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The Forum > Article Comments > Tesla and other tech giants scramble for lithium as prices double > Comments

Tesla and other tech giants scramble for lithium as prices double : Comments

By James Stafford, published 15/4/2016

The world now finds itself at the beginning of a lithium super cycle that is all about securing new supply, much of which is poised to come from lithium superstar Argentina.

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People who buy lithium and turn it into batteries are adding value and sharing prosperity. Those who just buy to corner a market do just the opposite, and need to be condemned and exposed for what they are, grubby greedy gouging extremely exploitative capitalists, and indeed personify everything that is wrong with extreme capitalism.

Those that try to manipulate the market with their money are worse than the money changers who so offended Jesus that he took to them with a whip?

Conversely, there is nothing wrong with taking a position and investing for the long haul and income stability, or using your own abilities to actually create something, a better mousetrap say?

However, I've no time for folks who want to get rich of of the bent backs and sweat laden brows of exploited others. There are plenty of examples in South America, where dirt poor folks are scabbling in the dirt trying to extract enough to just survive, and far too many lose everything in mine collapses, just never the moneyed folk who exploit them and their endeavor, Nicholas!

There should be agreed international and enforceable rules for energy products and precious minerals gouged directly from the earth.

Now it's other nation's billionaires and their sense of privilege out there trying to corner an essential cash cow! And usually only succeed in driving prices through the roof/destroying national economies!

It's time that was curtailed and controlled, via say self terminating thirty year bonds to allow these (new gold) prospects to be properly developed; not mindlessly exploited for simple and entirely unearned economy harming capital gains.

We have some useful and promising lithium prospects here in Oz, and the last thing we need is greed driven capitalists trying to usurp our national sovereignty to take it from us or those who own it.

As was the case, when prospector Lance Hancock discovered mountains of iron ore in the Pilbra so pure, chunks of it could be welded together!
Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 15 April 2016 9:31:49 AM
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