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Where to for migrants and minorities? : Comments

By Saeed Khan, published 6/12/2016

The dust is yet to settle on Brexit and Donald Trump's presidential victory but Australia's own deplorables are already out in force beating their chests.

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What a racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic hell this country is. It's such a contrast to such peaceful tolerant societies such as Bangladesh, Iran, China, Saudi Arabia and a hundred others. It's very curious how diversity is compulsory for Western societies but not for non-western cultures.

The author should carefully examine his own prejudices before criticising others.
Posted by mac, Tuesday, 6 December 2016 10:24:04 AM
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What a nasty, malcontented brute! Your typical "diversity advocate" (see bio) who does not believe in diversity of opinion or speech - damn white- hating racist. He sees anyone not like him as "deplorable", "xenophobic" and "ugly beasts"; and "we have no legislative protection for migrants and minorities". What a lunatic!

White Australians have a sense of entitlement? Not strange in their own country; but this awful creature has a huge sense of entitlement himself, trotting out abuse against the host population.

If Seed Khan hates us do much, he can excuse himself any time, for the delights of Pakistan, as far as I'm concerned. There could not be a person less worthy of Australian hospitality.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 6 December 2016 10:31:32 AM
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I think that Saeed is after Julian Triggs job. The hatred towards those who have given him civilisation is palpable. No wonder the likes of Trump is elected when you have migrants receiving tax payer funded jobs and then crapping on those who gave him an escape from a country as deplorable as Pakistan. Thankfully the migrants I know are extremly thankful for the forefathers who built this great nation.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 6 December 2016 11:03:35 AM
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Not by rioting or non peaceful protest, but by unarguable on any rational ground, advocacy! And by countering the lunatic extreme right, (inmates in charge of the asylum) with much more egalitarian inclusive social justice advocacy! And cricket!

And not from the left necessarily, but progressive conservatives, who understand, when the great unwashed are better off, everybody else is also!

We are a nation of migrants, who invaded initially as chained slaves, those who survived the incomprehensible deprivations of the longest ever enforced transportation

! And arrived as an emaciated barely alive invading army bound down with iron chains! And barely retained the strength to blow out a candle!

The resident aborigines didn't stand a chance! And have every right to blame these still hated for daring to survive, invaders!

And are served in their 200 year old endevour, by finding what intesmally small things that separate us, or just any excuse?

God help those with forbears from both sides! We can have the most monumental arguments and fights with ourselves, (take that you ewe) and bound to win every time!

As does the loony tune right! Who have the comfort of knowing they're always right! (Except in Australia, where left is right and right is wrong, or bound to result in a peddle to the metal headlong collision?)
Alan B
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 6 December 2016 11:12:28 AM
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Saeed, I think you want Australians to be racist. For your own personal agenda! I have yet to be convinced that they was into our impoverished home that my late father invited one of Australia's earliest migrants.. a Balt ... in a small country town unused to "New Australians".. and thereafter we reveled in "diversity"..some even married these "diverse" people! Where do you think I have spent some of my Christmases? Sitting on the floor sharing a meal with Muslim friends! And who do you think cares for me now, when I have a mishap like a fractured ankle former neighbors who are now back in Pakistan.. via Facebook ! Mine was the first home locally into which I offered a safe haven for persecuted refugees from the ME... a year ago...the problem is they are hard to assemble because they fear Refugee Camps where they are also persecuted. SOME Australians are racist. SOME Australians are unjust.SOME Australians are thieves.SOME Australians are rude. SOME Muslims are terrorists. Henry VIII, the head of the Church of England, had two of his wives beheaded. No one sees that as reflecting on today's C of E's adherents! Our earliest immigrants were labelled "wogs"...and they laughed ..coming out of dire poverty they were sunny and light hearted, never taking themselves too seriously you are in danger of doing Saaed . Like those Italians, other highly cultured Europeans accepted us for the Philistines we were, enriched our culture and were happy to live and die here. Stop stirring up trouble Saeed and embrace some of the real injustices in this country...though if I were to mention them, you would probably put me in Hillary Clinton's basket of "deplorables" .
Posted by Denny, Tuesday, 6 December 2016 11:37:54 AM
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Well, they had 40 years and 90% of academicians, the media and hollywood and still couldn't convince most people that diversity is fun.

Immigration seems to work best as a compliment to society, rather than a scheme to steal poor countries doctors and engineers and reduce the wages of local battlers.
Posted by progressive pat, Tuesday, 6 December 2016 11:38:31 AM
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So Saeed Khan detests the Australian culture he basks in.

For those nurtured in Pakistan, like Saeed Khan*, they should consider the inferiority of their own homeland of lawless Islamists, beating up "second class" women and "honour" killings.

Go home Khan.

Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 6 December 2016 11:43:28 AM
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Saeed this piece is so bad, it could have been written by Hillary Clinton.

We all know where insulting a huge percentage of the American people got her, & most deservedly so. Why do you think insulting the majority of Australian people will be more effective for you?

You have been living off the generosity of the Oz people in your quango activities, yet you think you have some special right to insult us. Well let me assure you that you are, in that good old Ozzies term, a "bloody idiot".

I know it is impossible for the likes of you & your compatriots to actually say THANKS, but you had better learn. More of this type of garbage & you could just find yourself having to say please very often. Some of us could actually come to dislike you & your type, & start letting you know in no uncertain terms.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 6 December 2016 12:10:14 PM
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Notice the stock-standard tactic of the "diversity advocate" to personally abuse anyone who disagrees with his opinion?
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Tuesday, 6 December 2016 12:33:55 PM
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I do not think the author is capable of reading and digesting what others have said before me on this thread, but he should and contemplate his situation very carefully.

If he thinks our society so deplorable then it is best he depart for a more suitable location, like Pakistan.

Frankly I prefer my kids and grand kids to spend their lives here, with all our social problems, than in some muslim dominated country. The less diversity we have the better.
Posted by Banjo, Tuesday, 6 December 2016 1:08:12 PM
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So Saeed will you be leading the revolution against the country and people that have taken you in? One would think if things were as bad as you claim you’d have left to go back HOME to Pakistan. Personally I think your attitude is deplorable and we would be better off without you.

You talk in colours, I don’t. None of my friends do either. Does that make you deplorably racist?
You seem awfully myopic politically and its deplorable that you fail so comprehensively to notice that the MSM is largely full of LW Progressive opinion.

Its deplorable that you don’t recognize that we don’t have the UK class system here or the blatant racism of the US.

I think its deplorable considering what a deplorable people and nation we are that you can’t find anywhere better to live, no one is keeping you here.
It would be nice if some communities didn’t have deplorable individuals who behave deplorably and we didn’t have to have things like the ME Crime Squad. Deplorable isn’t it… we don’t have a Buddhist Crime Squad or a Celtic Crime Squad. Perhaps you find it deplorable we don’t, perhaps you find it racist or xenophobic.

We know racism exists we have imported lots of it and Multiculturalism has meant that we’ve had to TOLERATE it. Funny how we Deplorables must tolerate the intolerable isn’t it?
It seems you have developed a deplorable bias and hatred of your fellow “Australian” or is it only “white” ones you have problems with, because it certainly seems that way. Is it deplorable being a racist? Well at least you’ve managed to hang out with people of the right colour, mindset and biases eh?
Multiculti is a crock and diversity creates disharmony in societies. But hey, you already know that right? That’s why you preach anger, race hatred and revolution. That is why you spit in the face of those who call themselves Australian and love their country. Well you could always leave, no one will stop you.
Posted by T800, Tuesday, 6 December 2016 3:34:37 PM
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Unfortunately, the author has fallen into the trap of attributing ignorance and/or evil intent to those who hold views different to his own. One of the problems with that approach is that it alienates those who hold different views and it hinders the acquisition of knowledge and understanding. It is the same blinkered approach that leads some, for example, to believe that all Muslims secretly harbour the same world view as Islamic terrorists.
Posted by Martello, Tuesday, 6 December 2016 4:15:19 PM
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The author says:” You can feel the toxicity of the talkback radio pumping poison into murky airwaves. You can spot the beat-up merchants lining up to attack migrants and minorities as the existential threat to white Australia's future. More importantly, you can see the ugly beast raising its head on front, back and cross benches of the Australian Parliament.”
Not a word of fact, just scurrilous fabrications.
How does an undeserving mendicant like this attain a platform from which he can direct his lying, baseless spleen.
He is proof that we need better control of who is allowed into this country. We certainly do not deserve the infliction on our community of people like this.
Posted by Leo Lane, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 12:21:22 AM
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I've read this article twice, and cannot make any sense out of it at all.
What is its purpose,and what message exactly, is it trying impart?
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 6:34:36 AM
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I'll actually put a label on it ( the article).
I think we are here, looking deeply into the inner mental machinations of a deeply twisted nut case.
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 6:47:16 AM
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mac, ttbn, runner, T800, Martello, Leo Lane, diver dan & co

I have been around long enough to know what scares you most.... A migrant/muslim with courage and opinion.

Nice to be back!
Posted by SKhan, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 7:25:39 AM
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//Multiculti is a crock and diversity creates disharmony in societies.//

If you don't like foreigners, I guess it might. But I don't think most people are that bothered by them; they seem to prefer to judge people on the content on the character than the country of their birth (or their ancestors birth).
Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 8:28:21 AM
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Dear Mr Khan.
Your response, unfortunately, is an example of the closed mind that I was referring to.
Posted by Martello, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 9:23:49 AM
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Obviously you think that cultural differences are racist, there is quite a difference, you should learn this.

I would like to see a halt to muslim immigration because it is not compatable to our democratic society. Examples are many and large scale muslim immigration was certainly a mistake by our governments.

What really scares me is that you have had positions on some community committees. I wonder how many of your fellow committee members think the same as you. That needs bringing to the governments attention and gives me concern for the generations that follow on from mine.
Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 9:31:17 AM
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'I have been around long enough to know what scares you most.... A migrant/muslim with courage and opinion. '

no SKan your bigotted ideology is very clear. What is far more frightening is idiots like the getup crowd who you use as useful idiots.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 9:55:10 AM
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Where to for migrants and minorities?

Well if you don't like the opportunities we offer, & the money we waste on your comfort in housing & living expenses, I would suggest, "Home James, & don't spare the horses".

We are getting thoroughly sick of whinging migrants & refugees, who have been so feather bedded it is ridiculous.

You might have something to whinge about if you had come just after WW11. The refugees we brought in here were all dumped here & expect to make their own way. Sink or swim was the idea, & they were very willing to swim. Obviously they were much better people than the current bunch of dropkicks, who want everything given to them for nothing. Almost to a person they succeeded, & were grateful.

So we can tell a worthwhile migrant from that experience, & buddy, you sure aint one of them.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 11:16:26 AM
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"I have been around long enough to know what scares you most.... A migrant/muslim with courage and opinion. "

(1) I've noticed that you haven't defended your claims in the article, but you've resorted to the ad hominem attack referenced above. You seem quite oblivious to your own prejudices and hypocritically lecture the rest of Australian non-Muslim society.

(2) So let's see your defence of your outrageous claims. Prejudice against Muslims in Australia is minor compared with the brutal experiences of non-Muslims in Muslim majority nations.

(3)Muslims should accept that in the liberal democracies of the West, Islam is just another superstition tolerated by the secular state, Muslims aren't the ruling class here.

So, I'll exercise my right to describe Islam as a totalitarian ideology that's inimical to Western democracy.
Posted by mac, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 1:01:54 PM
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Dear Trolls/Deplorables,
You have so eloquently proven my point that the genie is now out of the bottle. Not long before the silent majority will have to confront, condemn and apologize for your sick views and actions!
Posted by SKhan, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 1:49:24 PM
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Well SKhan

I understand the boys at Immigration have passed round the hat and raised enough to send you ONE-WAY (on Pakistan International Airlines ("Paki")) to the homeland you cherish more than Australia.

Now Paki naturally has a poor safety record . All that ground-fire and poor professionalism...
Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 3:08:46 PM
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Khan has now confirmed that he has nothing to offer but dishonest fabrication, and abuse.
His article was a waste of space.
Posted by Leo Lane, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 3:14:00 PM
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What Saeed does not appreciate is that the views expressed here are the views of the silent majority, but eventually he will realize this.

Just like the Muslim woman who doubted the figures supporting a halt to muslim immigration, so she arranged her own poll. She got a figure of 74% wanting a halt to muslim immigration.

Our politicians are slowly waking up and the muslim influx will stop. Other immigrants will be accepted and welcomed on a needs basis as they always have been.
Posted by Banjo, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 3:38:30 PM
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So who among us are going to bell this particular cat? It strikes me that this is a racist attack on white Australia, in fact on people this man considers "White" whatever that is but certainly motivated by race. Who is going to complain to that nice Professor Triggs?
Personally I am going to send this article to my member of parliament who would be happy to have more not less of these people here and seek his assistance in barring this particular racist from being able to sit on any advisory committee and ask/tell him to also complain to the AHRC.
I know it will not do anything but I certainly will have a stick to beat my local member with when he starts sooking about us not doing enough for the disadvantaged.
Posted by JBowyer, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 4:00:37 PM
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yep I think Skhan has really done us a favour by displaying his bigotry. Really I think he should immigrate to Israel to find out how civilised people from the Middle East can be.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 4:24:33 PM
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You're the bloody 'deplorable' mate.
We never had to beat our chests or contaminate the debate because we were in the right, only thing is now we don't have to take as much crap from the likes of people like you anymore because 'the deplorables' won and your mandate for a messed up stalin-like world has been exposed for the sham it is and henceforth thrown on the scrapheap.

Why would I want to beat my chest and rub it in?
That would only give your lot reason to keep carrying on with screwed up and baseless narrative.

What talkback radio?
Exactly what are you on about?
Please give us an example or retract your statement.
"You can spot the beat-up merchants lining up to attack migrants and minorities as the existential threat to white Australia's future."
Where? Please provide evidence for your claim or retract it. - I can say pretty much whatever I want and I wouldn't be lining up, I'd just be responding to your childish moaning.
"More importantly, you can see the ugly beast raising its head on front, back and cross benches of the Australian Parliament."

Yeah and in almost every single western and EU nation, so who's wrong Saeed?
Did we invite you to come here, or did you think you could just show up and then start telling us how we should and shouldn't live in OUR own country?

What country are you originally from?
Can I go there and expect the same freedoms you expect from us?
What about the freedoms you already get here?
Can I get them where you came from?

We built this country and your an ungrateful piece of crap.
We're sick of all your pro migrant rubbish.

Our western nations have been the most tolerant and open to immigrants in history.
It's your Islamic culture which is intolerant of others including western ideals.

We're not the ones stabbing people because we saw a woman in a bikini and couldn't cope with it or someone else eating a bacon burger.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 7 December 2016 9:27:25 PM
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Saeed Khan could learn something from this guy...
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 8 December 2016 12:14:21 AM
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//Saeed Khan could learn something from this guy...//

That the most famous Republican, Lincoln, was spot on when he said 'better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt'? That's the take-home message I got from that fat clown before I stopped the video because idiots annoy me.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Thursday, 8 December 2016 7:42:17 AM
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Yes this so-called "poet" could certainly observe "better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out [write poetry] and remove all doubt"

But then again his national poetry is backed by the Islamic Bomb (nuclear arsenal)*. So we should write of this Khan** carefully.


** Khan is Pakistan's most prominent surname. Khan is more generally a title given to rulers and officials in central and South Asia.
Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 8 December 2016 1:02:49 PM
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I am white and when I protest the racism and dumbing down of Australia I am never told to go back home, never, Not once. Never get comparison to my home country, never not once. Here we have a whole load of go back post, extremely racist immature nation. But it is also a sign we are regressing, progressive people see talent, not race. The modern brain is not into groups, there is no logic to it. A person is a person who knows math or cooking. Only the ancient primal brains see identifying traits like skin colour as useful, So they know the enemy is in the wild. But a progressive society is supposed to be able to control those ancient impulses as they make no sense today. If we allow that part of the brain to rule us we will become like the ME.
Posted by TheMissus, Saturday, 10 December 2016 1:08:11 PM
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So are you voman from non-Enklisch spewing bokrond I tink!?
Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 10 December 2016 2:59:56 PM
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' Only the ancient primal brains see identifying traits like skin colour as useful,'

true TheMissus however people who fail to observe abhorrent behaviour are either blind or stupid. You would not let a paedophile in your house (at least I hope not).
Posted by runner, Saturday, 10 December 2016 3:39:35 PM
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Interesting that Themissus thinks being a racist bigot is a worthwhile talent. Honestly... :-(
Posted by T800, Saturday, 10 December 2016 6:13:56 PM
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One aspect that has not been mentioned as to why Khan and his compatriots are undesirable as migrants is the low IQ of Pakistan’s population. The average IQ there is 84, while the white average and northern Asian average is 100 or above.
These people are unsuitable as migrants and should be excluded from consideration.

Khan's article certainly demonstrates his low intellect
Posted by Leo Lane, Saturday, 10 December 2016 6:54:34 PM
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OLO commenters seem to confirm what the writer speaks of, while turning OLO into a forum for bigots, nativists and eugenicists to attack anyone or anything different.

Then again this reflects the resurgence since Howard of ugly Australian culture which simply shows how insecure and xenophobic Oz can be; hardly a vote of confidence in one's nation when there is desire to divide it?

Curious watching how many Australians are being willingly and/or unwittingly led on by mainstream media, politicians and other actors with an axe to grind (e.g. corporates who don't like govt.), who view Oz through past via sepia tinted glasses, 'wasn't it better in the past?' and preclude a future for all citizens, as we are all mostly 'immigrants'.

The challenge for conservatives is how far can you push these tactics and ideology into the future with changing demographics, or don't they care? From the outside like Brexit, Trump, Turkey or Hungary, it shows Oz to be lacking confidence, very insecure in, and antagonistic towards, the outside world.

The stupidity and ignorance of this 'zeitgeist' is to blame outsiders or 'immigrants', then real policies are avoided in favour of making noise about the former.... and the status quo remains....
Posted by Andras Smith, Saturday, 10 December 2016 11:07:42 PM
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Well Andras if you want to see a racist bigot I suggest you actually read the piece written by Saeed... and stop blaming those who react against his blatant racist bigotry.
Posted by T800, Sunday, 11 December 2016 7:54:44 AM
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"Well Andras if you want to see a racist bigot I suggest you actually read the piece written by Saeed... and stop blaming those who react against his blatant racist bigotry."

Well, that's not going to happen, is it?

It's so much easier to use an ad hominem attack on the critics of Islam than to bother to learn any thing about the ideology, its history or culture. Also Muslims know that Islam, as currently practised, is a totalitarian ideology that's indefensible in a liberal democratic society. Attacking critics' characters is their only option.
Posted by mac, Sunday, 11 December 2016 8:24:33 AM
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Andras Smith says:” OLO commenters seem to confirm what the writer speaks of, “
Only to a bigot like you, Andras.
You will eventually hate yourself for talking baseless nonsense like this.
Posted by Leo Lane, Sunday, 11 December 2016 12:59:51 PM
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I am coming into this debate rather late in the piece.
Firstly I stopped to read the author's article and all
I can say is _ "Wow!"
Very strong stuff! A "Call to Arms." So to speak.
Although, I'm not sure that the Ethnic Communities will
take up the call. After all Australia has been built
on settlement from other countries which in many ways this
has determined the very nature of contemporary Australian Society.
Most people have with the assistance of various Agencies and
government programs have integrated very well into this
country. People who've come here since WWII represent approx.
150 different nationalities, 200 different languages and more
than 70 different religions.

Where to for migrants and minorities?
I believe that they'will continue to work hard,
as they've always done, and build a
better life for themselves and their children - contributing to
the rich tapestry of this land, as they have always done.

The author, has possibly been upset by either some personal
experiences (each country has its nutters - but they're usually
a minority) or he's upset by certain aspects of current
government policies. However he need not be - as government
policies are - as we know subject to change.

In closing, I would just like to lighten things up a bit here
by the following joke told by an American comedian on TV Saturday

"If Jesus was to return - what with his "Middle-Eastern"
appearance, brown skin, and arriving by boat - guess where he'd
end up?"
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 December 2016 1:43:44 PM
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' If Jesus was to return - what with his "Middle-Eastern"
appearance, brown skin, and arriving by boat - guess where he'd
end up?"'

Jesus would come with a message of love repentance and invitation of eternal life. Saaed comes as a victim and writes bigotry. Very poor comparison Foxy. It is the Saaed's that make it difficult for the numerous wonderful migrants who have contributed to society and are thankful to those who gave them a go. His attitude like many that appear on the abc is putrid.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 11 December 2016 2:48:35 PM
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Dear runner,

I don't for one moment doubt that Jesus would come
bearing a message of love. Just as most migrants
work hard and contribute to our society.

As for judging the author. I shall leave that up to
each of us to do individually, depending I suppose on
our outlooks, experiences, values, et cetera.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 December 2016 3:48:09 PM
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cont'd ...

I worry that our country may be falling apart from
lack of wisdom, lack of grace. We need to look within
ourselves to our inner life. Our inner life is like a
garden we haven't really thought of cultivating, which
would bear all the fruit we could ever want, once we
thin of tending to its needs.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 December 2016 4:22:24 PM
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Andras Smith + Khan

I reckon you are writing more about your own (and Khan, writer of the article's) intellectual SNOBBERY*, than concerns about race, country or Islam.

* You and Khan preciously belittle the views of ordinary Australians.
Posted by plantagenet, Sunday, 11 December 2016 4:43:01 PM
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Welcome back.

"If Jesus was to return - what with his "Middle-Eastern"
appearance, brown skin, and arriving by boat - guess where he'd
end up?"

First off, He'd have his papers in order, would be a genuine migrant and would get a job, however lowly, and then prosper through hard work.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 11 December 2016 7:25:57 PM
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Here's a question, where would the likes of a randomly selected citizen like Sir John Monash fit into the commenters' narrative about 'immigrants'?

Now it's anti-Moslem sentiment being promoted, but keep in mind post WWII the anti-immigration agit prop was directed towards Catholics and Jews....

By today's standards Monash, like many others who migrated to and made Oz great, would not be eligible as he was neither WASP nor Christian (spoke German at home), and of course would be a load on society and couldn't possibly fit in?

If Monash was alive would proponents of throwing out 18C be encouraging 'Australians' like here to say what they want against someone like him? Probably not as they seem to lack, in addition to ethics, a backbone.

Great antidote to Jewish and/or Moslem anti-semitism e.g. when Australians left/right blow off about 'globalisation', 'global elites' etc., tell them they are repeating the old classic anti-semitic tropes that even the old left in UK get caught out using still..... maybe LNP, SPA, One Nation etc. in parts of Australia just team up, then maybe try secede and join the UK/US as they don't seem to care about Oz?
Posted by Andras Smith, Sunday, 11 December 2016 8:51:37 PM
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Dear Is Mise,

Thank You for the "Welcome back."

As for Jesus having the right papers et cetera?

He was being chased by the authorities for preaching
what the authorities did not approve of and as you know
he ended up being crucified for it. So no he would
not have the right papers. In today's political climate
the authorities would be suspicious of him.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 December 2016 9:40:54 PM
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You are not only a bigot, Andras Smith, but an ignoramus.
Monash’s parents immigrated to Australia when he was a child, and started a business in Jerilderie, Victoria. Monash was a successful engineer, before he joined the army.
There is no parallel between him and Kahn. His parents were desirable immigrants for Australia, and they were welcome here.
Kahn is an undesirable immigrant and has unfortunately been made welcome here
.In Monash’s time we had a White Australia policy which would have made Kahn unwelcome, so you could not be more wrong, Andras.
Your statement:” By today's standards Monash, like many others who migrated to and made Oz great, would not be eligible as he was neither WASP nor Christian (spoke German at home), and of course would be a load on society and couldn't possibly fit in? is complete nonsense.

Monash’s parents started a successful business, and did very well. They were never a load on the community, and sent Monash to university.
Posted by Leo Lane, Sunday, 11 December 2016 9:48:27 PM
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You know some history, my great grandfather on paternal side did business with Monash's family in Jerilderie, while another on the maternal side supported Monash's school in Melbourne.

Unfortunately Australians' habit of telling people distasteful stuff, or shouting it in media, often has many (unwittingly) making illogical and anti-semitic claims directed at various targets, without knowing that Monash was Jewish, but e.g. Ahmed Fahour at Australia Post can be ostracised because he is Moslem?

Every immigrant has a story, but denying some immigrants their story or denigrating their story sounds more like Orwell's Big Brother and National Socialism, having to approve individual immigrants by some old WASPish and racial hygiene standards.

Comment says a lot about how people on this forum discriminate based on stereotypes between a good immigrant and a bad immigrant; Monash would not approve. Why? Because such attitudes stereotype all Australians as narrow minded,or matching outside perceptions of being 'shallow and racist'.
Posted by Andras Smith, Sunday, 11 December 2016 10:53:07 PM
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//First off, He'd have his papers in order, would be a genuine migrant and would get a job//

I dunno... do you reckon when Joseph, Mary and the infant Jesus had to flee to Egypt to escape Herod's massacre of infants, they took the time to get their papers in order or just got the hell out of Dodge to avoid their child being killed?
Posted by Toni Lavis, Monday, 12 December 2016 3:27:54 AM
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Oh no! Now we have you religionistas arguing about their sky fairies when this is was really about a writer who is a racist, bigot and a thoroughly undeserving immigrant for this country.
Andrass Smith has been caught out lying in a particularly shabby way and instead of slinking off in shame tries to bully his way out. The left never consider their racism, prejudice and lies wrong though, why is this?
Posted by JBowyer, Monday, 12 December 2016 5:12:16 AM
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LOL.... talk about ignoring the beam in one's eye... Andras ignores the blatant racist garbage coming from Saeed and focuses on one individual. ROTFLMAO.
Posted by T800, Monday, 12 December 2016 7:49:29 AM
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Dear Banjo and the old gang....

I see you continue with your "go back to where you come from" rubbish.

It's hard to define who has the right to ask others to leave as neither of our forefathers owned the land.

Let's have a referendum among our Indigenous communities across Australia to decide who should leave and who should stay?
Posted by SKhan, Monday, 12 December 2016 10:28:47 AM
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S Khan what a good idea but as you are fixated on race how many votes and how aboriginal do you have to be to vote? Is it only full bloods or does some other race dilute that vote?
Mind you Gough Whitlam said if you think you are aboriginal and other people accepted as aboriginal think you are then you are aboriginal. I know, crazy, but that is the accepted left wing idea.
With your religious bent you would regard any science as sorcery so perhaps you can enlighten us as to how this race voting thing would work?
Posted by JBowyer, Monday, 12 December 2016 10:35:20 AM
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Well even the aborigines were from elsewhere as were the rest of us.

As far as muslims are concerned they are the only group of migrants
that are promoting and elsewhere enforcing an alien legal and moral
system, and demonstrating their murderous methods.

We have no way of sorting out which are dangerous and which are not.
We do know that they are muslims, so ban moslems.
Time to stop tolerating the intolerant.

If you have any doubt go and read what is happening in Europe.
Freedom of speach is rapidly being suppressed by the moslems.
Even Dutch politicians are prosecuted and found guilty for asking
"do you want more moslems or less ?"

The case had bells ringing, 18c 18c 18c !
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 12 December 2016 12:09:56 PM
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If you folks want
to espouse your opinions, (and experiences)
then surely you should allow Mr Khan to do the same.
Simply as a courtesy.
Or does that entitlement apply only to people who
share your views? Wouldn't it be better to argue
with facts where Mr Khan is wrong than to stoop to
personal attacks.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 12 December 2016 4:55:40 PM
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Foxy, if Australians expressed themselves in the same disingenuous manner Khan chooses, they would be treated with the same contempt. as is directed at him
Posted by Leo Lane, Monday, 12 December 2016 9:44:55 PM
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Hellooo Foxy, long time no see !
Most countries in Europe are complying with Sharia's rules regarding
criticism of Islam. Politicians in three countries have been prosecuted
for criticising Islam and convicted. Holland, Finland and Germany.
I am not certain but I think Sweden was another.
There may be others, those are the ones I have noticed.
Words spoken in public have to be respectful to Islam and not be
critical of Mohamed.
With 18c still in force and the confused minds of legal people here
re race and religion we should probably be careful what we say on here.
Graham might like to input a bit here on that.

Oh wasn't that good news that Ms Prior got a bill for $200,000 ?
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 12 December 2016 10:12:26 PM
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' "I'm really grateful for being given the opportunity to be able to come to Australia and study here. Despite all the difficulties, I was given a new life.'

wow what a difference between the bigotry from Skhan and the gratitude from Saad a refugee from Syria. I wonder what part religion plays between one stinking attitude and one thankful attitude.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 12:06:13 AM
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Dear Leo Lane,

In a discussion forum we should attempt
to discuss the issues - not label people
or personally attack people no matter how
challenging their opinions might be to us.
Of course Mr Khan could have expressed himself
in a better manner. But for us to follow his
example only lowers the bar in the discussion.

Dear Bazz,

It is good to be back.

I don't quite understand all the complexities
of the Prior case. It does seem however that the judge
did make the right decision.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 5:35:33 AM
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Ethnic Comnmunities
The Australian community.

Few could better than Mr Khan demonstrate that cultures divide and stultify whereas culture unites and ennobles.

This is being verified in real time by Indonesia, the Moslem crap country that collaborated with the occupying Japs, jammed the rivers with the slaughtered bodies of non-Moslem ethnic Chinese, occupied East Timor and still occupies West Papua by armed violence, murdered Australian journalists, refuses to present its war criminals for trial and currently has a regional governor on trial for BLASPHEMY for challenging the march of Islam against freedom.

Did I write "crap country"? Is any part of the preceding paragraph untrue? Could any country ticking those boxes not qualify? Or any religion?

Australia is free for the practice of any cult that takes anyone's fancy, even Islam which is bigotry on steroids. But to be in the least tolerant of the imposition of the rules of a cult on non-believers is craven betrayal of the human rights that make Australia a decent country. That includes self-censorship that impels news media and official information sources to conceal the "cultures" of mobs of lawbreakers or to conceal rackets such as welfare payments to multiple wives as "dependants".

Openness to closedness as described by philosopher Allan Bloom in "The Closing of the American Mind" is a valve allowing the open society to bleed into the desert sand.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 2:11:37 PM
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Bazz, I understand what you mean. You say:” Mr Khan could have expressed himself
in a better manner. But for us to follow his
example only lowers the bar in the discussion.”
I do not follow his example. He has told lies, I tell the truth
He does not invite discussion. He invites contempt.
Posted by Leo Lane, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 2:35:04 PM
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why is it that the ' deplorables' have allowed the left so much oxygen. Out of the thousands of wonderful greatful immigrants we are given the trash dealt by Skhan. What is with the abc regressives that almost requires you to be a robot to get air time? Foxy calls it diversity, I call hatred of the hand that fed you and reached out to you vomit.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 2:45:42 PM
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Actually Leo it was Foxy that made the comment you attributed to me.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 3:26:33 PM
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Dear runner,

Perhaps if you had experienced what Mr Khan
learned from working with migrants and
minorities, you might have a better understanding
of what caused him to write such an article. Perhaps
we should look at the causes and not simply label
people whose situations we are not familiar with.
Show some empathy. That might help bridge the gap.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 3:32:40 PM
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Thanks, Baz. There is a “Dear” in front of the “Baz” that I treated as a signature.
I am not handling the hot weather well.
Stupid mistake.
Posted by Leo Lane, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 3:44:02 PM
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Emperor Julian,

Indonesia and Turkey were, for some time, often cited as the outstanding examples of tolerant Muslim-majority countries by Islam's apologists. Not so much recently.
Indonesians don't care about Kuffar war graves either, Allied vessels sunk in the Battle of the Java Sea have been systematically desecrated and broken up for scrap.

One of the sacred beliefs of the multi-cultists is that any friction between minority groups and the majority is entirely caused by the bigotry of the majority. Anyone who suggests that immigrants bring their own toxic baggage to this country is labelled a 'racist'.
Posted by mac, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 4:44:34 PM
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Monash went to fight the enemy, the only Moslems that we hear about, in this context, seem to be going to fight for the enemy.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 13 December 2016 7:08:51 PM
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Looks like Germany needs to worry about certain groups with truck licences.
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 20 December 2016 6:03:47 PM
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SMH carries report, 21 Dec 2016 :

"Berlin attack suspect may still be at large after suspect released, Germany urged to 'stay alert'"

Berlin: A man arrested on suspicion of driving the truck that killed 12 people at a Berlin Christmas market has now been released.

Police say the suspect arrested near the scene, thought to be Pakistani, had made extensive statements during a police hearing, but denied the offence and they've found no evidence to charge him at this stage..."

Note photo of German Police Goddess in same SMH article:
Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 21 December 2016 11:22:30 AM
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