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The Forum > Article Comments > Media concentrated on the wrong targets > Comments

Media concentrated on the wrong targets : Comments

By David Leyonhjelm, published 12/7/2016

For some reason, many of the political journalists who havebeen in regular contact with me over the last two years decided my opinion wouldnot be required during the election campaign.

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They didn't contact me either David and I value my opinion as much as yours!

You have a nice day and enjoy the vastly superior (if unearned or undeserved) pension of former politicians.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 12 July 2016 8:45:10 AM
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I haven't listened to the scribblers posing as journalists for years, and anyone who still does listen to them is bound to be led up the garden path. Year after year, the media's predictions on elections have proven to be rubbish.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 12 July 2016 10:45:03 AM
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I missed something.
Were you re-elected?

I hope your media releases were more carefully proof-read than this article. There seem to be many words runtogetherlikethis

Have fun, enjoy today- is what the Buddhists teach us....
Posted by Waverley, Tuesday, 12 July 2016 1:07:57 PM
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you obviously missed the love affair the abc had with Clive Palmer while he was pouring crp on Abbott. He was Tony Jones best friend. Once they used him up they then spat him out. The national broadcasters who back anyone with their warped narrative (pro gay, pro feminist, haters of anything decent) now have their favourite son Turnbull in power. Should he hold the line of responsible conservatives for much longer they will crp on him. Its a game David and you were just one of the pawns despite the fact you had many good policies and many crp ones.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 12 July 2016 1:20:39 PM
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Hi Waverley

Maybe ex-Senator runtogetherlikethis can try again next time as the SeparateWordBalding-gonad-candidate.

Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 12 July 2016 1:31:24 PM
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The run-together words are unlikely to be the author's fault. Hopefully they will be corrected. But the poor state of the article does help to show the extent to which the proprietors of this site focus on getting specific people to contribute articles, and how little they concern themselves with what the articles actually say.
Posted by Jon J, Wednesday, 13 July 2016 6:11:14 AM
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