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Rules of engagement : Comments

By John Stone, published 24/5/2016

If treachery and betrayal on this scale are not punished, they will beget more such treachery and betrayal, as Labor Party experience amply demonstrates.

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I think the first floor in your advice is to vote National. Why any sane person would do so is beyond me!
Nationals are a spent force, they lost all creed years ago when they welded on to the liberals and never let go. The do their master bidding and will swallow the medicine and get behind Mal come the election.

If we had some nationals that actual had a backbone that might be a different thing, but everyone knows all you have to do is flash a bit of cash to a national and they do whatever you want.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Tuesday, 24 May 2016 8:54:45 AM
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Well, what a smorgasbord of apparently acceptable, play the man not the ball, rules?

On the one hand it seems perfectly reasonable for Tony Abbott, (who won on a single vote) to knife malcolm turnbull when he lead the party, but not okay when the tables were turned, and essentially so, in order to save the party?

What appears at least on the surface, is the death throes of the conservative side of politics, (who appear to be retiring in droves) all too willing to ride on the coattails of the more moderate small L liberals to win an election; then simply dump their promises as non core or undoable given a hidden BIG black hole in the budget and, well you've all heard it all before?

The conservatives have a number of options, to #1, like sir Joh discover their internal social democrat? #2, desert in a mob and form a new hardline right wing party. Then #3, play the race card #4,the xenophobic card #5, the bludging welfare recipients card and #6, the divisive migrant card? Have I missed anybody?

And beautifully demonstrated as a how to, by puppet master, emotive issue string pulling, D trump?

Malcolm as a self made multimillionaire has demonstrated economic nouse. And like Sir Joh has a massive socially pragmatic streak in his personality?

Even so and thanks to the machiavellian mischief makers whiteanting within, as so ably demonstrated in this devious divisive diatribe?

A landslide victory as presented by the primary vote numbers, could be reduced to a workable majority?

Malcolm needs to be given a fair go not whiteanted from within by the Benedict Arnolds of the party, or leaked against at every conceivable opportunity?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 24 May 2016 9:36:45 AM
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personally John at this stage I will be putting a line through the House of Reps. Any help to Malcolm Rudd is unthinkable. ALA seem to be best option in the Senate. The fact that we have the choice between Shorten and Turnbull shows how bereft of any integrity this country has become. I notice the Greens leader again in hiding after his gross hypocrisy. Come back Tony you were far from perfect but miles in front of the others.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 24 May 2016 9:58:02 AM
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The author misses the point completely. Fact is that the majority of the public wanted Turnbull and not Abbott, even if that does not suit some older conservatives. The polls clearly showed that.

People sometimes vote against a Govt, which is why they got rid of the last Labor Govt, not because Tony was loved or respected.

To win Government, you have to convince those in the middle to vote for you and the far right is out of touch with middle Australia.
Turnbull understands that, many conservatives don't. All they are doing right now is making it easier for a Labor Govt to win, which I think is a real shame.
Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 1:59:12 AM
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Yeah but tell me,
Is the middle not a 20-something social justice warrior who screams about 'triggers' 'micro aggressions' 'safe spaces' 'rape culture' 'rape apologist' 'equality' 'white guilt' 'white privilege' 'check your privilege' 'feminism' 'sexism' 'cis gender' etc.

Where 'eff you' is free speech, and 'calm down' is hate speech?
And where the left attack anything they don't agree with and everyone else is made out to lunatics, conspiracy theorists or domestic terrorists who are at risk of radicalization.

Do theses 'middle' voters not live at their parents house, spend the weekend getting drunk and hooking up with random people, and know nothing of the world, let alone a real job?

What will these uninformed fools vote for?
And when the left act like this where does it leave everyone else?

Meet Trigglypuff, the walking stereotype.
(Warning: video contains strong language)
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 6:04:02 AM
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Once it was the Labor ideologues the preferred ideological purity to electoral success, now apparently it's some members of the LNP. Ah, the pleasures of schadenfreude.

Revenge and recrimination, may it never end.
Posted by mac, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 7:35:35 PM
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