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More anti-Christian bigotry in Victoria : Comments
By Bill Muehlenberg, published 7/9/2016If Christian organisation will be forced to employ those whose sexual practices contravene their beliefs and values, why should homosexual organisations not be forced to do similar things?
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If, for example, you are not heterosexual why would you want to partake in a process of education whose aim is quite clearly to oppose anything other than heterosexuality? Why would you want to help such a bigoted organisation flourish? How serious are you about your own values when you are prepared to sell out just for a job? What does that say about you as a person?
Is it some game like the 'wedding cake' issue in Ireland where you just want to have something because you can? Why would you want to give your bakery business to a bigot? Why would you want to help educate children who are going to grow up to be bigots against those who are not heterosexual?
Applying for a job in a Christian school when you are bitterly opposed to Christian values is an act of cowardice. It shows a complete inability to stand up for one's principles in the face of bigotry. Either you get a job somewhere else(any job) or you stop complaining about discrimination. Discrimination does not exist until someone applies for a job and so no laws need to be changed. Discrimination is not a theory but a reality and if there is no good reason why you would want to work in a Christian school then there is no need to draft laws to protect you from discrimination.
This is just another example of how some minorities disrupt society for no good reason other than attention seeking and bullying. It is irrational for them to work in Christian schools but they are determined to waste politicians' time and taxpayers money in the pursuit of attention.