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The Forum > Article Comments > China restructures to Australia’s advantage > Comments

China restructures to Australia’s advantage : Comments

By Michael Knox, published 20/7/2016

A more efficient China needs more of what we sell.

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Hope springs eternal!? We made the mistake of trying to control Japan via withheld raw materials just before the commencement of WW11, and in so doing, all but forced them into the arms of the axis of evil? We need a less belligerent China seeking peaceful mutually beneficial outcomes in the region!

To that end and leading by example! We only need to demonstrate that other energy options and the economic benefits they will ensure are available, endlessly sustainable and bring vast economic advantage and energy independence with them!

China has two glaring problems, the waste they produce and just how much energy they need to consume just to keep all those wheels turning. (Industry and transport)

Now if some innovative nation could just demonstrate that you can.

#1 Make as much energy as you need for your domestic domiciles, from converting biological waste into (smell free) storable energy and several extremely useful byproducts, some of the territorial disputes overtaking the region, would simply deflate of their own violation!

#2 Also by returning to the future as it were, one can produce ultra cheap hydrogen by the water molecule cracking method; and by utilizing solar thermal power and microwaves, (technically possible and safer than cracking the hydrocarbon to produce petrol) rather than the naked flame of our ancestors, which had explosive consequences!

Liquid hydrogen used as fuel may not have quite the same range as petrol in conventional engines, but almost double, when used in fuel cells in rapidly refuelable electric vehicles! Or alternatively, to power industrial processes?

Now that (twin) approach may cost some CNG and coal sales, but offset by technological manufacture, or endlessly available, very inexpensive liquid hydrogen, which we if we are but intelligently led, can export instead and to many more nations?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 20 July 2016 10:54:07 AM
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Well said, Michael, when you state one major effect of China's slowdown is structural change.
Begone the doomsayers who see only setback for Australia in Chinese change, for it's just that - a change, not a loss.
Nothing in life or the world is permanent - we always have to accept change as either growth or development.
New trading opportunities will certainly be opened for Australia with a trading partner who, while slowing a bit, is certainly cashed up sufficiently to buy what we offer.
Posted by Ponder, Wednesday, 20 July 2016 1:37:54 PM
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Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 20 July 2016 5:23:50 PM
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