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The pursuit of power : Comments
By Everald Compton, published 20/7/2016Abbott won’t rest until his revenge is complete, particularly as he has a lot of mates on the extreme right who will gladly help him.
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Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 20 July 2016 9:41:06 AM
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"but no one can dispute that he is entitled to form a government"
I do. Just because someone has a majority within a given body of people does not entitle them to rule over others who never voluntarily elected to belong to that body. In this particular case however, Turnbull does not even have a majority within that body of people. While numbers are still coming in, his party has to date only received 42.1% of the valid votes (40.0% of all votes, representing 23.0% of Australia's population), so the only thing which allows him to believe that he may claim government is Australia's skewed electoral system. Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 20 July 2016 9:44:05 AM
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With any luck, Allbull will be gone in three months. Can't see him lasting three years, but if he does, the Coalition is finished. Voters will not tolerate two socialist parties infesting the country, and that is what Allbull has brought upon us.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 20 July 2016 11:23:48 AM
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I reckon Abbott the Wrecker, in a Party Room spill, may well replace Turnbull with himself by February (2017). If not Abbott then a puppet of Abbott like Andrews.
This is noting Andrews floated to the press (for a few hours on a Friday I recall) that he might one day be a candidate. Twas a few months back. Barnaby! He needs to change his first name and remove one of his two heads before he's a serious prospect. Where Eviril says "This revolt will grow". Most of us punters are already revolting. Poida Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 20 July 2016 5:59:38 PM
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"I am ready to cheer Turnbull if he can radically change his inept political ways."
You are going to be waiting a long, long time for a stubborn, politically-correct Turnbull to change. Posted by Raycom, Wednesday, 20 July 2016 11:37:56 PM
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We had better all start hoping that Abbott is a better destroyer than he was PM. His mild incompetence as PM does tend to disappear when compared to Turnbull, Gillard & Krudd of course.
It is critical for Oz that we get rid of Turnbull as quickly as possible. It is already obvious that he has no idea of what he is doing, & we can't afford a full 3 years of chardonnay socialist waffle. I wonder if it is too late to backtrack on that stupid sub decision. I don't think the fool actually bought a single vote with all that money of ours. Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 21 July 2016 4:33:01 AM
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Hi Hasbeen
I reckon without the submarine decision (really about "spending $50 Billion in South Australia") Turnbull would have lost the whole election. The LNP defanged much of the NXT and ALP criticism by making a definite submarine decision favouring Adelaide. Of the the 4 seats the Coalition retained in South Australia it could have easily lost 2 or 3 But I reckon Australia just needs 6 new subs - as it can only man 2 at any one time. The money to SA for an extra 6 is merely a political promise. No new subs will be commissioned during the 2020s. The 2016 Defence White Paper indicates that in 2029 the submarine decision is to be reviewed - maybe deciding 6 is enough. Pete Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 21 July 2016 2:56:50 PM
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The manning doesn't matter too much Pete, they can never get any 2 of them actually going at the same time to need more crew. Except engineers that can make them go that is.
They even had to decommission the old amphibious fleet, Manoora & Kanimbla because 2 of the 3 engineers who could make them go resigned, & the last one was injured. Remember when one of them tried to run into north head. That was caused by inexperienced crew, who did not understand the ships & did not know how to use a garden hose. There were some huge offers of special conditions to go to the subs, & they were even looking at contracting companies to supply civilian engineers. It all fell apart when no one would take it on. My son was telling me of some of the catastrophes one time. When I murmured something about it being a good thing we still had the air force, he laughed. He said they'd had the air force on board, with their choppers. You could still see the deep gouges where they had crashed, & I had better hope the army was still useful. Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 21 July 2016 7:35:09 PM
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"I wonder if it is too late to backtrack on that stupid sub decision. I don't think the fool actually bought a single vote with all that money of ours."
Given his persistent call for more innovation, it is surprising that Turnbull failed to practise what he preached, by settling for obsolete diesel-powered subs design instead of nuclear. Another major blunder was to choose to build the subs in South Australia, the state that is going all out to have the world's highest energy prices, thanks to SA government ineptitude in rapidly phasing in inefficient, unreliable, renewable energy, at the expense of efficient, reliable coal-fired power Posted by Raycom, Friday, 22 July 2016 1:22:43 AM
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Hi Hasbeen
The Navy sounds like a bureaucracy of shiney bums, one jump ahead of disaster. A sunk sub or will HMAS Canberra do a Voyager in Sydney Harbour next? Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 22 July 2016 1:16:17 PM
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The revolving door has momentum and Abbott is in the market again. The slogan works : uh, we stopped the boats..stop the boats. It's a captain's call and if he can't invade Iraq he can sink China's sand island smugglers. The possible dents in Australia's ship-hulls will be Operational secrets.
Posted by nicknamenick, Saturday, 23 July 2016 8:09:32 PM
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' The slogan works : uh, we stopped the boats..stop the boats. '
yep and Abbott did despite the regressives, every abc/sbc propagandist and every other hater saying it was impossible. You know the ' push factor.' like a good regressive nicknamenic I suspect that despite egg all over your face instead of admitting you got it wrong you ignore the facts and continue to push your failed narrative. Posted by runner, Saturday, 23 July 2016 10:31:21 PM
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Yep,stopped the boats and thereby saved at least 2 billion a year in waste costs.
Posted by McCackie, Sunday, 24 July 2016 9:50:14 AM
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i was wrong and the Royal Abbott Navy is going full ahead. We'll see the leaking smuggler boats struggling back to base on the Yangtse river as our leader does a bicycle lap around the smoking decks.
Posted by nicknamenick, Sunday, 24 July 2016 11:38:26 AM
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If Australia suffers a significant Islamic attack who would you prefer
as prime minister Turnbull or Abbott ? Posted by Bazz, Monday, 25 July 2016 7:53:37 PM
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Did you want the organisers arrested or the RAAF bombing the mosques?
Posted by nicknamenick, Tuesday, 26 July 2016 7:14:25 AM
Now is not the time for Shorten and labor to rock the boat but never ever a more appropriate time to seek bipartisan quid pro quo accommodation with the libs! If only to look like an alternative government and alternative statesman like P.M., with the national interest, certainty and stability foremost in the mind!
And then just let the polls speak for themselves!
Alan B.