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When all finish first everyone finishes last : Comments

By Louis O'Neill, published 14/12/2016

And if inequity of gender truly does highlight discrimination in all industries that are male dominated, shouldn't Trudeau and Mackenzie also be urging for more female truck drivers?

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Thanks for that Runner. and on that theme, maybe you'll like this?

Three lifelong Friends (strange bedfellows) enjoyed Fishing and were a Rabbi, a Catholic Priest and a Mormon Elder.

Anyhow, one sunday morning, when feeding the fish together, as was their customary habit, the RC Priest stood, explained he had early mass, stepped off the boat and walked across the water to nearby land!
Went and took care of Parish business.

A little over an hour later saw him striding back to take his position in the prow.

Hardly had his rear end touched timber, than the Mormon Elder stood, begged their pardon, explaining he had to read this week's address, stepped off and walked across the water to complete his assignation.

A little over an hour later he returned, as the Rabbi's dancing eyebrows competed for space inside a receding hairline! Whereapon he stood, exclaimed, what you pair of sons of unwed mothers can do, or words to that effect, so can I!

Stepped over the side of the boat, and promptly sank like a proverbial stone!

As he was bobbing up for the third time, the Elder turned to the Priest, enquiring, do you think Bill, we ought to tell him the sandbar is on the other side of the boat?
Cheers, Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 14 December 2016 4:03:09 PM
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I want to discuss about travel that where we should go for a trip, that we can be cool and clam as well can enjoy the each and every second.
Posted by voyagesbooth, Wednesday, 14 December 2016 4:22:33 PM
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