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Five atheist miracles : Comments

By Don Batten, published 2/5/2016

Materialists have no sufficient explanation (cause) for the diversity of life. There is a mind-boggling plethora of miracles here, not just one. Every basic type of life form is a miracle.

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Well, suppose you are right Don & there is a God. What's that got to do with us as Humans. We are just another Creation. As for "He." Is God a He, She or It? Is A God concerned with Humans? Is God a Human or have a Human Form? Or is that a Human introspect? Is a God just ethereal?

I doubt that you will ever read this Don let alone reply to any of the Questions.

Regarding the Bible. There are so many wrong in it I wouldn't know when to start.

Camel are good. The Bible talks about Camels in the time of Abraham. Now Abraham lived about 1800 BC. Strangely Camels weren't even started to be Domesticated until after 1000 BC in Saudi Arabia. It took another 200 years for them to become reasonably common. The most common Pack & Transport animal was the Donkey, some Quagga & Zebra. Not even Cows or Chooks in the Middle East.

So relying on the Bible as actual true Fact is a real problem. eh.
Posted by Jayb, Monday, 2 May 2016 12:52:59 PM
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As observed the article is not even worth commenting on, but feel free to link to it for its amusement value alone.

I wonder if OLO are positioning itself to be the Australian "World Net Daily".

If you have never been to the site it's a lot of fun and a bit scary as well. Generally called the World nut daily it is populated by "Runner types" you know foaming-at-the-month young Earther, anti-AGWer's, Anti-women, Anti-gay, anti-whatever, birthers, Preppers hell there is even few flat Earthers. If that is what this site is becoming then your in for a interesting and funny read but zero facts and insight.

Graham Young can we have a flat Earth article next week, I'm sure Runner can point a few your way.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Monday, 2 May 2016 2:26:17 PM
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These miracles are best explained by the actions of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Have you been touched by his noodly appendage yet?

Posted by JBSH, Monday, 2 May 2016 2:34:23 PM
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Such an article tells us nothing except that the author has obviously wasted a great deal of time thinking about these things.

The only reason we think about things at all is in order to solve problems. That is what thinking is. It begs the question then what is the author’s problem? Why does he need to think about these questions at all?

Who we are, where we came from, why are we here – these are not problems. Not knowing does not affect our ability to enjoy life to the full. Thinking when you do not need to think is futile unless of course your aim is something else.

Perhaps authors like this are trying to avoid real problems which they personally have and for which there are solutions. Perhaps they are in an unhappy relationship and rather than face up to that reality they just tell themselves that life was not meant to be easy but it all works out in the end when we get to heaven. We should follow the example of Jesus and endure suffering – he should be our role model.

Maybe the real answer to their real problem is to leave the relationship but they are too insecure to do so. Their real problem is their insecurity but they like to make out that such unhappiness is part of the human condition and so go off in search of understanding the human condition. We do not need to understand the human condition. They project their personal problems onto the whole of mankind instead of facing the reality of their own emotional insecurity.

These kinds of articles are cries for help. They attempt to draw others into their rationalisations and to form a kind of illusory world where everyone sits around nodding in agreement because they to do not want to face reality. This is how religion begins and how it feeds off itself.
Posted by phanto, Monday, 2 May 2016 6:53:00 PM
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A good article on this confusing topic, using the inadequate terminology available.
What is “God” A dictionary definition, for a start:” the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.”

This raises more questions than it answers.
Then someone observes that God cannot be seen, heard, touched smelt, or tasted, and questions the existence of God. Then we are told that he must exist, because he made the world in which we live, and if he did not, then who did?
So do we have a proper definition, to enable us to consider whether he exists?
Carl Gustav Jung was asked”Dr. Jung, do you think God exists?He answered:“I don’t think, I know.”

He said “Why do people discuss the existence of God, when we know that the Unconscious behaves just as gods are reputed to?”

There has been no proper scientific investigation of the Unconscious, which is another name for God, if we define God as a “universal intelligence”.
J.B.Rhine went to Duke University in 1927” At Duke, he developed experimental methodology for parapsychology, concentrating in the areas of telepathy, psychokinesis, clairvoyance and precognition. Publication of a 1934 book on extra-sensory perception -- based on research using Duke students and local residents -- made him famous.
"By 1935, anyone interested in this field was talking about his lab."

Over the next three decades, Rhine and lab colleagues corresponded with Einstein and Jung and celebrities such as Jackie Gleason. The Rockefeller Foundation, Alfred P. Sloan (of General Motors and Sloan-Kettering fame) and the military provided support”

Jung wished to be scientific, but his temperament was not suited to it. The work started by Rhine does not have the organisation and direction to give any comprehensive grasp of the Unconscious, and its workings.
It is ridiculous for highly intelligent fools like Richard Dawkins to make the puerile pronouncement that there is no god, until a proper scientific investigation of the Unconscious, and its workings, particularly, for example, such manifestations as the placebo effect, has been carried out and widely considered.
Posted by Leo Lane, Monday, 2 May 2016 6:54:31 PM
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It's the eagerness to know about this world and its origins which makes one a materialist, it's the questioning rather than one's particular answer. The answers may vary, including dark matter, a Creator and anything in between - but why should one ask such questions in the first place unless they were materialists?

Madmick suggested: "That is how mankind progressed from living in caves to space science and that is how, eventually, we will move beyond this planet and this solar system."

Yes, but why would one be concerned with such trivialities?
Whatever happens to mankind, whatever happens to the galaxies, is anything but miraculous, irrespective whether the world follows the laws of physics or a Creator's desires.

The only worthwhile miracle, is when by the grace of God we are able to transcend our identification and attachment to this human body and its innate desires, including its petty desires for procreation and for reaching the stars.


Dear Phanto,

I saw your contribution at the last moment before posting the above.

Some of your points, I have just mentioned.

One may be able to exit a bad relationship, but exiting the bigger problem called "life" and "mortality" is not as easy. With a bad relationship, one can use other relationships to pull on and extricate themselves, but no one can lift themselves out of the very condition of life/mortality by sheer will, picking themselves up by their boots so to speak. All one can do is to stop resisting and holding fast onto the ground, lift up their arms instead in supplication and hope to be pulled out of this mire. This, religion does.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 2 May 2016 7:14:15 PM
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