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The Forum > Article Comments > How to say 'Don't Shoot' in all the world's languages > Comments

How to say 'Don't Shoot' in all the world's languages : Comments

By Keith Suter, published 23/5/2016

Emblem awareness campaigns are necessary both to explain the special significance of the emblem and to warn that the misuse of the emblem is a criminal offence.

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Misuse of any logo or emblem needs to be jumped on and punished!

Australian made ought to be Australian made, not used as a cover to get premium prices, thanks to our clean green image and all too easily destroyed by folks whose only motivation is filthy lucre!

If the same thing is happening to the red cross, then those we rely on in the battlefield could along with officers, become the first and most sought after targets; as was the case in some parts of Asia in recent history.

Then there is the medieval burka, along with stone age genital mutilation, child brides, sexual slavery, forced marriages and what have you, all symbols of systematic female oppression, given their inherent lack of universally among muslim communities. With the symbolic burka able to cover a multitude of sins, including an acid mutilated face and or and armed male, with murder on his mind?

And how does one say don't shoot to any of the aforementioned examples. The Geneva convention was thrashed out a very long time ago, when honor and inherent honesty counted for something between the best of enemies.

Today the red cross all too often is little more than a bullseye for friend and foe alike, with so called friends stooping to use it for commercial gain?

And given what else seems to be going to hell in a handbasket, needs to be jumped on and made an example of by the government of the day, lest we forget what it stands for!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 23 May 2016 9:03:01 AM
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I understand the author describes himself as:

"a futurist, thought leader and media personality".

But I wonder whether these cheeky claims are emblematic of article depth and quality?
Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 23 May 2016 10:11:42 AM
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What a great emblem.

However it does present some conceptual and practical difficulties for the enforcement of claims to intellectual property.
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Monday, 23 May 2016 12:24:25 PM
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Maybe there should be a special symbol for the Journolists, something like a roundel?
Posted by McCackie, Wednesday, 25 May 2016 8:33:13 AM
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