005.
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The reality is that reducing CO2 emissions costs too much money and the greenies won't accept neuclear power. Consequently most countries are only committed to tokenism. If global warming caused by humans is today's reality, we will have to get used to it!
Posted by Bren, Thursday, 5 January 2017 2:33:35 PM
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If you really want to reduce fossil-fuel usage, then your very first action should be to stop supporting the practice of procreation. In fact, it should be penalised.
Is it acceptable to preach others to reduce their energy footprint while at the same time polluting the planet indefinitely with perpetually multiplying progeny? What's done is done, but with a 9-month notice, all support for new-borns should be dropped. No welfare, no maternity-leave, no medical-care, no child-care, kindies, schools or tax-rebates for them. Those who still wish to infest the planet in their image should not only bear the full expenses, but also be named-and-shamed. Once there are no longer "future generations" to worry about, or at least fewer of those, one no longer needs to be concerned about the fuel they consume during their remaining few decades. Where are the schools that educate children about the tyranny of their genes, teaching them that rather than being blindly obeyed, these little monsters are unworthy selfish mechanisms that should best be ignored or spat at? Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 5 January 2017 3:23:16 PM
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In this my imagined greatness is in rare agreement with Senator for Guns Lino's dog's balling gonadness*.
Every WEEK China's and India's construction of coal fired power stations cancels out a whole YEAR of any greenhouse gas reductions Australia can painfully achieve. This is not good my mistress, not gud at all, Julia. The end result being all of Austraya emulating South Australia's mad back-to-cave-dwelling Luddite** breaking. Breaking of perfectly good hydrocarben power stations in favour of renewable electricity production that must anyway be supported by Victoria's remaining hydrocarbon power stations. South Australia's never to be achieved nuclear power aspirations are unpopular with its populous, and but a distraction for the simple. * speakum truth. ** Where to now? Australia should heavily utilise gas powered power stations rather than selling the gas to ingrates who are prepared to pay too much for it. Counter-intuitive? Yup. Poida da Great Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 5 January 2017 4:03:21 PM
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South Australians are finally waking up to the fact that our politicians have ostensibly, sold them down the river?
That their energy is now so expensive as to preclude, industrial production and that privatization, wherever it has occurred hasn't result in cheaper power bill or a better maintained system? Just a gold plated one? This being so, we need to return public amenity, to former, not for profit, public ownership! And a far better deal than that offered by debt laden, tax avoiding, profit repatriating foreigners. Whose only self evident goal seems to be, aided and abetted by some of our self serving pollies? To screw us over, while we pay them, way beyond the natural cost, for the privilege? Every western style economy rests on just two support pillars, energy and capital! Neither of which should have ever been privatized in any way, shape or form! Given, keeping them as exclusively ours, is all that in truth, guarantees our economic sovereignty! S.A. learned the hard way, how little it prospers them to be at the whim and caprice of profit orientated foreign investors! Nothing intrinsically wrong with foreign investment just the control and inherent unreliability that invariably goes with it, thanks to some of the most asinine policy objectives ever seen in this (sold down the river) country? We need change we can believe in! And maybe that's a brand new political party that patently places Australians and Australia first and foremost! And telling like it is, would be good start! We need nuclear energy and that needs to be walk away safe, molten salt thorium energy! Even if that means exposing the national grid as the great white, gold plated, elephant it truly is! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 5 January 2017 5:13:28 PM
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Here we go again !
Pages of posts all pontificating about CO2, different ways of reducing it, arguing this or that solution. It is all redundant. It does not matter whether global warming is real or not ! All that matters is can we build an alternative energy system that can give us reliable electricity quick enough before the whole structure comes crashing down ? The quick answer is yes we can, the long answer is can we afford it and is it already to late to start ? These are the questions for which the politicians are paid to find the answers as it will take at least a couple of decades to complete. The key question is do we have the time ? Then to complicate the answer is that Sydney's population alone is expected to rise by 200,000 a year or some such mad number. With all that is going on in the energy scene could this only be done by insane politicians ? Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 8 January 2017 12:22:02 PM