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Principles, perceptions and power : Comments
By Bill Calcutt, published 3/10/2016A growing community suspicion towards particular racial or religious sub-groups has the potential to exacerbate a sense of alienation and antagonism within these communities.
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"JKJ suggests a society in which there are predators and prey, with predation unchecked by any state."
No I don't. Where did I suggest that? Provide a direct quote.
What I suggest, or rather proved, was that social contract theory has no basis in reality or reason, and provides no justification of government or the State.
The fact you feel strongly about the State, doesn't justify you:
1. fantasising untrue bases for its existence
2. expecting others to share your untrue beliefs, or
3. misrepresenting me.
Social contract theory was made up in an attempt to provide some rational real-world justification for the State other than 'divine right of kings'. But nothing you, or anyone, has ever said, provides any more justification for social contract theory, than divine right of kings, as a justification of the existence of the State.
It is misrepresenting the issue to suggest that I believe there should be no protection against aggression.
But you have not given ANY reason why the problem is improved by a monopolist of aggression.
Your reference to WWII is a fight between States: you're proving my case, not yours.
In the final analysis, you have merely ASSUMED that the State reduces the amount of aggressive violence, which is all that Bill and Daffy Duck did.
But you are only able to reach this conclusion:
a) by taking it as your premise, which is illogical, and
b) by ignoring the State's mass murders, mass stealing, mass predation, which is orders of magnitude bigger and worse than anything any private parties have done, or were likely to do, in the absence of the State's hugely scaled-up abilities to commit such aggression.
Democratic states have been historically the worst for aggressive war.
So that's a total fail on your part, Emperor Julian.
Try justifying the State without recourse to fables and circular assumptions. Go ahead. Try.
Bill, Daffy
Got that evidence of the social contract there yet fellers?
A simple "No" will suffice.