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The Forum > Article Comments > Bartering on refugees: the Costa Rica solution > Comments

Bartering on refugees: the Costa Rica solution : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 23/9/2016

As the Sydney Morning Herald observed, the US program 'echoes Australia's use of Nauru and Manus Island in Papua New Guinea'.

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The people in Costa Rica are merely a nuisance to Obama. They are not refugees at all; just people looking for a better life, not even pretending to be refugees. But, Turnbull, rushes in and grabs them because they represent a 'score' in the game of which country takes the most in; which countries are 'good', and which are 'bad' in the eyes of the UN, and this imagined 'international community'. To put it another way, which country is stupid enough to continue taking in people who don't warrant protection, are of no use and who are a drag on welfare, infrastructure and environmemt. Just another step along the road to the suicide of the West. And Turnbull is pleased because this lot are Catholic, not Muslim, and the media shouts "Hanson pleased!". It doesn't get much sillier than this.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 23 September 2016 8:09:12 AM
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Once it is accepted that a group of people, under any name, is entitled to confiscate and block any of God's blessed continents, dictating at their own pleasure who may or may not enter it, the rest, including the torture, is fait accompli.

While the forceful prevention of physical immigration is atrocious, nothing should oblige anyone to accept and welcome another into their society. It's only this vicious "refugee convention" which ties the two together, so this convention has got to go, the sooner the better!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 23 September 2016 9:00:47 AM
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I don't agree with this author's patently partisan propaganda piece? Or the puerile personality attacks used to deliver the venomous vociferous verbosity? I'm no fan of Tony Abbott, but some of the derogatory diatribe was uncalled for and unhelpful

I would allow these folk in if they add something to us and if they pass mandatory ("tested") good character test speak a little english and are reliably documented!

Moreover, fly in replete with visas and authenticated passports etc! I don't see a real problem here, unless it related to skin color!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 23 September 2016 11:49:19 AM
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The world had better get its act together pretty quick as the refugee
problem will get very much worse.
I have mentioned on here several times about the problem of Egypt.
Because of their declining income from oil sales they have had to
raise the price of food & fuel. It was the cause of Mubarik's demise.
Agriculturists have warned that the Nile can only support approx 40 million.
The current population is 85 Million.
Egypt has to unload 45 million people.
It has started already.
On the BBC today a boatload of Egyptians lost their lives attempting
the crossing to Italy. Approximately 400 died. 120 rescued.
The report said the survivors were in the water for 8 hours.
It must have been a horrifying scene.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 23 September 2016 3:50:18 PM
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If we look around our world with open unpoliticized eyes! We will see most of the problems identified are created by, perhaps a dozen or so power addicted personalities! Who need to remain unelected or be removed as a first order priority or eliminated, where the none of the other is not possible or doable!

Then we need to begin to rollout cheap, clean, safe energy options that, desalinate inexhaustible seawater, transform some of it to essential low cost fuel! Done!

And help the displaced folk turn uninhabited desert wasteland into veritable gardens of eden, we can forever feed the world!

Moreover, create economies where the minimum wage traverses above 7.5 thousand, which as seen in numerous studies, limits population growth to replacement numbers only? Assisted by universal education and clean running water; and an electrically powered washing machine in every household!

Or when the average income is 50-60 thousand per, those numbers fall to one child per couple as the average?

We can feed and depopulate the world without displacing millions or destroying contested territory or resources! And just by focusing on the problem using the brain we were born with, as opposed to shutting them down and trying to survive or become the richest person in the graveyard; by taking what we want, by fair means or foul, from whomsoever has it now!

And our intentions need to start with a few cruise missiles coming in the bedroom windows of, while you were sleeping, mass murdering miscreants!

And no, there's nothing wrong with personal wealth or accumulating much more than you'll ever need in a single lifetime! And as simple as providing the best service or products you can and let the profits take care of themselves!

And in so doing contribute to (do unto) other folks well being and personal contentment!

And that my friends is the (I have a dream) cooperative capitalism world I want my Grandkids to inherit!
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 24 September 2016 1:31:24 PM
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I walked past a middle eastern looking person yesterday and they gave me this foul suspicious look, like I'm racist or was wearing the wrong clothes or because I'm a lover of bacon or something, who knows what...

Got to thinking later...
Don't bloody well look suspiciously at me mate.
Because the second you look at me suspiciously like I don't have a right to be in my own country I'm going to start thinking that you DEFINITELY don't have a right to be here.
And I'm kicking myself now that I didn't say so.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 27 September 2016 7:54:43 AM
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