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Is Trump a new kind of fascist? : Comments

By Sam Ben-Meir, published 21/6/2016

By fascism, I simply mean a militaristic regime that is characteristically authoritarian, anti-immigrant, and extremely nationalistic.

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Boredom is what drives Trump phenomena !
The endless push of what is loosly described as left wing ideology, presented as fait accompli.
But I have noticed with amusement, the homosexuals are beginning the decamping process into Trumps compound. F* I'm rolling on the ground!
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 21 June 2016 9:16:42 AM
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No! Not new, just rebadged and more media savvy? Other equally problematic personalities from hitler and stalin to the turkish president and putin, have won power via the ballot box, then used the power of the state to progressively entrench them in positions of absolute power?

It starts with silencing a free press and some scapegoats and confected issues to focus the normally inquisitorial eye on some trumped up charge, usually targeted at a relatively helpless minority ethnic community? Jews, Muslims, Kurds, Christians, The Ukrainians, The Tartars, the Cossacks, White Russians, The French Aristocracy, The Roman Senate, NATO, Democracy and so it goes, and easier if the population is poor, downtrodden, stripped of their former rights, ill informed and hungry! Thus it has always been!

If you want to see the beginning of the end of the very centre of modern democracy? Elect D Trump as President!? Then hand him a nuclear football with the launch codes of dozens of nuclear missiles hidden around the world in submerged submarines!

We Australians, facilitate that conversation or coded command via Pine Gap! Which would set us up as a premier first strike target!

His trump card simple and repeatedly massaged fear; and an equally problematic President Putin, who is another flawed fatuous fool, with an arsenal of nuclear weapons and an equally itchy trigger finger!

And just not bright enough either of them to actually imagine themselves in any future casualty list!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 21 June 2016 9:49:49 AM
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Everyone not a Leftie is a fascist apparently. Trump as Fascist is drivel, arrest a film maker on expedient charges was done by Obama as Benghazi was imploding. The law is for thee but not me, Hillary and its wide open email server. Suppressing free speech with violence, blacks attacking the Milo.

Sorry the F accusation, as well as the R and S are laughed at now, please, please call me one or all of them. I support that which you oppose; Free Speech and Democracy.
Posted by McCackie, Tuesday, 21 June 2016 10:18:51 AM
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Fascism: a word applied by ignorant people to other people they disagree with. These ignorant people are also the ones who call you a racist if you don't say what they want you to say. Object to the idea of institutionalising homosexuality, and they call you a a homophobe; they have an abusive word for any occasion requiring an attack on freedom of thought and expression. They also use that nice-sounding word 'diversity' unless, of course, your speech and thought diverts from their mantras.

This scribbler is one such ignorant person. Like his fellow ignoramuses, he is scared out of his narrow mind by Trump, despite the fact that Trump is offering Americans a real way out of the self-hating, left-wing tripe they and their country have been humiliated by: they same rubbish that the political elites in Australia want to saddle us with - continuing loss of jobs, continual loss of pride and identity, powered by the mass immigration of barbarous people intent on our downfall.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 21 June 2016 10:33:38 AM
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Hopefully if Trump is elected he will despose of the Government funded positions that keep dumbing down the young ones at schools and uni's where all they can do is come up with labels for those exposing their warped and failed narratives. If you have not been lablled racist, sexist, homophobe, supporter of domestic violence, a racist, a denier then I suggest you learn to to think. You have been dumbed down by left wing academics who have probably sucked on the public purse all their life.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 21 June 2016 10:51:53 AM
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The angrier lefties like Ben-Meir get, the more you can be assured that Trump is on the right track.

The left's (and big businesses) experiment of open borders and multiculturalism (for Western nations only) is starting to crumble. Contrary to lefties like Ben-Meir, 'uneducated whites' aren't so uneducated, because they can see that they are ones who lose from the experiment. No non-Western nation is expected to open their borders and radically alter their demographics, so why should Western nations do such a thing?

The longer this experiment drags out, the more violent the response will be. Eastern European countries have put the lid on the anger early, by putting in place policies to prevent such violent outbursts. But the Western European countries, through excellent propaganda and censorship techniques by the left and big business, have not put in place policies to stem the tide of the resentment bubbling beneath. This anger and resentment will continue to grow, thus eventually manifesting itself in ways probably not seen since WW II.
Posted by Aristocrat, Tuesday, 21 June 2016 11:37:33 AM
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Thats 5 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
I'm not sure it's worth giving up another 5 putting you in your place.

But it is... Indeed it is.

What a total load of crap.
Any criticism of Trump in his candidacy for the US Presidential election should be seen as a part of an effort to support the election of Hillary Clinton.

But theres nothing good to talk up Hillary with is there?
If you mention her in relation to almost ANY single topic theres reason for genuine criticism so all the pro-Clinton people can do is demonise Trump.
Hillary's actually got that many skeletons in her closet and a dismal failure at everything it's better not to even mention her at all!
That's all they can do and it's hopelessly pathetic.

You're attempt to denigrate Trump simply for attempting to control illegal immigration along the US border and ascertain the identity of people residing in America is shameful.

I support the hard stance against Muslim immigration because western ideals of Freedom of Religion leave democracy's hands tied and unable to deal with the problem of Islamic Extremism, and the increased likeliness Sharia law may be imposed in western countries.

I support the right of US citizens to control their border and their economy.
I do not support the idea that once one country has been ravaged by wars that its another countries obligation to support the misplaced people of that war.
Your argument sees two countries destroyed for the price of one like a domino effect.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 21 June 2016 1:28:24 PM
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As long as we have left and right politics then we will have fascist.
A functional democracy actually needs it.
We will always swing to the left and the to the right and as long as that is moderated by free and fair elections then that about best we can hope for.

Neither world view has a mortgage on morality or fairness.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Tuesday, 21 June 2016 1:28:28 PM
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Trumpf Bumpf!

What's wrong with you people? Politics will be much more exciting, though yes brutish and short, under zie new Trump regime.

Fascism may not be top of the pops and gets a bad press now and then.

But ya need a bit of variety. Whadaya reckon Volk?

Catchy ist zee Border Force Blackshirts song:
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 21 June 2016 1:42:16 PM
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One issue that is taxing the great geostrategic tacticians of our age, Kissenger and OLO's own planta...


- Trumps physical endowments

- triumph over Putin's innate aggression
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 21 June 2016 4:57:14 PM
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Some people on here seem confused.
The Fascists are left wingers only more so.
The Nazi Party Stands for the German National Socialist Party.
It seems to be always the left that generates the non-democratic
police states that only has cardboard cutout courts etc.
Notice how the anti free speech offence moves came from the left even
from the universities, those paragons of enlightenment ?
So naturally the left makes excuses for the Islamists even while they
fit the Islamists definition of useful idiots.

I notice that Charles the Prince of Wales is visiting the middle east
and is to visit the King of Saudi Arabia and ask him to reform his
government on capital punishment and enable free speech for such
as the imprisoned blogger.
Probably Charles is the only person who could do that and get away with it.

FYI; the Australian moslems, it appears, have drawn up a constitution
for Australia.
One article I noticed was;
That Arabic is the language of the Koran and that language is to be
the language of the State and Arabic will be the language of Australia.

Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 21 June 2016 6:09:55 PM
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My Webster's dictionary defines a fascist as " advocate or follower of fascism.
synonyms: authoritarian, totalitarian, autocrat, Nazi, extreme/far right-winger, rightist, blackshirt, militarist; nationalist, xenophobe, racist, anti-Semite, chauvinist, jingoist, isolationist; neo-fascist, neo-Nazi; corporativist, corporatist; historicalMosleyite; historicalHitlerite; historicalFrancoist, Falangist
"he was branded a fascist and an anti-Semite""

Well, yes, that does accurately describe Trump and all his Trumpettes. So it must follow then that the well-haired Trump is a fascist then.

And...all who follow this blustering fool must love fascism then?
He does remind me of Hitler in many ways, but did Adolf wear a hair-piece?
Posted by Suseonline, Wednesday, 22 June 2016 2:21:26 AM
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//He does remind me of Hitler in many ways, but did Adolf wear a hair-piece?//

Q: What did Hitler say when his wig fell off?
A: Mein Herr!
Posted by Toni Lavis, Wednesday, 22 June 2016 7:51:51 AM
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Full Definition of fascism

A political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

As most of that does not apply to Trump, Sam Ben-Meir means by "a new type of Fascist" any one right of center.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 22 June 2016 2:15:49 PM
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Very good Toni Lavis :)

Trumpy and Adolf would be kindred spirits in a different world then.
Adolf reborn?
Posted by Suseonline, Wednesday, 22 June 2016 6:05:00 PM
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Just like Bernie Sanders and Josef Stalin?
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 23 June 2016 2:09:28 AM
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//Just like Bernie Sanders and Josef Stalin?//

Sanders doesn't wear a wig.

Neither did Hitler, actually. That was just a joke because we were talking about Hitler and wigs.

I don't know if Stalin did or not.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Thursday, 23 June 2016 8:29:49 AM
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Much of the hatred of Trump can be put down to liberal snobbery.

Yes, he's gross, but he's the right-wing poster boy for the rising tide of anti-establishment sentiment that is sweeping the West. His counterparts on the Left are Jeremy Corybyn in the UK, Syriza in Greece (which, unfortunately, proved a dud), Podemas in Spain, Bernie Sanders in the US and the zilch-talked about Icelandic population's subversive refusal to pick up the tab for the excess greed of its IMF-compromised banksters and former corrupt politicians (some of whom are now in jail).

Finally, the people are seriously revolting against 30 years of neo-liberal globalisation, which is really code for the privatisation and deregulation of everything that once belonged to the public domain and was, in theory at least, a protection of the common people against the petty greed, ambitions and power struggles of the rich and powerful.

People are tired of continuing to prop up a discredited neoliberal status quo that promises more 'free' trade deals that move jobs offshore and close down Western manufacturing; floods ancient Western cultures with mass immigration from exotic cultures with whom they have little in common; destroys otherwise functioning countries and societies with endless war, destabilisation, bombings and war crimes (which create the aforementioned mass migrations); and continues to maintain rigged, unstable global financial markets that are destroying the wealth and retirement plans of ordinary people.

Hillary Clinton is the embodiment of this corrupt and discredited status quo. But, hey, she walks and talks the liberal agenda, so people will vote for her either through inertia or just to stop Trump.

The US people now have the unhappy choice between two Caligulas. Either way, the rest of the world have no choice but to lump it
Posted by Killarney, Friday, 24 June 2016 2:18:47 AM
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< Webster's dictionary defines a fascist as " advocate or follower of fascism.
synonyms: authoritarian, totalitarian, autocrat, Nazi, extreme/far right-winger, rightist, blackshirt, militarist; nationalist, xenophobe, racist, anti-Semite, chauvinist, jingoist, isolationist; neo-fascist, neo-Nazi; corporativist, corporatist; historicalMosleyite; historicalHitlerite; historicalFrancoist, Falangist
"he was branded a fascist and an anti-Semite"">

Apart from the Hitler references, those words also accurately describe ISIS
and also the attitude of many muslims.
As in.--authoritarian, totalitarian,autocrat,extreme,xenophobe racist
nationalist,and anti-Semite.

Western European, countries, are being forced to elect nationalistic,pro military
leaders to fight the facist islamists that are trying to turn Western democracies
into totalitarian facist, islamic states.

Thats why you are seeing the rise of the call for nationalist leaders in the West
the intelligent among the masses understand it has become a fight for survival,
in stark contrast to the so called educated fool who wrote this article.
He has been brainwashed by the academic leftists in the schools he attended.
He is the the misinformed, non comprehending fool,not the intelligent
white masses who see the situation with clarity.
As is the way with fools, they are the last to understand, that they are fools.

"My brother was ambitious and he went away to school,
My father said, he only learned to be a silly fool."

an excerpt from a song I know
Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 26 June 2016 9:01:57 PM
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Tony Lavis,
Thanks for the humour.
very funny!
Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 26 June 2016 9:13:45 PM
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Actually Cherrful, that definition is incomplete.
It did not include "extreme left wing socialists".
History is full of them.
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 27 June 2016 9:02:48 AM
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Trumpy and Adolf would be kindred spirits in a different world then.
Adolf reborn?

I think you are a little mixed up Susie. Planned parenthood and Hitler have much more in common than Trump.
Posted by runner, Monday, 27 June 2016 9:46:53 AM
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You are right.
When extreme left wing socialists have had their revolutions,
they have always morphed into facists, as above: totalitarian,militarist regimes,
autocratic, extreme,xenophobic racists.

in fact it would be as correct to say," left wing facists" as it is to
say "right wing facists". based on Suseonlines dictionary definition.

Thanks for pinpointing that.
Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 27 June 2016 7:52:16 PM
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Remember that fascists are socialists too.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 28 June 2016 5:54:06 AM
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