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The Forum > Article Comments > UN needs to confront IS and Al-Nusra > Comments

UN needs to confront IS and Al-Nusra : Comments

By David Singer, published 11/10/2016

Both terrorist organisations have been the subject of many unanimous Security Council resolutions declaring them to be a threat to world peace and security – but all such resolutions have stopped short of authorising military action.

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Even the Syrian citizens who oppose Assad say this:

"We don't believe in killing Syria to improve Syria."

The war is motivated by foreign interests.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion but it helps to be informed.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 12 October 2016 6:36:17 AM
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In the present situation, seems to me the Russians would now regard authorisation of the UN security Council of action against Islamic State and Al Nusra like throwing petrol on a fire they are helping to fight. US presence is illegal under international law without permission from the Syrian government or UN Security Council. It has lately been exposed in numerous ways that the main aim of the US has been to covertly support numerous nominally Muslim terrorist groups to try and overthrow the most democratic and secular government in the Middle East and replace it with their own puppets and stooges. Especially so building a pipeline taking Qatari gas across Syria to Turkey can go ahead, reducing the Russian gas share in the European market. Also, Zionists would like to see Syria split into small Muslim states fighting each other rather that posing a threat to the Jewish state and in the long term help faciltate picking them off to create an enlarged "Grester Israel".
The US is now desperately trying to find excuses to slow the defeat of fighters it has spent billions of dollars sponsoring.
Posted by mox, Wednesday, 12 October 2016 11:18:51 PM
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#Alan B, #Leslie, #Armchair Critic, #mox

Guess all your posts confirm why the UN needs to take control of defeating Islamic State and al Nusra.

The competing interests of those presently involved makes unified action under a centralised command absolutely essential if a bloodbath of massive proportions is to be avoided.

America and Russia need to get to the Security Council before that option is overtaken. Two years of wasting time in failing to do so is going to have horrible consequences that will make the last two unthinkable years seem like a gentle calm before the storm.
Posted by david singer, Tuesday, 18 October 2016 8:23:58 AM
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