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The Forum > Article Comments > Budget internships both good and bad > Comments

Budget internships both good and bad : Comments

By Rob Cover, published 12/5/2016

If the task involves work that would ordinarily be undertaken by a paid employee as a form of production rather than participant-observation then it is work that should be paid at an employees' rate.

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I cannot understand the worries about the failure of employers to provide experience. In the 1950s I was thrilled to obtain work as an Articled Law Clerk at 4 pound per week as most Articled Clerks were paid 2 pound twelve shillings and sixpence. When I, after a few months, did get to dictate letters I was dictating to a secretary who was paid thirteen pounds per week.
Part of my duties in the early stages was to deliver letters in the city to save postage. It,at least taught me my way around the city.
By today's standards I was exploited. Who cares ! Without that " ground up" training I would never have become a lawyer.
It is time people rid themselves of the sense of entitlement. They should realise that when a young person starts work without experience they are useless and their efforts are largely worthless to the employer. It is not exploitation to pay nothing for something that is worth nothing. It usually takes longer to show someone how to do something than to do it yourself. Stop whingeing and get a dose of reality. A keen employee soon finds ways to grab experience and it soon rubs off on an ambitious employee.
Posted by Old Man, Thursday, 12 May 2016 9:10:06 AM
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Have to agree old man, not only do they gain useful skills but the self esteem connected to actually doing something of hopefully increasing value in return for a fistful of dollars!

Apart from new and employable skills; these folk will indubitably have early to bed early to rise, smarten up good habits, essential to hold down a real job, inculcated into them along with the missing self reliance?

An erstwhile idea, that ought to be road tested, before being howled down by the usual suspects?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 12 May 2016 9:37:45 AM
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Hmm. A slightly more sophisticated pink batts scheme? Turnbull helping out business? Anything the man comes up with has to be regarded with suspicion. Michaela Cash: carrying on like a 15 year old cheerleader, waving her arms and screeching alongside Turnbull when he announced he was siding with indendent owner/driver truckies. Very sophisticated and smooth, I don't think.

Morrison, treasurer because he helped dump Abbott, touts the sleazy scheme as "real working for the dole", and he is right. Get them off the books for as long as possible because there are no real jobs for them. Everything the new-left Coalition comes up with suggests desperation and total bewilderment.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 12 May 2016 10:11:07 AM
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I won't go into the boring details of the horrendous hours and minimal pay I received in the 60s as a trainee nurse. I'm sure someone will object on the grounds of irrelevance today.
So instead, I'll just say that currently I have an autistic teenage grandson who is on DSP, who goes to a local computer repair shop two mornings a week, for no pay, to learn how to repair computers and smart phones, in the hope it will lead to some future employment.
He loves going there, he is picking up skills that will help get a job in the future and just as importantly, he is learning to socialise with workers and the public and developing a work ethic.
He is so grateful for the opportunity he doesn't care about wages.
Posted by Big Nana, Thursday, 12 May 2016 10:14:04 AM
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I agree with the governments efforts to try harder to motivate young people into jobs, but I don't think this is the right way.
I can attest to Supermarkets definitely being a great first job though, and in the area of getting young people a bit of experience it's not a completely bad idea.
Ultimately, will the gains to the taxpayer from this plan outweigh the apparent costs?

But Scott Morrison is an idiot.

Coles and Woolies don't need incentive to hire 15 year olds, they happily do that anyway, so offering $4 jobs will just take away an award rate job for an internship and create more profits for shareholders.
(It also makes the grocery chains more powerful, who screw Australian producers)
Giving them money is stupid, you don't have to give them 1 cent.

Get on the phone to their CEO's
Hi, it's Scott Morrison here, just wondering how much profit you make off welfare?
That much? ..Really? My, oh my.
We'll, we're actually going to be needing that back....

Moral to the story - Do a real deal you useless sack of crap.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 12 May 2016 2:31:28 PM
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Oh Big Nana and Old Man you had it easy!

When I were a lad we lived in a brown paper bag in a septic tank. We used to have to get up at six o'clock in the morning, clean the bag, eat a crust of stale bread, go to work down mill for fourteen hours a day week in-week out. When we got home, out Dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt!

But you try and tell the young people today that...
Posted by Johnj, Thursday, 12 May 2016 9:27:37 PM
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