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The Forum > Article Comments > Rubio challenges Clinton's support for Israel > Comments

Rubio challenges Clinton's support for Israel : Comments

By David Singer, published 10/3/2016

Marco Rubio has directly challenged Hillary Clinton – and every other Presidential candidate – to honour the commitments given by President Bush to Israel on 14 April 2004.

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The borders of Israeli rule have changed somewhat in recent history. The maps at set out how. Mr Singer has long preached that this should be tidied up by extension to engulf all of what's left of Palestine.

Equality has long been a dirty word for the Zionists who have held that the actual homelands where Jews are equal to the rest of us (like Australia) are not enough – they actually have to have an artificial “homeland” plonked in the middle of Palestine where that dread word equality doesn't apply.

Here is how a two-state solution would look without overlords and submen:

* Each territory to have equal state sovereignty.
* No restriction of the flow of goods to one not matched by the same restriction of the flow to the other.
* Equal rights for each to maintain full and free international relations and alliances.
* Visa requirements for entry to be the prerogative of each territory.
* Neither allowed to dictate the legal structure of the other.
* Neither to be allowed to foist or retain by force settlements on the other’s territory.
* Neither to have power to abridge the right of the other to accept immigrants or visitors.

Such an idea would be quickly brushed off by the racist lobby including Mr Singer as “antisemitism”.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Monday, 14 March 2016 1:25:30 PM
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You are apparently unaware that Israel has borders with its two neighbours - Egypt and Jordan - pursuant to peace treaties negotiated in 1979 with Egypt and in 1994 with Jordan.

The River Jordan is indeed the established border as stated in the Jordan-Israel Peace Treaty:
"The boundary Line shall follow the middle of the main course of the flow of the Jordan and Yarmouk Rivers."

There is a small piece of territory one-twelfth the size of Tasmania stuck between Israel and Jordan - called "Judea and Samaria" or the "West BanK" - that is dealt with in the Peace Treaty as follows:

"The orthophoto maps and image maps showing the line separating Jordan from the territory that came under Israeli Military government control in 1967 shall have that line indicated in a different presentation and the legend shall carry on it the following disclaimer:

"This line is the administrative boundary between Jordan and the territory which came under Israeli military government control in 1967. Any treatment of this line shall be without prejudice to the status of that territory.”

Changing the status of that territory by allocating sovereignty within it - not to another Arab state (which has been tried for the last 23 years and failed) - but between Israel and Jordan the two successor States to the Mandate for Palestine - remains the key to advancing an end to the conflict

Yes it is really that simple - re-drawing the international border between Israel and Jordan in direct face to face negotiations between those two sovereign States that have now been at peace for the last 22 years.

22 years of Jordan- Israel peace will always trump 23 years of PLO-Israel conflict.

America's commitments to Israel in the 2004 Bush letter secured Israel's disengagement from Gaza. Congress overwhelmingly endorsed those commitments by 407 votes to 9.

Those commitments cannot be torn up by Obama - but must be honoured - as Rubio has indicated.

All the other current Democratic and Republican Presidential hopefuls should do the same.

Or are they just as immoral as Obama?
Posted by david singer, Tuesday, 15 March 2016 9:28:39 AM
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That makes about as much sense as letting Syria and Turkey decide the fate of the Kurds.
What about any kind of actual treaty with the Palestinians?
Oh no they aren't allowed to have any say in their future.

You really are completely detached from reality David...
And also you're full of it.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 15 March 2016 11:47:16 AM
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Par for the course still. Mr Singer continues to plump for eliminating the last few acres of Palestine to complete the first conquest of Eretz Israel before turning attention to Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran.

However, like Islam, these latter day conquistadors depend on the assistance of the Western world to complete their global project.

If the Likudniks like David Singer come to be calling the shots unimpeded in Israel then the best course of action in the West is to seek a one-state solution with the border located 12 miles west of the Mediterranean shore and the racist settlers made to return to their own homelands and live in equality there with the despised goyim. The hopeful signs Mr Singer senses in the US presidential race are a step in the right direction.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 15 March 2016 11:55:58 AM
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#Emperor Julian

Dare I believe you have said something that makes commonsense?

You state:
"Here is how a two-state solution would look without overlords and submen:

* Each territory to have equal state sovereignty.
* No restriction of the flow of goods to one not matched by the same restriction of the flow to the other.
* Equal rights for each to maintain full and free international relations and alliances.
* Visa requirements for entry to be the prerogative of each territory.
* Neither allowed to dictate the legal structure of the other.
* Neither to be allowed to foist or retain by force settlements on the other’s territory.
* Neither to have power to abridge the right of the other to accept immigrants or visitors.

That is indeed how the two state solution will look when Jordan and Israel successfully allocate the sovereignty of the West Bank between their two respective States. They will do that by the simple expedient of drawing a new international border to replace their existing internationally recognised border.

Each state will have the features you have detailed.

No one - Jew or Arab - will have to leave his present home or business.

Well done.
Posted by david singer, Tuesday, 15 March 2016 7:56:10 PM
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They've been fighting over that land for thousands of years and they'll be fighting for thousands more; or until Israel ethnically cleanses Palestine entirely by murdering every single last one of them...
...And I assume that's their plan.
How long must the rest of the planet endure this tiny nations abuse of human rights and international law and an occupation that's lasted generations?
So called words of peace do nothing or are simply lies.
I mean REALLY what sort of nation whinges endlessly about some so-called holocaust that nobody's even alive to remember and only lasted a few years while AT THE SAME TIME occupying a nation and holding its people captive and under oppression for DECADES??

You must be writing your articles for the sake of complete morons David because no rational thinking human being is going to buy into any of this crap.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 15 March 2016 8:30:50 PM
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