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Will America survive a Trump administration? : Comments

By Sam Ben-Meir, published 8/6/2016

To still think that a Trump defeat is a forgone conclusion is not only overly optimistic, but plays into the hands of Trump's presidential bid.

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If Hillary gets in, I suggest you liquefy any & all assets you have, & start having a big party, while you still can.

Obama has nearly destroyed the US, & is being quite industrious at doing as much damage as he can, while he still can. If Hillary gets in, we will be looking at the end of the USA as a world power. When it goes, we & the rest of western civilisation won't be far behind, if at all.

With Hillary, You had better enjoy the next year or two, as you won't get a chance after about that, as we will no longer control Oz, or what happens here.

I don't know if Trump or any one else can resurrect the US, but he is tho only one offering to try, who may be able to do it. If you had half a brain you would see this for yourself.

Unfortunately we are in an even worse situation. Sure we don't have anyone quite as corrupt as Obama & Hillary, but we are being offered perhaps the most incompetent pair since Billy McMahon or Whitlam to chose from. A term or two with either of our two choices, & nothing will save us.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 10 June 2016 10:51:49 PM
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So Hasbeen, because I don't agree with your obvious adulation of the well-haired Trump, I must have only half a brain? Or is it just because I don't agree with you on anything much at all, and you don't like that in a mere woman?

Lol! Half a brain is still obviously one half more than you have....
Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 11 June 2016 12:14:13 AM
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Hi AJ,

"He actually started with $200 million and is now worth $4.5 billion."

If that's 1974 dollars, he started with well over a billion, and 'built it up' to $ 4.5 billion. If his father had stipulated that he just leave it in in a bank account at 4.5 %, he could have built it up to around six billion or more. So effectively, he's blown maybe a couple of billion. Brilliant.

“I’m very highly educated. I know words. I have the best words.” - Trump

I wonder if he's not quite as stupid as he sounds. Surely not.

AC suggests that "They tried to buy him, and he can't be bought."

Trumpf is the archetypal operator who thinks that everything CAN be bought. He'd rent it out by the hour if he thought it was worth it. Wait and see.

Even more than wars, political contests are usually many-sided, and none of the candidates may be all that suitable. But in situations like this, "none of the above" will never get elected. So hold your nose, America.

Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 11 June 2016 6:31:47 PM
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Hi Joe,

I’ve seen the figures, but have never bothered to check if they take inflation into account. Basically because I think my point still stands regardless. As the saying goes: your second million is always easier to earn than the first, so focus on that instead.

Making money is very easy when you already have it. Which is why I have no doubt that most of us here on OLO could easily have turned $200 million into $4.5 Billion in the space of 42 years with or without inflation.

In fact, some projections show that Trump would easily have at least $13 Billion by now had it not been for his egotistical business ventures that sought purely to put his onomatopoeic name out there.

You’re right, $200 million in 1974 would be closer to $1 billion now, but whenever possible, I try to give my opponents the advantage when I’m confident in my position, so as to demonstrate the veracity of my point. So I was happy to stick with the $200 million figure, even though that it probably didn’t take inflation into account.

I also agree that trump is probably not as stupid as his lack of articulacy implies. Apparently even Bush had a fairly reasonable IQ - he just wasn’t a very good public speaker.

We’re living in interesting times, that’s for sure! But if you ever feel down and inadequate, just think, you're more intelligent that a presidential candidate. That always lifts my spirits.
Posted by AJ Philips, Saturday, 11 June 2016 11:46:01 PM
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To make 200 million into 4.5 billion in 42 years you need an annual interest of 7.7%, as an easy calculation would show, irrespective of how much the $200 million might be worth today due to inflation.
Posted by George, Sunday, 12 June 2016 7:50:20 AM
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Yes, you're right George :) I made the mistake of double-counting, for inflation AND growth. 7.7 % it is.

Still, that's not a remarkable rate of growth, you'd agree. Even a rate of 8 % would kick that $ 200 million up well over the five billion mark, so he would have lost a billion. At 9 %, Trump would have lost more than three billion.

At 10 %, a fairly common rate of return, that $ 200 million would have grown to over $ 11 billion.

So he's no great shakes as an investor, blowing more than half his inheritance. That would be a couple of million each week since his frat-boy days.


Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 12 June 2016 11:31:58 AM
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