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The politics of punishment, and bi-partisan denial : Comments

By Paul Stevenson, published 19/8/2016

For Australia, we need to acknowledge we have a problem in the way we are treating asylum-seekers.

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Author. *...I want to give some reflections on my work and experience as a trauma psychologist in Australia’s asylum seeker detention centres, and some reflections on what has happened since I publicly spoke out about this... *

The author wishes the reader to "walk the walk" with him. This "walk" raises many questions, and none more relevant,(to the Australian public),than; who are the genuine refugees among the illegal arrivals on Australian shores? It's a vexed question

I don't pretend to know, and I didn't get the feeling, the Author was concerned with that question either. The question being asked is, how we as Australians, deal with people in Australian detention camps in a humane and caring way: In a way which takes into account the genuine refugee escaping from conflict, (such as the example I quoted above, the Rohingya from Burma).

The Rohingya are, in my opinion, a good example of a genuine refugee, with a dire need to escape ethnic cleansing and all its unimaginable trauma, and to use the most convenient means of travel, a boat! Paper-work? What paper work? A genuine refugee arriving by boat onto Australian shores with minimal, if any paperwork to prove identities. (I don't admit to knowing how many Rohingyans in number, actually do make this journey, since I believe their favoured destination is Malaysia). But the example suits the argument, and all the more so, since the Rohingya are ethnic Muslims.

Further reason for the Rohingya not fitting the "fluffy end" of the profile of an acceptable refugee, is their persecutors; Buddhists. Buddhists, those lovely cuddly Dali Lama types, forever in prayer and dinging little bells for peace, which we have been conditioned to believe, are above reproach!
Unfortunately, in their spare moments, are very apt at loping the heads off their ethnic rivals, with the able assistance of the Burmese Army.

The Author is correct to expresses concern that could only come from "hands-on" experiences, that we, the omniscient OLO poster children lack, IE: working with these people.

(Symbol; thumbs down)!
Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 20 August 2016 8:13:04 AM
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Australia may have to increase its detention centers, or it becomes overrun with refugees.

america is totally out of control, and now wants a war with Russia, China and Iran, as well as continue its wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.

america is now moving its atomic missiles out of Turkey into Romania to be closer to Russia.

If the totally stupid americans are allowed to continue their wars it will result in millions of refugees wanting to get out of their countries, and a likely place to head for will be Australia.

Not withstanding that, Turkey could implode resulting in many attempting to escape Turkey.

As well, there can be "reverse migration", where Europeans will attempt to leave Europe to escape the migrant takeover of Europe.

The mass migrations occurring in the world are likely to continue, unless the totally stupid americans can be reigned in.

Australia has to have in place systems to detain millions of refugees, and Australia also has to learn to claim the costs of refugee processing.

Foe example, if stupid americans start a war that results in refugees coming to Australia, then Australia sends the stupid americans a bill for the refugee detention centers.
Posted by interactive, Saturday, 20 August 2016 11:07:28 AM
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The Rohingya are landless squatters, who have done what landless squatters have done since colonisation! Examplied en masse in the american west!

The Rohingya only need one small boat journey across a river to return to the land of their ancestors! And where they should be resettled! Arguably the last thing they or their ethnic cousins want? And why so is the most vexed question?

Similarly Jewish squatters (economic migrants) occupying purloined palestinian land, need to offered one way airline tickets to the places they left in russia, the american midwest or wherever!

Just because people choose to become deliberately displaced or squat uninvited on other folks traditional land as illegal migrants, doesn't confer refugee status; except as occurred via the highland clearances or being transported in iron chains, with little or no prospect of return!

As for those peace loving Buddhists, they can be just as violent and nationalist as anyone, when foreigners try to take their humble hovels and sustenance farmland/rice paddies from them; as seen in Vietnam and Cambodia!

But particularly, when the population is relatively large and the available arable land is severely limited? Which is the likely reason for the Rohingya incursions initially, a couple of centuries ago?

Moreover, Muslims and Buddhists may be very nearly as incompatible as Christians and the more violent Muslim sects, who invariably arrive determined to become the dominant culture, with little or no respect from the local traditions, or social mores?

And no different in most aspects than the forced expansion of Jewish settlements on traditional Palestinian Land?

While I have every sympathy in the world for these folk, particularly the females destined to a sub life of indentured servitude or pseudo slavery? Sorry, I would want them and their cultural norms as my neighbors!

As for documentation, if folk deliberately refrain from legally recording, births deaths and marriages, with the "host" country, then they likely as not find just as much difficulty in resettlement as folk who deliberated destroy their bona fide documentation! Perhaps they alone can do anything about that?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 20 August 2016 11:56:07 AM
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Alan B.
I usually refrain from vective, but I must say, you are sounding increasingly like an empty vessel returning to port with a backload of an ignoramus!
Maybe Australia could open the borders a little wider for your more acceptable homosexuals, fleeing imagined oppression in Iran.
Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 20 August 2016 12:43:41 PM
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If you have too many people in a country, such that
they cant be sustained by that country and its resources.

Then you will see exactly what we are seeing now, with all the displaced refugee camps.

Nature will destroy those who overpopulate, either by famine,war,dirty water,sickness etc.

People are driven into refugee camps, because what land and resources there are
are taken from them by more aggressive humans, or in natures terms,the strongest
survive. And by the laws of nature on this planet, that equates to those
who are the most terrortorially agressive.

So what do the people in Africa do to curb the populations and stop these human

Sweet fanny adams,is what they do. Its all at the feet of the males, too.
Africa is the rape country of the world.
So are the Arab countries,although they cloak their sexual explotation of women
in the proverbial, religious sheep's clothing.

Well be the consequences on their own heads. Its not our doing nor our problem
to fix.
Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 20 August 2016 5:47:01 PM
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When you can't argue the irrefutable facts try vective? Feel better now you've got that off your hairy chest Diver? You have a nice day and remember all human progress has always been accompanied by robust debate and disagreement!

While the situation for the Rohingyas is deplorable, it has to be worse for the much more persecuted Coren eking out an existence for generations in much more primitive refugee camps.

If they had the humble resources and nearby ethnic cousins of the marginalized Rohingya? Many would have taken their chances on leaky boats. Particularly if the journey only involved a few hundred metres over open porous borders?

At last count there were over 60 million people waiting some sort of settlement or resolution in refugee camps the world over!

Those numbers are entirely unmanageable, and behooves us to take manageable numbers, which we do, hopefully from those whose cultures are more closely aligned with ours!

I mean we don't need to import the very problems that created all the problems to begin with, (Cologne) But rather need to address the issues at source that created the largest cadre of displaced persons the world has seen.

In any event, we cannot allow non Christians, who just don't believe or follow our belief system, to chastise us for not accepting them or their value judgements, religious/political motivated rancour into our midst?

If you differ, then argue your case and let the chips fall where they may, rather than jumping the gun and resorting to vective as the premature immature response? Have a nice day.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 21 August 2016 12:05:41 PM
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