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The Forum > Article Comments > Australia's Malcolm Turnbull: the failure of success > Comments

Australia's Malcolm Turnbull: the failure of success : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 20/7/2016

It never matters whether one wins by one vote or a hundred thousand: everyone has a 'clear mandate' to do what they damn well wish.

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Well, the only obvious voter sentiment has been, a pox on both your houses? Turnbull won with what? Fifty percent of the vote and just by a thousand or so votes (a photo finish and by a nostril) in some very critical seats?

The campaign was too long, too late and had too many seeming backflips in it? And just to accommodate a conservative backbench?

Some of us worried that Malcolm was merely a (non core) figurehead that would be replaced by another and a very different platform, once the election was secure?

Others were incensed after pushing equal marriage rights off into the future, a simple majority plebiscite reflecting the unambiguous will of the people, might not be binding?

And the business with the banks will just not go away or lay down? And highlights the divisive top hats versus the hard hats element of the labor campaign?

Bipartisan agreement will serve both major parties and sideline all those tails that just want to wag the dog or seek personal power via social unrest or disunity! When we need social cohesion as never before in our history!

Malcolm can look like a real deal Leader And Bill can look like an alterative P.M. and a true statesman?

Neither will be harmed by that perception, albeit, it could cost some of the smaller more divisive players, plenty?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 20 July 2016 10:11:19 AM
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