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The Forum > Article Comments > Is Trump a new kind of fascist? > Comments

Is Trump a new kind of fascist? : Comments

By Sam Ben-Meir, published 21/6/2016

By fascism, I simply mean a militaristic regime that is characteristically authoritarian, anti-immigrant, and extremely nationalistic.

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Thats 5 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
I'm not sure it's worth giving up another 5 putting you in your place.

But it is... Indeed it is.

What a total load of crap.
Any criticism of Trump in his candidacy for the US Presidential election should be seen as a part of an effort to support the election of Hillary Clinton.

But theres nothing good to talk up Hillary with is there?
If you mention her in relation to almost ANY single topic theres reason for genuine criticism so all the pro-Clinton people can do is demonise Trump.
Hillary's actually got that many skeletons in her closet and a dismal failure at everything it's better not to even mention her at all!
That's all they can do and it's hopelessly pathetic.

You're attempt to denigrate Trump simply for attempting to control illegal immigration along the US border and ascertain the identity of people residing in America is shameful.

I support the hard stance against Muslim immigration because western ideals of Freedom of Religion leave democracy's hands tied and unable to deal with the problem of Islamic Extremism, and the increased likeliness Sharia law may be imposed in western countries.

I support the right of US citizens to control their border and their economy.
I do not support the idea that once one country has been ravaged by wars that its another countries obligation to support the misplaced people of that war.
Your argument sees two countries destroyed for the price of one like a domino effect.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 21 June 2016 1:28:24 PM
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As long as we have left and right politics then we will have fascist.
A functional democracy actually needs it.
We will always swing to the left and the to the right and as long as that is moderated by free and fair elections then that about best we can hope for.

Neither world view has a mortgage on morality or fairness.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Tuesday, 21 June 2016 1:28:28 PM
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Trumpf Bumpf!

What's wrong with you people? Politics will be much more exciting, though yes brutish and short, under zie new Trump regime.

Fascism may not be top of the pops and gets a bad press now and then.

But ya need a bit of variety. Whadaya reckon Volk?

Catchy ist zee Border Force Blackshirts song:
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 21 June 2016 1:42:16 PM
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One issue that is taxing the great geostrategic tacticians of our age, Kissenger and OLO's own planta...


- Trumps physical endowments

- triumph over Putin's innate aggression
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 21 June 2016 4:57:14 PM
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Some people on here seem confused.
The Fascists are left wingers only more so.
The Nazi Party Stands for the German National Socialist Party.
It seems to be always the left that generates the non-democratic
police states that only has cardboard cutout courts etc.
Notice how the anti free speech offence moves came from the left even
from the universities, those paragons of enlightenment ?
So naturally the left makes excuses for the Islamists even while they
fit the Islamists definition of useful idiots.

I notice that Charles the Prince of Wales is visiting the middle east
and is to visit the King of Saudi Arabia and ask him to reform his
government on capital punishment and enable free speech for such
as the imprisoned blogger.
Probably Charles is the only person who could do that and get away with it.

FYI; the Australian moslems, it appears, have drawn up a constitution
for Australia.
One article I noticed was;
That Arabic is the language of the Koran and that language is to be
the language of the State and Arabic will be the language of Australia.

Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 21 June 2016 6:09:55 PM
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My Webster's dictionary defines a fascist as " advocate or follower of fascism.
synonyms: authoritarian, totalitarian, autocrat, Nazi, extreme/far right-winger, rightist, blackshirt, militarist; nationalist, xenophobe, racist, anti-Semite, chauvinist, jingoist, isolationist; neo-fascist, neo-Nazi; corporativist, corporatist; historicalMosleyite; historicalHitlerite; historicalFrancoist, Falangist
"he was branded a fascist and an anti-Semite""

Well, yes, that does accurately describe Trump and all his Trumpettes. So it must follow then that the well-haired Trump is a fascist then.

And...all who follow this blustering fool must love fascism then?
He does remind me of Hitler in many ways, but did Adolf wear a hair-piece?
Posted by Suseonline, Wednesday, 22 June 2016 2:21:26 AM
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