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When all finish first everyone finishes last : Comments

By Louis O'Neill, published 14/12/2016

And if inequity of gender truly does highlight discrimination in all industries that are male dominated, shouldn't Trudeau and Mackenzie also be urging for more female truck drivers?

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Yeah its weird how as females get into careers couples have few if any children and there's a need for lots of migration from traditional cultures, as though it shows the unnature of it all, like Aristotle's 'the worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal'
Posted by progressive pat, Wednesday, 14 December 2016 10:06:53 AM
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Yes, there is a case for natural selection in all occupations! And that should mean most trucks piloted by females! Who, as attested by many mine companies, are better safer drivers!

Simply put, I believe we are now mature enough to remove all and any artificial gender preferenced barriers to any occupation! And just allow competence and natural selection dominate, rather than prehistoric predilection, or testosterone overload!

That said, how many current occupations will be available 20-30 years from now or be exclusively occupied by robots or artificial intelligence?

Has anybody here seen a robot girl? I need some of the slack removed from my conrod, my sump drained and completely flushed; and my connector nuts tightened. I said tighten, not remove! Just can't get good help nowadays!

A robot girl, walking with her robot dad, saw a robot boy, walking toward her, who made her oil run hot, by mechanize at her.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 14 December 2016 10:23:18 AM
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I still prefer a well dressed young lady serving up tea on a plane trip. It makes the trip more pleasant.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 14 December 2016 10:37:43 AM
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You never hear the gender equality people moaning about the disparity in imprisonment rates between men and women. Perhaps harsher sentences for women would be appropriate to rectify this. Likewise with life expectancy, suicide, homelessness, parental rights post divorce. It seems they only want the good bits and will leave the bad bits for men.
Posted by Rhys Jones, Wednesday, 14 December 2016 11:02:49 AM
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Runner: I remember my first plane trip in a southbound old DC3. We followed the coastline, at around 3,000 feet, so we wouldn't get lost? And as a consequence hit every air pocket and downdraft in creation? And given some of the huge ups and downs were accomplished at terminal velocity! The wings actually flapped!

Before long most of the passengers faces had taken on a distinct pea green pallor! And as a symptom of comfort, included yours truly! Anyhow when the slim attractive hostess arrived with tea and sandwiches, enquiring if I'd like lunch?

I was able to advise her, to hurl it straight into the vomit bag, as it would save time!

When we finally touched down, I did my best impression of Pope Pius, head down, rear end up, with lips connecting with the nearby grass.

At which point, Biggles our pilot, replete with goggles and leather flying helmet, walked by and quipped, good old terra firma, eh what? Yes, I replied, more firma and less terror.
Cheers, Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 14 December 2016 11:08:46 AM
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thanks for sharing that Alan B. It sounded like one of my first experiences in a fishing boat where I supplied the burly while everyone else laughed and caught fish.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 14 December 2016 3:11:55 PM
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Thanks for that Runner. and on that theme, maybe you'll like this?

Three lifelong Friends (strange bedfellows) enjoyed Fishing and were a Rabbi, a Catholic Priest and a Mormon Elder.

Anyhow, one sunday morning, when feeding the fish together, as was their customary habit, the RC Priest stood, explained he had early mass, stepped off the boat and walked across the water to nearby land!
Went and took care of Parish business.

A little over an hour later saw him striding back to take his position in the prow.

Hardly had his rear end touched timber, than the Mormon Elder stood, begged their pardon, explaining he had to read this week's address, stepped off and walked across the water to complete his assignation.

A little over an hour later he returned, as the Rabbi's dancing eyebrows competed for space inside a receding hairline! Whereapon he stood, exclaimed, what you pair of sons of unwed mothers can do, or words to that effect, so can I!

Stepped over the side of the boat, and promptly sank like a proverbial stone!

As he was bobbing up for the third time, the Elder turned to the Priest, enquiring, do you think Bill, we ought to tell him the sandbar is on the other side of the boat?
Cheers, Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 14 December 2016 4:03:09 PM
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I want to discuss about travel that where we should go for a trip, that we can be cool and clam as well can enjoy the each and every second.
Posted by voyagesbooth, Wednesday, 14 December 2016 4:22:33 PM
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