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The Forum > Article Comments > What is behind the left’s sympathy for Islamist right? > Comments

What is behind the left’s sympathy for Islamist right? : Comments

By William Hill, published 1/9/2016

Anti-democratic movements whether left or right have much more in common with each other than their democratic left and right opponents.

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Perhaps the left believes Muslims are being oppressed.

This seems to be the belief of those welcoming Muslims into Europe, and the need for immigration is written into the Quran.

"And as for those who emigrated for the Cause of Allah, after suffering oppression, We will certainly give them goodly residence in this world, but indeed the reward of the Hereafter will be greater, if they but knew!"

And the "reward of the Hereafter" is 72 virgins with rounded breasts.

I can't understand how leftist feminists can reconcile this.

I don't think many on the left understand what Marxism involves, but basically Marxism wants to destroy the old to create the new.

Unfortunately....seldom does Marxism get past destroying the old.
Posted by interactive, Thursday, 1 September 2016 9:19:51 AM
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The old days had red plotters throwing Molotov cocktails. Bearded suicide bombers do a good job. Red and blue colour spectrum meets as red-blue mauve which explains everything.
Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 1 September 2016 10:53:35 AM
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I believe the full of assumptions article is based on a false premise? Inasmuch as anybody at odds with the rusted on positions of the extreme right are deemed to be left? Like the reviled Scandinavian socialists, too far to the left for the religious right or the tea party?

Me if I had a choice between America and Scandinavia as a place to eke out my final days, I'd choose Scandinavia, its health and aged care! And where tolerance for Muslim miscreants is wearing very thin? Sympathy for the persecuted or the poor comes from both sides of politics, progressive conservatives and most but not all socialists?

Even there, not very tolerant of biting the hand that feeds it, nor criminal organisations that prey on this tide of human misery! And in the face of that undeniable fact, any remaining sympathy for folks rich enough to afford criminal people traffickers, is virtually nonexistent, particularly when the documentation essential to travel to transit countries is deliberately destroyed! Why, if not to hide who you are and your real if unstated goal?

I believe any remaining sympathy lies in fellow Islamists, any family who have already forced a favorable outcome and dumb as dishwater dropkicks?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 1 September 2016 11:37:56 AM
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Islam and the Left are perfect partners. Both are are authoritarian, anti-democratic.

Some people note and wonder why the Left never chastises Islam for its attitude to homosexuals and womens' rights, while they are always slamming the West for slights, real or imagined, against homosexuals and women. Simple really. The Left does everything based on an agenda of hatred and power for control of society. What do a few homosexuals and 'rights' matter when it comes to power. They would all disappear under the brave new world ruled by comrades. It has to be understood that any cause taken up by the Left has an ulterior motive behind it.

It would be amazing if the totalitarian Left was NOT in league with Islam!
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 1 September 2016 11:40:35 AM
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Hi Interactive,

This is a very interesting question. As a born-Marxist, I've puzzled over it ever since the fall of the Berlin Wall. In answer, one could point to the perennial naivete of the 'Left', that they usually read very little and understand less of any earlier Left movements.

But a more important factor may be that, with the fall of the Soviet Union and after the massacres in Tienanmen, they had nowhere to go, and so, as so often happens when a movement is shown to be bankrupt, drifted towards nihilism: 'what the use of anything, f--k it all, nothing's worth saving'. Some, after all, became Goths.

Gramscian cynicism also played a part: as Gramsci wrote bitterly from his jail cell in the thirties, the working classes had NOT risen up as they were supposed to, in support of their intellectual superiors in the various Communist Parties, so all that was left to do was to do whateber one could to destroy the institutions of bourgeois society: financial stability, marriage, democracy, equality, freedom, equal opportunity, etc.

This paired, of course, with a blanket anti-US stance, one so easy to maintain: I was appalled during the nineties when no other friend seemed willing to support the Bosnians and Kosovars against Serb fascism, sin e, after all, the Serbs were opposed by the US. Yes indeed. Similarly the gutlessness, or pure opportunism, of the 'Left', such as was left of it, in the support for the Timorese people against Indonesian brutality: the Yanks would probably support the Timorese, therefore we should oppose them or at least stay 'neutral', as someone advised me.

So expect nothing but 'Stick Up the Arse' politics from the opportunist 'Left': whatever works to bring down the 'system'. Hence their willingness to open the gates, and roll over for Islamists terrorists. After all, terrorism is being opposed by the Yanks, and therefore must be worth supporting, from their warped point of view. A bit like the last turkey on Christmas Eve.


Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 1 September 2016 11:47:48 AM
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The Green flag of Islam says it all.
Posted by nicknamenick, Thursday, 1 September 2016 12:06:24 PM
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