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Nice, Munich and Western democracy : Comments
By Pablo Jiménez Lobeira, published 27/7/2016The danger is that, in an effort to fight this growing plague, liberal democracies may end up giving up their fundamental values.
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Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 27 July 2016 3:54:09 PM
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Rojama, some nice thinking outside the square, however, it would be easier to identify a person online, I believe, via a retina scan, which is different and unique in every individual and very doable online with the built in inboard camera in the laptop?
Which would also allow the covert deployment by the receiver, of CAFR! To assist in detecting deliberate deception, which should activate an automatic red flag and intel gathering surveillance! Which is currently in very short supply in the war with fundamentalists, merely masquerading as Muslims! There's no place in paradise for moribund miscreants, who knowingly or deliberately spill so much as a single drop of innocent blood, or indeed, demand or cause others to do so! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 27 July 2016 5:41:48 PM
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Hey Pablo
OK some nut (with guns, bombs and/or a truck, commits murderous criminal acts). He just happens to be Muslim. He would likely have many other motivations. Your academic suggestion seems to be Western democracies should restructure themselves - in order to say "sorry Mr Murderer." Fortunately our intelligence and police agencies don't bow to all wet academic advice. I look forward to your advice on how Sydney should restructure its values because of fake Muslim Monis... Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 27 July 2016 6:10:20 PM
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Pablo says that "human groups" should not be considered collectively to blame for any unacceptable actions of a fringe group within that "human group."
That ain't so, Pablo. When a minority living within a host population has members who are involved in serious criminal behaviour and even terrorism directed against the host population, the minority can absolve themselves from collective blame provided that they engage in certain acts. The leaders of the minority group must explain to the host population how the attitudes and actions of the fringe group within that minority is not indicative of the generally accepted attitudes of that minority. They must condemn without reservation those within their ranks who are engaging in hostile acts against the host population, and label the violent fringe group a disgrace to themselves. And if the minority has written cultural values expressing hostility to the host population which support the fringe group's activities, they must renounce those values and acquire new ones. A fringe group within the Islamic community is now engaging in serious terrorist activity and serious criminal behaviour, and the onus is upon the Islamic religious leaders to convince the host population that Islam is not intrinsically hostile to the host population. What have the Islamic leaders done? They write waffle pieces studiously ignoring the plain fact that Islam's holy scriptures authorise Muslims to use violence and terrorism to spread Islam. They have tried to blame the host populations for the terrorism and the numerous rape attacks by their own members. And they never directly condemn the jihadis or label them a disgrace to Islam, because they know that the terrorists are doing exactly what the Koran has ordered. I say therefore, that Islam is an intrinsically violent terrorist advocating religion which has no place in a western democracy. Islamic immigration must be stopped and it will be stopped eventually, because the only alternative is to keep steering an ever faster course for the iceberg. It is just a matter of how much western blood will be spilt before we admit that there is no alternative. Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 27 July 2016 7:40:53 PM
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Generation Jihadi. This is probably the most sensible commentary I've read in a while, we Nationalists understand the futility of trying to integrate diverse people into a society with no culture. Nobody has a future in a society where nobody belongs, the only answer is to reject globalism, reject so-called universal values and any ideals of "one world". Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 27 July 2016 7:58:33 PM
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It's so sad .... I pray that it ended
Posted by alpinaleasing, Wednesday, 27 July 2016 11:06:41 PM
Muslims are getting less and less comfortable in the modern world. They know their culture is dying, and they can do nothing about it. Allah offers only death. Muslims pray to Allah for 'success ' (see the call to prayer) but the Muslim world has been spectacularly UNsuccessful in all things in antiquity (where their dogma still lies) and in modernity. The can barely feed themselves because they are forbidden to embrace the 'cause and effect' phenomena that has seen the West continue to grow and thrive. They believe that Allah is responsible for everything that happens, and those beliefs can never changed because Allah's word is perfect and sealed for ever.
We have written descriptions from Aristotle and other ancients about what happens when civilisations die. People despair, become irrational, and would rather die than live in a different way. In these histories, we could find the reason for modern terrorism and suicide-bombings, which release desperate people from a life they cannot abide. Similarly, their is a high incidence of suicide among South American natives where the constant razing of rain forests has ripped their lives and total experience from them.
The West must not give anything away. The decline of Islam will end in the fourth death of a civilisation in since the Bronze Age. Until then, the West must go to war, and not faff around waiting for Islam to 'reform' - a total impossibility.