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The Forum > Article Comments > Bracing communities for returning foreign fighters > Comments

Bracing communities for returning foreign fighters : Comments

By Muhammad Faizal Bin Abdul Rahman, published 25/10/2016

Countries especially those in the US-led global coalition to counter ISIL now face a terrorist threat level that is higher than it was post 9/11.

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The creeps should not be allowed to return.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 25 October 2016 9:43:00 AM
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I tend to agree with the sentiment, since Australia is a State enemy of IS.

I don't agree that they're necessarily "creeps" however, any more than the Americans who sneaked off to fight for Britain before their own country entered the war against Germany were "creeps". They're thrillseekers certainly; perhaps deeply religiously committed and well motivated but deluded; perhaps just murderous weirdos; perhaps patriots in their own minds, doing what they can to free their country of birth from occupation. There are undoubtedly as many stories as there are people. Characterising them as somehow unlike us, in potentio at least, doesn't really help in understanding them and it's understanding that's the key to it all. Some of them are undoubtedly potentially dangerous to Australia if they return though, so that's enough reason to keep them from doing so in the short term.

The thing is that some of the most powerful voices against extremism are former extremists, so we need to keep that in mind as well.
Posted by Craig Minns, Tuesday, 25 October 2016 9:59:01 AM
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Oh, come on Craig. You cannot compare the Americans, who might well have been thrill seekers, with terrorists. The Brits, and us, were fighting a World War for democracy against a foe similar to Islamism today, wanting world domination. The "creeps" are fighting against the free world for domination. And, of course, America as a nation did join in when it suited the socialist schemer FDR. But, at least you agree that the IS fighters should not be allowed to return, which is something. There is still a lot of work to be done on that relativism, though:).
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 25 October 2016 11:06:13 AM
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Confiscate their property, if any, and return them to their country of origin. Preferably by aircraft from about 10000 metres up.
Posted by ateday, Tuesday, 25 October 2016 12:09:28 PM
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Of course I can. The Americans who ignored their own Government's advice not to join in the war against Germany were in precisely the same position as the Australians who ignore their Government's instructions not to join in the war on the side of ISIS. If the Americans had for some reason decided to go into the war on Germany's side, those who had decided to fight on Britain's side would have been regarded as traitors, just as the few who decided to fight on Germany's side were.

The only difference is that we don't like ISIS and we do like Britain.

There's no relativism, these are directly comparable situations.
Posted by Craig Minns, Tuesday, 25 October 2016 12:40:02 PM
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Dear oh dear, Craig. If you believe that there is no cultural relativism entailed in your direct comparison of the British with Isis - one fighting to preserve OUR Western world from National Socialism, the other fighting against OUR world to force Islamism upon us with similar methods to the Nazis, then I am truly lost for words. You are hopelessly beyond redemption.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 25 October 2016 4:45:48 PM
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